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How to get started with modding - which tools to download?

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Hey guys I have a two problems with how the levitate spell works in Morrowind. Firstly it displays the walk animation for the duration and secondly I cannot use my spacebar to float upwards and it's the same with swimming. It's really annoying, so since I didn't find any mods that would fix my problem and I have no clue of modding I decided to ask here for help.


How would I get started with my idea, do you know any good resources / guides I could view to get started achieving my goal? Which tools should I download beside the CK especially since I wanted to do animations.


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First, there is nothing to fix, because what you need to do is to look up then move forward or look down then move forward when using the levitate spell. The same thing also applies for swimming, just move forward.


Why you think the spell displays the walk animation has to do with what spell school as both the Water Walking and the Levitate spell is the same spell school.

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I don't think you understand me. I don't wanna argue whether it makes sense to mod this aspect of the game or not, I just want to get started in modding and I thought this might be convenient. My main question is how I would go about this and if anyone knows good resources to study considering my goal. Aka which programs to download and which guides to read, if you know any.

Sorry if my post was a bit missleading.

Edited by Twin2kaay7
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