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Add Wish list aka "Download Later" feature


Would you use a Wish List feature on NexusMods?  

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  1. 1. Would you use a Wish List feature on NexusMods?

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I'm often browsing mods, reading reviews, watching reviews , etc away from my Gaming PC . In fact usually discover I mod when I'm using my iPhone . Problem , I can't log into Nexus and queue it for downloading later . I can't add it to a wish list, or any other part of Nexus Mods site to remind me to download it using NMM when I am on my gaming PC.


Right now I taking screenshot from youbtube videos that show the name of the mod, screenshots of mod pages, and sometime adding the name to a text file that ( if I remember ) I can read later to remind me to download it.



It would be nice to have a wish list on Nexus Mods site to remind me of mods I want but haven't download yet.


Thoughts? Would this be useful to anyone else?


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there is a feature that allows you to track mods , and it does basically what you are looking for

I believe you should be able to use it from your phone , but I'm not sure about it (some features of the site don't work on phones , and since I only browse the site via my PC I can't say which features work)

but since the tracking feature basically does all of what you are looking for , there is no real reason to add a brand new feature that is basically identical

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there is a feature that allows you to track mods , and it does basically what you are looking for

I believe you should be able to use it from your phone , but I'm not sure about it (some features of the site don't work on phones , and since I only browse the site via my PC I can't say which features work)

but since the tracking feature basically does all of what you are looking for , there is no real reason to add a brand new feature that is basically identical


The general description that you gave sounds good, but is the a page with a detail description of what the tracking feature is, how it works, and what it can/cannot do?

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I'm not sure if there is a page describing the feature , so I'll try to explain

on every mod and mod author's Nexus page there is a track button , allowing you to track them

once you do , that page is added to your tracking list (there are different lists for mod and mod authors)


in the mod tracking list , you have a link to the mod , some info about it (game , category , mod author) as well as file specific info (mod version , last download date and last update date)

so it's really quite detailed . and I believe you can also enable the Nexus to send you notifications when the mod is updated or such , but I never used this feature (I prefer to minimize the amount of notifications I get to the absolute minimum)


as for mod author tracking , it basically gives you a drop down menu that contains all of that mod author's mods , with a decent amount of information (mostly file specific info , like I mentioned above)


so this feature is really comprehensive , and allows you to keep an eye on mods you might enjoy . it has been a major help for me personally , and I know many others use it

give it a try , see if it works for you (though again , I'm not sure if it'll work on the phone , you'll need to check that yourself)

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I'm not sure if there is a page describing the feature , so I'll try to explain

on every mod and mod author's Nexus page there is a track button , allowing you to track them

once you do , that page is added to your tracking list (there are different lists for mod and mod authors)


in the mod tracking list , you have a link to the mod , some info about it (game , category , mod author) as well as file specific info (mod version , last download date and last update date)

so it's really quite detailed . and I believe you can also enable the Nexus to send you notifications when the mod is updated or such , but I never used this feature (I prefer to minimize the amount of notifications I get to the absolute minimum)


as for mod author tracking , it basically gives you a drop down menu that contains all of that mod author's mods , with a decent amount of information (mostly file specific info , like I mentioned above)


so this feature is really comprehensive , and allows you to keep an eye on mods you might enjoy . it has been a major help for me personally , and I know many others use it

give it a try , see if it works for you (though again , I'm not sure if it'll work on the phone , you'll need to check that yourself)




I appreciate you explaining that. What I'm really looking for is something more like a shopping cart or a checklist. Imagine that you are logged into NexusMods but you are not on a computer or mobile device where you can download mods .


As you browse NexusMods, you see a few mods that you want to try out, so you click on "add to cart" or "add to mod wish list" so that you can remember to download and install them when you are on your gaming PC .


Once back at your gaming PC, you can click on "view cart" to see the list, or "view wish list" to view the list ( ideally with links to mods ) of the mods you want to download.


You can then download and install each one, removing each one from the list ( or cart ) once it is installed.



I kind of like the shopping cart idea, so you can gather all the mods that you want to download and then get them all with a single "checkout" button click.


It's not a complete design. You'd want to integrate donating to mods, buying premier Nexusmods access as part of the "shopping" experience, you could probably add compatibility and missing patch checks if you wanted. "Your downloading Open Cities but you are missing patch x y z that you need! ".



Tracking is cool too. I like to know when mods get updated, so I'll use that as well.

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to be completely honest , I think such an idea could be quite detrimental when modding , as it's never as easy as just download and install a few mods . doing so is a definite recipe for disaster , as you are quite likely to miss compatibility issues and such

with the current systems already in place as they are , I doubt there is really a need for such a system anyhow , so I really doubt there is a reason to make something like this , and I doubt it will be made here (though I'm not on the development team , so I can't really say)


if you want something like this for now , just make a new folder in your bookmarks menu in whatever browser you use , add the mods you wish there and remove them after you download them

it's not as comfortable , but you can do it now , and as I said I really doubt a system like you suggest will be implemented here

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A "download later" type feature that hooks into Vortex, or provides you a list of the mods you selected for viewing on the site later, is definitely on the cards at some point.

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I kind of like the shopping cart idea, so you can gather all the mods that you want to download and then get them all with a single "checkout" button click.



This is exactly what I use the TRACK button for.

What's even better, (because of the new site design), is I can go to the tracking page, see a list of all of the mods I'm tracking, and quickly see which mods have updated, and which mods I've downloaded, without having to go to their actual mod page to check those things, clicking the TRACK button also post UPDATES, in the UPDATES section of the home page of the game, so you'll see "UPDATES 23", then you click on that and a whole drop down opens up with info ranging from "So and So released a new version of So and So mod", or "So and so replied to your post at So and So mod page" etc.


Another thing that is great, is you can sort the list by clicking on the column headers.

I have mine set to "RECENTLY UPDATED" so the most recently updated mods float to the top.

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