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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Good luck I hope everything works out.


Thanks Gunslinger. Starting back up. Although there might be somewhat less time for modding, I'm going to do what I can. I think I'm going to release the base mod for beta testing on nexus, so we can get some feedback.



Glad you're back. Can't wait to start playing the mod! :D

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Only one issue I could have with such a big mod. The team for New Vegas have some of the best writers in the business. Can a bunch of modders who's only experience with Fallout is Bethsoft's version really replicate that magnitude of skill and pain staking attention to detail in story telling?

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The answer is yes. See New Vegas Bounties I and II, The Inheritance, Beyond Boulder Dome, D.E.I.M.O.S, etc.

Only one issue I could have with such a big mod. The team for New Vegas have some of the best writers in the business. Can a bunch of modders who's only experience with Fallout is Bethsoft's version really replicate that magnitude of skill and pain staking attention to detail in story telling?

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Only one issue I could have with such a big mod. The team for New Vegas have some of the best writers in the business. Can a bunch of modders who's only experience with Fallout is Bethsoft's version really replicate that magnitude of skill and pain staking attention to detail in story telling?


Primarily we're building on a already established story and extending it.

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Hey Devin, it's been a while. Hope you're doing well.


I've got some ideas for Viva New Vegas I wanted to type out before I forget them if it's okay. I'll try not to clutter up the forum as I did with the Honest Hearts post. :smile:


Raul & Veronica


I thought that the Zapps Neon Signs factory would make a perfect repair shop for Raul since it would tie in with one of his endings where he sets up shop in the outer Vegas area. Only problem is that it's situated in Fiend territory and would require the area to cleared of Fiends. I also thought that Veronica could do with a new home regardless of her choice to remain with the Brotherhood or not. I was thinking that she could have something similar to the player's Megaton home in Fallout 3 situated next to the 188 Trading Post. This would allow her to continue gathering supplies for her chapter or be able to keep in touch with Brotherhood patrols if convinced to leave. If we're planning to give Veronica her happy ending where she reunites with Christine it would make a good home for them.


Vault 3


Assuming if we go with the idea of using it for a temporary base for the Brotherhood while they clean outer Vegas of Fiends, I thought that it could end up in the Followers of the Apocalypse control afterwards. My idea for it would be to turn it into a lab for the Followers to develop medical supplies which would address their supply problems.


The Boomers


Now that the Boomers have a bomber in their possession there is an inaccessible building in Nellis which could be used for air traffic control. I would assume that the Boomers would also want to make Nellis a no fly zone for any other faction that has access to vertibirds.


The Thorn


I found it frustrating not being able to do anything with most of the eggs found on dead creatures after the quest to find eggs for the Thorn. I thought that it would be interesting if this was a repeatable quest and would allow the player to make some extra money. I don't think that the NCR or House would have any problem in allowing the Thorn to remain in Westside and I'm sure that the philosophy behind the Thorn would appeal to the Legion.


New Vegas Steel


If the player manages to occupy the steel plant as part a restoration quest it would be a good opportunity to remove some of the ruined cars that are found in some settlements. I wouldn't suggest removing every single car husk in the Mojave as it would take away part of the apocalyptic feel of the game.

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Hi, I was referred to you by "Thescout201"

I exchanged an idea that was similar to what you presented

Im going to copy and paste what I told him below, because im lazy in that way.

Also,forgive anything thats already been covered because, im just no willing to run through 107 pages of text

(Wall of text ahead)

Well, you know how the game (and Fallout 3 for that matter) seems to be building up to something really epic?

Well, it does, but not "quite" up to the par I was hoping for.

You know how there seems to be all these soldiers and defenses for all these factions? I was expecting a LOT more for the final battle. It didnt "feel" like a whole lot of pay off for all of my work.

I was thinking of having a DLC styled mod for New Vegas to be made. It takes place after the New Vegas ending (which I belive takes place after the offcial DLCs) and depending on the outcome, it affects the mods story, and to a great degree, gameplay.

The gameplay itself is you are in control of New Vegas, hours after the original ending of the game.

Depending on who you chose to side with, the area will be filled with the factions troops.

If Mr.House is in control, its business as usual + upgraded Securitrons.

If NCR, NCR troops + devoid of securitrons and perhaps a diminished precence of the families.

If Legion, all families, securitrons, NCR, locals, and gameling will be gone, the place will have been turned into a massive fortress city for the Legion, and will serve as the forefront of their impending invasion of the NCR.

If independent, you are in full control of the city and surrounding area. The streets will be filled with people from all over and depending on your choices, Locals (Boomers, Brotherhood, Fiends, Khans etc.)

For the sake of simplicity, lets assume that the independent road is the default one taken, the Courior helped everyone (even Ceaser with his tumor) killed no one important, is tottally good and is the same player character from Fallout 3. (yes I know they are two different people, just roll with it)

The story begins when you are informed that the losing factions, are consolidating their forces, it is unclear as what will happen, but currently, New Vegas is safe. So you and your companions along with yoru allies celebrate.

Months later you are told that the NCR and Legion are gearing up for one last major attack, they are gathering all their forces they can muster, and aquring whatever equipment and supplies they can get, and considering tactics.

The overall story is pretty much like that of Mass Effect 3 and Fable 3. You go around collecting resources and allies, and stamping out minor invasions and doing quests all in preparation for the Massive oncoming assault that will come in about a year.

The gameplay of the mod itself revovles would be very much a tower defense esque in nature. You build defenses, like barricades and set traps, and deploy troops in specific places.

What troops you get and equipment they have depends on who they are. Brotherhood get power armor and engergy weapons, while boomers get exsplosives.

Where you place them and what orders you give will affect their behavior. Ordering them to stand their ground will make them stand at that exact location and they will not move, if blown off their feet, they will go back to that spot.

Guard area will cause them to manuver around, but they will stick to the location where they were posted, they will pursue, but no too far.

And hunt will cause them to follow their target down until they or the enemy is dead. They will then procede to return to their post.

To build all of these things, you need resources, like food, water, building materials, manpower, and so on. You aqurie these throughout the course of the game, by setting up trade routes, aquiring farms, forming alliances, working mines, completing quests. Its not too complicated, but it does add to the sense that you are a leader now, and not just some random schmuck.

At the end of the day, a certain amount of resources are dumped into your stockpiles, which can be used to buy and upgrade things

But not all resources are dumped into your personal stockpile, depending on the policies, only a certain amount is given directly to you, the rest stays in the town it came from. Each town has its own resource count and thus may require external aid from you. So you may have to send resources, troops, and oversee the construction of defenses personally.

When the fighting begins the enemy sends their troops in waves against your forces, the number and quality, and the tactics they use depends on the faction

NCR sends in lots of gun toting units that are of medium quality. They might use Mercs and attack dogs

I was thinking that the enemy would send in about 4-30 units in at once per wave, which would give a sense of battle.

The whole game map, and external DLC worlds would become important, every area is valuable for resources like Goodsprings for its water, certain caves for storage space and housing for troops. So you have to fight over all of these areas before total vicotry is assured.

Thats the basic "gist" of my idea for this mod.

I dont think it would be TOO complicated to pull off, as most of the work would have to do with the implimenting the story and creating the scripts for the strategy elements. Both of which would be more tedious than difficult I think.

Obviously, it would have support for other mods, such Legion overhauls and the like.

I WOULD do this myself, but the most I can do with the editor is tweak item and character stats, and thats about it.

I Highly reccommend putting together a team before trying anything. (which is what im doing)

What do you think?

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