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Fallout 4 CTD before menu


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Hey all,


Been having a rough time getting FO4 to work properly lately. I just did a fresh install of everything and it works launching via Steam no problem. Im using MO2 to handle mods for both FO4 and Skyrim SE and ive hit a wall. Skyrim runs fine, Fallout does not.


Launching F4SE causes the game to load through the intro movie and it will crash every time before I can even get to the main menu. Ive disabled all mods and it still happens. Reinstalled F4SE, no luck. Id rather avoid having to redownload FO4 entirely since my internet connection at home is rather subpar.


Windows on C: (SSD) Steam on D: (HDD) Skyrim/Fallout 4, MO2 and Appdata folder on E: (SSD)



EDIT: Looked through my load order, found all mods that required F4SE and loaded everything with each of them enabled until things crashed. Place Everywhere with the toggleable .ini and automatron Disassembler were what caused my game to crash so quickly. Everything else enabled and the game runs fine

Edited by xfiles2007
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In your load order I see Manufacturing Extended ABOVE Manufacturing Extended.

Manufacturing Extended should be a MASTER to Manufacturing Extended Far Harbor, so Manufacturing Extended should be ABOVE Manufacturing Extended FH

Also, Armorsmith Extended is really high up in your load order.


Also, WHICH of the THREE files you uplaoded is the actual load order of your activated mods?
Because all three of them show different mods installed, and in different orders.

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Just fixed my moms game as this was happening to her after attempting to update F4SE on her system (worked fine on my PC). Anyway you need to find these dlls and see if they are in your Fallout 4 and Windows/System32 folders (you can find them on the interwebs): x3daudio1_7.dll & xinput1_3.ll

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