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Oh most definitely the first one, I can just see them sorting through the newest batch of those lured by their charms and then taken prisoner: "We could get a good price for this one, she's firey."



definitely could see some very cool possibilities with your storyline opening there too heh


Well we could fuse the story lines. Initially non threatning, with the subtle clues, but when the jig is up, the pretense ends & they're exposed for the cruel and deadly sociopaths they are.

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Who or what is Kerry?


Yeah female Gary's"....except the Kerry(s) insanity took a very different turn. Instead of Gary's psychosis (I assume that's the diagnosis, when you pretty much murder anything that moves), Kerry(s) are sociopaths....highly intelligent but completely lacking in empathy or any moral system. Their template was spec ops (she may still be around, don't know), so they'r a handful.


Sorry it's a cross-post, meant for the mars project. Although probably worth developing a much more involved and detailed mod earthside, since the mars project Kerry's will be a relatively small questline. . Came up here because of the talk of clones.


They could have also been Marry's, or Sherrie's etc, anything that rhymes with Gary....seems appropriate.

Edited by devinpatterson
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Well, this isn't the thread for this, and I'm still not quite sure what the Mars Project is about, but here's an idea:


How about the "Kerry" clones were part of the Enclave new world project - specifically, the use of a porn star(s) of some renown and beauty to be the wives of the Enclave settlers (despite some female scientists and soldiers, I got the impression the Enclave is very male oriented), which seemed like a really good idea to them (pre-programmed Stepford wives) that either due to a technical malfunction or maybe due to drug use by the donor messing up the sample (or any another reason really), the resulting clones were homicidal in nature and slaughtered everyone not like them.

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Well, this isn't the thread for this, and I'm still not quite sure what the Mars Project is about, but here's an idea:


Yeah, we tend to go off on tangents. Here is the Mars Project, just about have all the assets we need. But it would be nice if we can implement Ermeso's XRE Flyable Vertibird (rocket engines, not props), hope he opens it up soon(ish).


How about the "Kerry" clones were part of the Enclave....porn star(s) of some renown and beauty to be the wives of the Enclave settlers......(pre-programmed Stepford wives)....donor messing up the sample....homicidal in nature and slaughtered everyone not like them.


I'm basically shooting for a deceptively dangerous group of clones similar to what your suggesting except for a few points; their donor being spec ops, sociopathic instead of homicidal (think Hannibal as opposed to Jason, ie. more dangerous) and the error in cloning being intrinsic to the cloning process (the actual procedure amplifies mental instabilities).


Although I didn't think about them being used for wives, more like they caused a lot of problems/bloodshed and were locked away in their stasis chamber/life support pods (probably slated for disposal).....then the bombs fell. When revived they come out with a big sob story of how they were just treated like guinea pigs, rats in a maze, slated for dissection, oh so mistreated.....boohooo hooo etc. But the player later piecing together that they were predator not prey adn the PC just kicked one hell of a hornets nest.


I'v always been fond of the Stepford Wives, but never read the book or watched any of the movies all the way through.


Since they would be wives of the enclave, they might be in the enclave vault systems we discussed earlier....a pre-war lap of luxery. Although if your going the full The Stepford Wives route, androids might be more appropriate. Clones would instantly indicate that something is amiss, but androids could pull of the charade rather nicely.


(or more likely widows, since they would have disposed of their husbands long ago?)


I'm guessing you could a few ways with it;


One would be the player trying to stop the murders, discover who the killer is etc. Brought into the whole situation by a terrified enclave big wig (descendant of a Senator?) that is sure he is next. The murders would have been committed covertly and be virtually untraceable.....thus the enclave peeps can't solve the mystery. When exposed the androids could still be physically dangerous. The FO3 ones are based on the nexus series from bladerunner, which are supposed to be physically and mentally superior.


Or you could have them all widowers. By the time the husbands finally realized what was happening it was too late. Plus If the murders were done secretly the guards, support personal etc of the enclave husbands would still be none the wiser and serving the "poor bereaved wives".


Or alternately if you go with the homicidal angle you mention above, the player can stumble across a idylic setting (whether the enclave vault system, or some above ground resort), where the only inhabitants are the stepford wives. They have their social occasions like tea or brunch, as if the world was 200 years in teh past. Have them all alone in this big complex.

And then the player has to piece together the mystery from diaries etc, before they do him/her in. The androids keep up the pretense until the end (or if the player sets them off sooner, maybe by hitting some "triggers" related to teh murders), whereupon they go homicidal.


Anyway a couple different ways to spin it, depending on how much work you want to do. But I think the androids will be a better choice than the clones (real mechanical androids would be even better, but the FO3 lore ones aren't too bad).

Edited by devinpatterson
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