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Diablo 3; first impressions and experiences.


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i still can't understand why ppl buy this after the beta, i mean rly what the frack were u thinking??? That they could make it right in a few months?
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i have a couple of personal friends who bought this and are enjoying it. so no complaints from anyone in person. still im gunna play my friends at his house first before i decide to buy it or not.
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I just remember a small network setup tip for those still having trouble. Go into the settings and disable jumbo packet/frame usage - I remember reading that jumbo packets/frames aren't well-optimized when it comes to decompression, which can cause lag in real-time games such as this.
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i still can't understand why ppl buy this after the beta, i mean rly what the frack were u thinking??? That they could make it right in a few months?


I didn't play the beta.


@Ziiitch-good advice, looking into that now.

Edited by Vindekarr
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My latency is a bit higher than I'd like, but it's entirely playable. Awesome game so far. Completed Act 1 last night, now on to Act 2.


You're nearly done then, it's only about 5-6 hours long, act 1-3.

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If you rush the game, maybe. I spent 5 hours on Act 1, and even then I sometimes felt like I was rushing certain parts of it.


I have about 8 hours I think. Almost done with act 2 but I've played 80% co-op. I'm having fun with this game idk why people think its awful. Maybe because I never played diablo. I even like the class system which everyone hates you don't need anything to re-spec you can just do when ever you want so you can try out different builds and different play styles and not be punished for it. Although it makes re-rolling the same class pointless

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