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Bullet Sponge BS


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Nope my bad haha, it was your mod that does that, Perforation just adds a damage buff per hit much like the furious legendary effect. I apparently forgot to add AARP to the list as its in my weapons category and not overhauls (where all these mods are). Let me edit my post to reflect that, I also use allot of your other mods so did not mean to show disrespect.

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Nope my bad haha, it was your mod that does that, Perforation just adds a damage buff per hit much like the furious legendary effect. I apparently forgot to add AARP to the list as its in my weapons category and not overhauls (where all these mods are). Let me edit my post to reflect that, I also use allot of your other mods so did not mean to show disrespect.

Ah, damn. Was kinda hoping someone had found a new way to get that effect. I do it by applying an enchantment directly to the weapon entries. I only apply it on automatic heavy weapons at the moment, which means the Machine Gun ('Assault Rifle'), Minigun, and Gatling Laser (and equivalent weapons on vehicles and robots). If I could apply it in a way that doesn't touch the weapon entries that would be great, but I don't do scripting and I don't know how else I could do it.


What I would really like is a way to detect the volume of incoming fire and change the enemy's Self Preservation setting. Pack Attack kindof does it, but based on different criteria.

Edited by jkruse05
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Well what spacefiddle did was basically the same thing (I'm assuming), he added the Furious Melee Legendary effect to automatics. Somehow he figured out how to scale it, so that successive shots added (i'm assuming) a +1% damage buff per shot until it caps out to a reasonable level. So I feel like, in my limited knowledge, that you could accomplish the same thing (as I seem to recall there being a fear legendary effect) by possibly using his same methods? Maybe you and spacefiddle (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/6393160) need to start scheming!


Wish I could be of more help, sadly I'm just an idea guy.

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I use War Never Changes or Brutality - these mods are made by an Arma player and I find these mods most enjoyable. Since I prefer to stick closer to vanilla, I use Brutality. I hate bullet sponge.

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Allot of what this mod offers is cool, but also Survival mod does allot of things listed that are changed. Course not sure if that mod would be compaitable with my load order, but I might give it a look on my next playthrough (ie after I get bored of whatever load order i have and start from new all over again).

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True, but survival also introduces parasites, disease, saving on sleep, no fast travel, etc., stuff I don't care for and don't have time for - I use Brutality to get that ARMA feel without all the bs and simply use Hardcore Mode On to get the New Vegas hardcore settings. I think you'll like it on your next run - after I tried it, I've never looked back!

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I'm looking for a way to slow leveling down. I get kind of tired being level 50 and I've only finished maybe 20% of the base game. I did it in FNV by increasing the experience points needed by 4x the regular and it is working great - I play TTW btw. I think much slower leveling combined with greatly reduce health by the player and enemies will help things for me. You have to be very careful playing like this though cause enemies can some time one shot you.

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Have you looked at the Game Configuration Menu (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/33759) its much like survival options, but you can change many many game options without the need to be on survival mode. Their is a category called Experience, I personally did not touch it, but I'm pretty sure you can change your XP rates that way. Beyond that the mod adds a bunch of really cool options that can be tweaked.


I use it to tone down grenade spaming and turn off that stupid skyrim auto-dodge nonsense.

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Thanks. But, I can't use it since it requires MCM and it requires the latest version of the game. I use an older version of the game- the one before all the CC crap started. Pretty sure I can find the game value I need to change if I look around in X-edit.

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Oh...well script extender has been updated since then. I just get the current one and then roll it back so I don't get messed with lol. Well I did find this mod, not sure if it works: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/85, and maybe this one would work? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24037


Hope those two help. However I feel like GCM is more stable, but its a matter of choice I suppose.

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