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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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I don't need even to read the whole thread... this one must have been cited many times...

the most scarier (and boring) of all morrowind monster is ... cliffracer ... and scarier for being boriiiinggggg :)

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For me the scariest monster (creature? person? god?) has to be dagoth ur> i wasnt doing the main quest at the time, so it came as a total suprise when i was exploring a facility in the red mountain region when i entered a room and found a man (god?) with a creepy mask speaking to me in articulate words, saying things like "you havent come prepared" and "raise a weapon against me and be striken down". So naturally, i rose a weapon against him. the fight lasted about 15 seconds (i was level 7 at the time) before all my stats were down and i was dead. sorry for the rambling its m first post. but yeah, my scariest had to be dagoth ur.
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  • 8 months later...

Bonewalkers, Ascended Sleepers, Ash Slaves, Ash Zombies, Ash Vampires, Lame Corpruses, Ash Ghouls, that whole bit. Dagoth Ur also scared the hell out of me. And the werewolves in Bloodmoon, they're so fast and the sound effects are reeeeally scary. And I have had nightmares about draugr chasing me through huge icy caves while playing the Bloodmoon MQ.


Oh yeah, and the first time I saw a Mudcrab, I started squealing "OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT KILL IT KILL IT!!!" to my friend, who was playing at the time. :whistling: Nope, not scared of Mudcrabs anymore though! I actually really like them, they're all cute. ♥


(What can we decode from this post? Most of my game-playing consists of sitting on the edge of my seat, petrified with terror and killing everything that moves.)

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  • 1 month later...
I think dremora lords have killed me more times than anything else. I love the trap where they attack you from behind when you take the gem from in front of the statue. When I am a low-level character, the things that scares me most are claymores and battleaxes. I don't care if men, mer, or monsters are wielding them, I get really scared.
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  • 2 months later...

Once upon a time, I was out at sea. Trying to swim to the Telvanni isles.


It was there I was stalked by something I had no clue existed. Clawed hands, and a voraciously freaky face. The dreugh pulled my character to a swift death.


It was one of those wtf moments...

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  • 1 month later...
actually, the scariest thing is Gaenor.





just calmly strolling through the temple district in mornhold, asking people if they know anything, then "oh hello, i was wondering if you could give me 50 gold?", "yeah sure" i say, replyed with "thanks, how about 100 gold" to which i reply "yeah why not", afer the 20th time at 10,000,000 i say "NO MORE!" then he runs off for a week, strolling through the temple a week later and BAM! the hardest fight i have ever done in a game! but i did manage to kill him :biggrin: (his amulet of +15 points to luck constant effect is beautiful).

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