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Captcha on Login


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I use Chrome with Ghostery. I accept cookies but they are deleted when I close the browser. I don't know what, specifically, is causing all the trouble I have logging in and I'm really not interested in trying to track it down. The bottom line is, I paid for membership and now often have great difficulty accessing it. If I were not already a paid member, this would certainly keep me from joining.

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Sweet mother of christ please help me I'm at my wit's end. I spent another 30 minutes trying to solve the captcha... failed about 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time the little login window closed after I successfully solved the captcha. So I had to open it again, to be presented with another string of street sign captcha. I know what a street sign is... I have to waste 30 minutes of my life because the idiots who make these captcha can't make them properly? Now after 30 minutes I finally solved the captcha correctly AND the login window didn't close. It's like winning the lottery. And when I request an Audio thingy it blocks me right away... why???

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Are you guys all getting this because you insist on scrubbing away all your cookies when you log out instead of setting up a proper whitelist for sites you trust? I haven't seen a captcha here once because I don't remove the cookie so I stay logged in and find that to be incredibly convenient.


Yes, those "Click the cars" things suck, but hitting them feels like something you're deliberately inflicting upon yourself with overly aggressive privacy controls. Of course they won't work well if you don't let Nexus (or any other sites) keep their login cookies for you when you close down at night.

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I am using Opera. After Arthmoors post I looked into my browser settings for cookies and changed these to "Allow local data to be set", "Manage exceptions: Allow nexusmods.com, www.nexusmods.com". My test: login, logout, closing browser, opening browser, looking for locally stored cookies. I find cursecdn.com 1 cookie; google.com 1 cookie, chanel ID; www.google.com local storage; gstatic.com chanel ID; nexusmods.com 8 cookies.


Well, the cookies had not been scrubbed away. I have been successful in changing my browser settings. But my login attempt did not result in "No captcha necessary", the stored cookies did not save me the three captchas in a row (bad luck: front of american stores in real bad quality had to be marked). In my case there is no difference between deleting or storing cookies. I get the captchas to solve.


Perhaps I should install a server at home and try to stay logged in to avoid the captcha (never close Opera)? In my case this would not last longer than 24 hours because my internet provider is disconnecting and reconnecting the router after 24 hours.


I must accept there will be no chance to avoid these captchas for me. I hope there will be advice for the best browser settings to successfully "master" the captcha "riddles" from the staff in a hopefully near future. The German online news of" Welt" (welt.de) shows under "truth and facts" (humorous sketches) "the hardest to prove" 1. The theory of relativity 2. that your friend has to pay the next round of beer 3. that you are not a robot (with the "help" of a captcha).


In the meantime I am going to delete all texture only mods for skyrim special edition and reducing other mods to only the most necessary. The updates of the Unofficial Patch as the most necessary mod is hosted on the developers site, too ;-) . SSE awaits a new beginning with only a few mods and in consequence fewer updates which need a download with login at Nexus. Or I play Ennderal- needed one download, updates are installed from the Enderal servers.


Or I trust in Google that they will be able to improve the quality of their captcha pictures (and have the intention to do this) or in my case in medical advances that will improve my eyesight to the eyes of an eagle or in my learning ablities that will result in recognizing the front of foreign stores from painful repeated exercises ;-)

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Not sure what the equivalent settings in Opera would be, or if they even exist, but this is how I set Pale Moon up:




Should be pretty much the same for Firefox users too. I don't get any 3rd party cookies from sites when I run this way and they keep their login cookies as expected when they're on the whitelist. (accessible via the exceptions button)

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Leave it to Arthmoor to cut through my confusion.. I forgot I toggled Firefox to run in "Private Mode" 24/7. So yeah, you were 100% correct, it is over aggressive privacy control on my part; what I really needed was your fatherly guidance to be honest. Googling for help on this leaves you inside a dead sea of information.

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Operas equivalent settings can be found under Settings -> Privacy & Security -> Cookies. The default setting there is "Allow local data to be set (recommended)". There is a button for "Manage exceptions". As told I in my post above I added nexusmods.com and www.nexusmods.com. There is no setting option for "Browsing and download history". The cookies stay stored after closing opera but I have to do the captcha thing if I start opera and try a login.


Perhaps I should deinstall Firefox (only used for sites which have problems with opera), do a clean new install of Firefox (default Firefox settings after fresh installation) and choose the settings similiar to Arthmoors. In old versions of Fiiefox if I remember correctly the options have been those shown by Arthmoor. In the newest version the apperance of the settings page has been changed. I have to test a clean install of an english version of the newest firefox. Installing firefox only for Nexusmods as a solution?^^


Security settings may be one problem. Another problem is the quality of the captcha content and image quality. Today I got one big picture with "something" I could not even guess what that could be. Task was to mark the pictures with a street sign. After three captchas later I could login with success.


Well (or not so well), I see only three options: 1. Testing several browsers for the best nexusmods- login- configuration (or waiting for a faq/ proposals for this configuration from the nexus staff) 2. Learning by painful experience the look of american (I assume) shop frontsides, busses, streetsigns, cars etc. in often bad quality images (I admit that "street walkways for pedestrians" have not been a problem for me ;-) ) 3. Reduce the necessity for login to a minimum.


Actually I prefer the third option. It does not consume the time that will be needed for the other two options.

Edited by Traumtaenzer
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Installed Firefox english version with default settings. Had to change the "Privacy & Security" settings to the options shown in Arthmoors post. That worked fine, had to do a captcha riddle (luckily) only once (first login). Login was successful. Logged out, closed Firefox. Started Firefox, went to Nexusmods Site, clicked the Login- Button. Was asked for username and password, no captcha riddle.

Fourth option for me as consequence: Have to use firefox for Nexusmods Login.

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