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F4se .98 problems?


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IDK if anyone else is having this problem but here goes. I updated the script extender to the newest game version .98 and updated MCM, LooksMenu which are version dependent. Otherwise I made no changes to the load order. When I start game it gets to the ENB screen and crashes b4 it gets to the bethesda screen. I tried to launch using the normal launcher and all is well except no F4SE. Then I disabled all my mods and started F4SE and it got to the bethesda screen and crashed B4 the press any button screen. Again the normal launcher works fine. Any suggestions?? anyone else having a similar problem?


Thanks guys and gals.



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I'm going through them one by one as we speak. thanks


Ok update: I updated a couple mods

Place everywhere

Radrose Usability

immersive settlers

Amazing Follower tweaks


however even with new mods and all esp disabled it still crashes


The load order is the same

even with no mods installed

the only difference is F4SE v 0.6.10!


I don't get it. Two days ago my load order was stable AND HAPPY. BUT NOW i AM sAD.

Edited by daaaymeeon
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