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Turn based Strategy


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X-com was perfect. Just an amazing, perfect game. I have a genuine fear of th deep sea and fish so Terror from the Deep was just great for me. I hear the original team are re-doing x-com. I've played a few of the games made in tribute like UFO:Extraterrestials and Afterlight, but for good crisp logistical combat, you can't beat the original. Soldiers at War by SSL was very similar in gameplay but a little less involved. In x-com you could nae your guys based on their skills (or lack thereof).
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I'm noticing a good pattern here. People who like Turn based strategies always speak fondly of one in particular. One that just "hit" them in a special way. There have been times I've played a TBS and swore it just can't get better than this. As the posts in this thread have proven, everyone has a particular favorite.


I was particularly happy to see someone recommend a water based one that I had no idea existed. There is almost no water based strategies out there, so I feel I've been lacking in that department. There are ones that feature ships, but that's not the same, although Pacific Theatre of Operations have eaten away a lot of my life,lol. There are, in Wesnoth, strategy campaigns that involve Merman and their main enemy, the Naga, but that too, isn't the same.


I remember Warsong and that you could have one that involved Mermen and their leader who I can't remember. I do remember it was better to develop the main aqua guy AWAY from the water based version as he becomes completely useless in later scenarios. Also, the mermen didn't hold any advantage except their ability to move fast in water. Once they reached their target at hyper speed, they were usually beaten rather easily in the mostly "rock, paper, scissors" method of gameplay in that one. Archers beat horsemen who beat fighters who beat archers. The other 2 unit types, the mermen and monks, had uses, but the Mermen's was negated(the monks were only useful in 2 scenarios that involved slime) . Wait, I forgot the flying guys...but you don't get them til the game's almost over and then they're not much use,lol.


Did anyone ever play Master of Monsters out there?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a Sid Meiers Fan, and so play a lot of civ4 and still civ3,

Beyond that the only other tbs that still holds sway over me is the Homm series,

With Homm3 beign my favorite, Heroes 5 is decent but i guess you just can't beat the classics.

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  • 2 months later...

my favorite one and in my eyes best trun based game is Disciples2 still waiting for part 3 to release>.<

the one thing is the design its done so great and the voice acting is awersome

they kept the game qouite simple but extremly challangeing i think its the secret of god turn based games i mean chess got no great effects or inovative features.. the rules are quite simple but its the kings game and more complex than any other strategy game i think thats the base idea they had only sad that such games wont appear anymore cos at time all the people want some cruel graphics and effekcs an immerse features but less are knowing the more things like this you add the more quality and challange you drive out of the game

its simple sometimes less is more


we are talking about turn based strategy not about rol play sure you can combine both but it wont fit that good cos roleplay needs this features an deep to be a good one


in fact i only like games wich are looking solid and stable to me it gives me a better feeling

and for me disciples looks plenty times more solid than homm especialy the new ones

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  • 1 month later...
the ogre series were pretty cool, and the worms series is absolutely awesome.. I know worms is an artillery game but artillery games are technically a sub genre of strategy games and it is turn base so I figured it deserves a mention here! :D
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  • 1 month later...

If you like GalCiv, try Space Empires 4. Avoid SE5.. it has a horrible UI.


Space Empires 4 is a highly moddable 4X game produced by one-man shop Malfador Machinations. There are quite a few awesome mods for it and hundreds of shipsets. Sure it's not very graphically impressive, but it's fun, especially when you play with others via the volunteer-run PBW service. http://www.spaceempires.net


SE4 can be purchased cheaply at (ugh) Strategy First. If you see an SE5 box at a store, it probably also contains SE4 as a bonus. ;)

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I just spent playing I don't know how long playing this game http://armorgames.com/play/2900/sonny-2


It's super addicting and a real challenge later on in the game (ON THE EASY MODE)


as a mater as fact it's making me question my love for racing games :unsure: . Well off to have a ridge racer marathon :turned:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not very fond of TBs games because I don't "blend in" into the crowd. It's just boring giving commands "go there and do that", but not knowing how it REALLY feels to be in the field or whatever.

But there are some games that i love to play that are TBS:

Black and White 2

The sims (1,2 & 3)

End War (On PSP)



There are also two more games that I really liked that are TBS, but I can't remember their names. One was that I was telling super-heroes to fight, etc, and the other was that I had a bug-group who had to defeat the evil.

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