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Does school kill creativity?


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Basically GTA would be a Tarantino movie, where as CoD is like watching Saving Private Ryan minus the story and just fast forwarding to the bits where people get shot. On repeat.





Ghogiel, while I admit that you do have a point... Saving Private Ryan was sort of based on real life at the time, and the Tarantino movies are based on what is rapidly becoming real life (at least the gratitutous violence, etal)

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Plenty of violence throughout the ages... I have doubts about the notion that there were some good old days were people lived together in harmony. Is it really getting any worse?


In the CoD analogy, you can forgo all the actual storyline of the movie, you could really insert any action scene from any war movie.

Edited by Ghogiel
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@ Ghogiel:


At least one does not randomly kill people without serious repercussions, as you do in GTA.


@ lv000:


Well, all the definitions of mature are correct: it's just important to specify which one you're referring to.

The only thing that CoD has for defending it's moral high ground is that the people you kill are mostly all armed, where as in GTA not all of them are. There aren't repercussions for killing in either game. Unless you mean they simply shoot back at you. GTA the cops will be all over your s*** if you rampage, which often ends up with you dead.

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You only get a reprimand? That is serious repercussions? :confused:


Killing indiscriminately in GTA will likely get you killed by half a dozen swat team black helicopters. If you want to progress the missions in GTA rampaging isn't wise.


I don't suppose you know what a reprimand is, if you're saying it like that.....


Most people I know play GTA for the sake of killing civilians, cops, soldiers, etc. They are entertained at the thought of bloodless slaughter.


In CoD, you get a 'Friendly fire would not be tolerated!' (or if you play as the Russian, 'You are a traitor to the Motherland!') if you kill more than one teammate in quick succession. I think that eliminates the point of casual slaughter......

Edited by dazzerfong
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Went a tad too much off topic didn't you?

Look, it doesn't matter what game is more bloody and mindless or which one is more tactical and anti-mindless. It's a video game, not a tutorial on how to live life. Let people play what they want to play, if underage then with supervision. Mindless game slaughter won't teach me to do that in real life too, just as playing a NASA simulator won't make me want to be a scientist or astronaut.


Now please, I'd like that this discussion stays on topic of something that is worth discussing. I'm not trying to take control of the thread, but discussing video games won't really bring us anywhere.

Edited by Iv000
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