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I'll finally get trained to use explosives


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I always loved making explosive contraptions and blowing stuff up. And with time I got addicted to it up to a point were I was arrested for harrasing my neighbours with explosions (and I enjoyed it http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif). I was also quite skilled at making home-made explosive substances like black gunpowder, thermite, smoke bombs, even some high-power explosives I won't name (and I won't describe how to make any of them). I have to thank my great-grandfather for that, he taught me how to make my first pipe bomb when I was 12 and he was quite talented at making and using explosives.


Anyway, now I will recieve military training for creating, handling and using explosive substances, it comes in handy. And when I finish it (hopefully I won't blow myself up during training, like I almost did this morning) I will be allowed to use the military polygon to explode things, meaning that my neighbours won't need to listen to explosions all day long. Though I'll probably still annoy them, just so they don't forget that I'm crazier than they are http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif.


The only problem is that I'm not much of a chemist (I know only the basics) so I can only make explosives with a list of components and instructions on how to mix them together. But at least I have a girlfriend that studies chemistry and tolerates my stupidity so she might help me out.


So, do you guys like exploding things? I sure do http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/wub.gif

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lol where do I sign up for Werne's Class of Explosions? I love making things go boom! :biggrin: Edited by saadus
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I prefer shooting things with a gun. In fact, I'm going to build a firing range when I get home (I actually have a lot of money and 15 acres of landspace). Literally too, a small private range with three shooting areas. I own a lot of guns.



Another reason I joined the USMC.

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Explosives ordinances vary dramatically from state to state...


I have been blowing things up since roughly 6th grade.... (11 years old) My friends basement floor had pocks and burns from some of our experiments.... there is still a crater in an empty lot from where one of our experiments worked a LOT better than we though it would....... THAT was a surprise......... I still love blowin' s**t up. :D I enjoy shooting things too. Ask my younger brother. :D (no, I didn't shoot my brother... much as I may have wanted to on a few occasions.....)

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I know how to make them too but if I say it then I'll be sent to prison.



Really? It's not illegal in the US. What country do you live in?


Australia and you can use or make fireworks (which I know 5 different kinds, same powder but different filing) in one area for one day of the year.

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A wise man once said "Make a career out of doing what you love, you'll never work a day in your life" I'm glad you've been able Werne. I'm torn between saying that's awesome, and @#&$, I'd HATE to live next door to you.
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@saadus I'm a lousy teacher, but I'll give you a tip. When making a home-made explosive, add aluminum powder to it, it will be much more stabile.


@SubjectProphet I like shooting guns too (the bigger the gun, the better) but it's illegal to build a gun-range here, you need special permissions, a license to build it, pay for safety tests, etc. It would take a decade or two and a whole lot of money I don't have to get all the paperwork done so I just use the range in the base.


Although I like shooting, sometimes I prefer to obliterate the target and that's when explosives come in nicely. Triacetone triperoxide can make a TV disappear in a second, followed by a loud bang. Combining it with some more powerful substances and stabilizing it can make a hell of a weapon on the battlefield, not to mention that adding shrapnels can make it even more devastating (against humans at least). I've seen demo guys in Afghanistan making bombs that can devastate quite a large area (1 bomb wrecks 4 buildings, to be precised) with simple components.


@brokenergy That sucks. Out here it's legal to make explosives but it's illegal to use them unless it's under supervision by the police or the army. Thank god I joined the army 3 years ago so I'm authorised to reek chaos http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/devil.gif.


@HeyYou I know how it is when experiments work better than expected, I still have the scars to remind me in case I forget. I explode and make explosives in the open since 90% of them are usually powerful enough to obliterate the building they are in.

I didn't shoot my brother... much as I may have wanted to on a few occasions.....

I shot my brother in the arse with a Slavia (air rifle) and it was hilarious to see him jump all over the backyard. And the funniest thing is that he had a large band-aid on his arse and was sitting on a donut pillow for a month http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif.

I'd love to say I shot him by accident but he was bending over to pick up something and I couldn't resist.


@Vindekarr Thanks, I'm glad I've been able to do it too. And to tell you the truth, no one likes to live next door to me because exploding random stuff is not the only thing I do to annoy and/or scare the neighbours.

Edited by Werne
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I know how to make them too but if I say it then I'll be sent to prison.



Really? It's not illegal in the US. What country do you live in?


Australia and you can use or make fireworks (which I know 5 different kinds, same powder but different filing) in one area for one day of the year.

I HATE this stupid rule. I forget, was this Julia Gillard who imposed this stupid law on us?

I mean, who doesn't like explosions?

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