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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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My vote is for a human. When you work your way through House Hlalu and come up against a guy who has no interest in your stats but does have an inordinate interest in the content of your greaves I get creeped out... before laughing!
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If you own the Bloodmoon expansion, definitely some of the freaky monsters in there are scary. The scariest is the draugr, I think. Remember that guy standing outside the cave who's too much of a wimp to go in and kill the draugr so he can "be a man?" Well, at the time, I had no idea what a draugr was, so I walked in and... o.O When that thing charged at me, I turned and ran and never went back. I refuse to go into any Solstheim caves now. :(
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  • 1 month later...

Mudcrab, always mudcrab!!!


OK, not being very serious here... or am I?


The first time was my char stopped to rest after dealing with a few baddies, still in Seida Neen... that rock was too inviting... then the rock bite me to death....


Much later, coming out the prison sewer on Tes IV, the wonder... so beautiful scenery... the poor level 1 or 2 moron is there looking in awe and again... him, the insidious mudcrab... :)


Of course running away is a good defense against them but... (actually walking away may be enough)

Edited by nosisab
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It's gotta be the Clannfear for me. They're not that tough once you dry a little behind the ears and grow some hair on your chest but they're still freaky.


Walkin' along doo-d-d-doo la-d-la-d-la-d-laaa. Wait. What's that? It's some weird green lizardy thing near some funky swirly-gig ruins that are slighty reddish. I'm not sure about this...I'll just turn around and slink off...*turns and walks a ways* Okay, what was that thi-AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *get's mauled by a freakishly fast Clannfear.* moreannying than anything but still...that's a bad day.

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  • 1 month later...

They're not scary anymore, but I was given two very nice scares by the werewolves of Bloodmoon. The first instance was my very first encounter with one. I was walking around hunting wolves and bears, and all of a sudden I hear this hybrid coughing and barfing sound. I turn around and here comes some shadowy thing with red eyes and as it gets closer, I realize it's a werewolf. It scared the sujamma out of me, but a few smacks from my beloved Chrysamere put it down.


The second scare came during the final quest in the main questline. I was in the second area and I had killed Tharsten Heart-Fang and most of the other werewolves in the area when all of a sudden, a voice screams, "KILL!" and all of the werewolf statues turn into real werewolves. I had the volume up high, and I jumped and had to pause the game for a second to calm down. After a few seconds, I unpaused and went on yet another rampage with the Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer.

Edited by SoulofChrysamere
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  • 2 months later...

Definitely a bonewalker. It's just something about the way they move.


And that breathing... don't even get me started on the way they breathe... :ninja:

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Definitely a bonewalker. It's just something about the way they move.


And that breathing... don't even get me started on the way they breathe... :ninja:



yeah!! a bonewalker!! it's really scary too!

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