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What type of gamer are you?


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So, what type of gamer are you?


Casual gamers game for fun and nothing else. This is mainly Role Playing gamers.


Newbie gamers are new to the gaming industry or have played very few games (around less than 5) so they're technically new to the gaming community.


Hardcore gamers game for winning, and focus on winning over anything else. They mainly play FPShooters and MP strategy games.


Pro gamers are gamers who either (1) play for money or (2) focus on playing a wide array of games, play at least 12 hours a day, and video games take a heavy impact on their lives. If they played a sport, they'd probably consider MLG a sport and say that they play that.



I fall under pro when I'm on leave. I game for money sometimes, and have around 18 active games right now. You could say I have no life, but you'd probably be stupid or you've never spoken to me before.

Edited by SubjectProphet
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im not going to label myself rather just describe what i do as i dont really fit into any of your categories.....i game for fun. i mostly could care less about winning (it pisses a lot of people off) ive played most genres of games. started with RTSs and RPGs. but also played FPSs and hack and slash, action, platforming, etc. some games i like to learn about the lore some i just wanna play cause they are fun. i dont play for money. im not exactly a casual gamer cause ive played a lot lot of games, and in my free time i spend my day playing games. which is sometimes an hour or so or can literally be 10 hours (rare). ive been gaming for a little while. started with the Gameboy Color and Play Station 1. but didnt really consider myself a gamer until PS3 which was when i was able to buy my own games and hence play a lot more and play more variety.


as of now im a PS3 and PC gamer. though i do have a 3DS (Pokemon is still fun lol)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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I tend to jump from game to game and get bored quickly. I rarely play games online (with the exception of LAN) and would say I am pretty casual about it. I do play games a lot and enjoy them, but I don't really take it seriously.


This weekend I finally sat down and finished off Max Payne 1/2 in preparation for Max Payne 3 :biggrin: . Who knows, maybe I will get hooked on the multiplayer after I beat the campaign at least once.

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Your classification made no sense.


Casual means you don't play games much and just do it for fun. Hardcore gamer means you play games a lot, and get seriously involved with games. It has nothing to do with genre or "winning".


Getting seriously involved in RPG games makes more sense then getting seriously involved with FPS games. RPG games are more immersive and you end up sinking a lot of time into them. It is silly to say casual gamers mainly play RPGs.

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Could I call myself an amateur gamer? I'm not casual by any means, but certainly don't have the time to be pro.


Though I certainly wouldn't mind getting paid to play games.

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Sometimes i play videogames a lot, sometimes i dont. The rest of the time i read stuff on the interwebz or try to make sense out of OpenGL tutorials.

Casual means you don't play games much and just do it for fun. Hardcore gamer means you play games a lot, and get seriously involved with games. It has nothing to do with genre or "winning".

Hardcore The Sims player FTW! :P Anyway yeah, the casual-hardcore thing is a matter of how much you play and how much it matters to you rather than a genre thing. There are hardcore RPG players and casual FPS players. For example, though being a "casual" RTS player sounds kinda rare but i could be considered one, i mostly suck at RTS games and i rarely touch one, but the ones i played i enjoyed a lot (Age of Empires 3, Supreme Commander, Age of Mythology, C&C Red Alert 1 and 2, etc).
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same. im actually pretty good with most RTSs i play. not 1337 or Grand Master or anything haha. i choose not to play Starcraft 2 online cause i know it wouldnt be any fun for me. but playing with friends or against the PC i can usually do pretty good. i love RTSs in general, but im deff a casual gamer when it comes to them. same with FPSs. Bad Company 2 is really the only modern shooter FPSs ive played. and boy did i play that casually. never cared if i won. did i get pissed when i died? ya usually. but i didnt rage quit and cry like a baby. usually just laughed and had a good time with the people i was talking to. also only logged 50 hours into online. thats a lot less then the few hundred im sure many other people have logged in. i think im at like level 30 or so. give or take.
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