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SWTOR Remains Dreadful Indeed


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The spoiler below is me going on Tilt from playing SWTOR on the lower 25 servers which kind of have a lot of anti social players. I might play the game again one day an stay on the top 5 servers this time like described in this topic. Not anytime soon though, mean while the days I purchased are going to waste. This going on Tilt has happened twice an resulted in the loss of 120 purchased game days out of 150 because don't even want to have it installed.



The worst game of all time. A dreadful MMO indeed. I played up to level 30 at launch using 14 days of the 90 days I was required to purchase for $90. The experience was so aweful I didn't use any of the remaining days in fact I un-installed the game at day 14. Over 5 months later I spent another $30 to see if it was any better on max settings on a new rig. I played for 14 days with 4 new characters on 2 seperate servers up to level 15. Nothing changed, still dreadful.


The main problem is that it was the most boring game I have ever played. In the old days in MMO it was a very boring grind. However this was offset by players grouping together which made the grind fun. In many ways SWTOR for new players is like an offline game. Nearly everyone doesn't talk at all. Instead they solo an talk to NPC's instead. It's built for group play, but 90% of the game ends up being solo because the interface never worked well for talking or meeting people.


I can not begin to describe how boring this becomes. The heavy use players have many stated facts of major gameplay flaws. 250,000 of these players canceled because they got tired of waiting with more everyday. Almost 75% of the players in the United States canceled the game from launch. The people that play it now only do so because there isn't anything else. A large amount of these folks play from 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM after work. Most of them are jerks in the game.


Not that it matters much after the gaming being so poor. It's a fugly world graphicly even on max settings. Poorly created armor. Clipping armor. There are no actual worlds, it's all instanced as levels rather than world maps. Some of them are quite large, but it's not a map, rather they scaled the map to make it look large. This is obvious, and even though the game area is very small, it's got big holes of emptyness everywhere. Remember how I said there's only 5 things to do...


There's a lot more wrong with it, but why bother. So many people have stated the very same never ending list of flaws it's not worth talking about. After all this even now you still get to look forward to selective censorship on the forums for anything negitive or unconstructive posted. For some reason they still cover up any cries for help from the gamers lost in the very worst game of all time. The game has already failed an yet Bioware continues even now to turn players away.




Edited by GrindedStone
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If so many people have whined about the game before that it's unnecessary to repeat the gripes, why bother posting this thread?


Not to mention that if somebody cites figures (like "almost 75% of the players in the United States canceled the game from launch") they'd better back it up with references to reliable or semi-reliable sources.

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3,000,000 was reported. 2 million dropped in the first few months with 250,000 to 500,000 fading out in the last 3 months. I would have said two thirds if I thought anyone would understand that.
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i bought it a few weeks ago hoping to play with my friend. but he doesnt play anymore (hes not a SW fan at all, so im not sure why he even bought it in the first place tbh) and i got to like lvl 20 with a Trooper, and like 13 with a BH and an Assassin or whatever. i had fun playing it, and would play it if it were F2P, but knowing id have to pay another month to continue, its not worth that. if this were a buy once then done game, hell ya id be back in a heart beat.
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I love it. I'm normally a Star Wars cynic and hater, but TOR is one of those games that can turn a hater into a fanboy. It feels... different to other MMOS, the grind just isn't there, since quests pretty much negate any need for it. The pacing is excellent, since each region lasts a few hours before you move on. The server I play on is absolutely jam-packed, with ques on weekends. My guild has 499 people in it, usualy as many as a hundred online at once, and I've never not been able to get a group, usually within under five minutes.


What concerns me more however is the balatantly false information in the OP. I would conjecture he played on an empty server. Generally TOR servers are either totally empty, or teeming with life, and it's clear and obvious which ones are which, since the livelly ones have a huge orange HIGH next to them on the server list. With free character transfers, he could have simply flipped over to Fatman and enjoyed the game, which would have fixed almost all his complaints.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I love it. I'm normally a Star Wars cynic and hater, but TOR is one of those games that can turn a hater into a fanboy. It feels... different to other MMOS, the grind just isn't there, since quests pretty much negate any need for it. The pacing is excellent, since each region lasts a few hours before you move on. The server I play on is absolutely jam-packed, with ques on weekends. My guild has 499 people in it, usualy as many as a hundred online at once, and I've never not been able to get a group, usually within under five minutes.


What concerns me more however is the balatantly false information in the OP. I would conjecture he played on an empty server. Generally TOR servers are either totally empty, or teeming with life, and it's clear and obvious which ones are which, since the livelly ones have a huge orange HIGH next to them on the server list. With free character transfers, he could have simply flipped over to Fatman and enjoyed the game, which would have fixed almost all his complaints.


hey what do you gotta do to switch a character into a different server? i went intot he server my friend was in hoping hed play with me as i said, but if i was in another server, that would deff destroy any griefs i have with SWTOR!!?

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It very well could be that out of 30 or so servers only the top 5 are any good at all. I had been going from one server to the next looking the first 14 days at launch. Then again for 14 days 5 months later. I tried over 9 servers then spent most of the time on the 2 that seemed best. Maybe the lower 25 servers are anti social misfits.
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