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An independent New Vegas mod.


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well, i am a comic artist, so my ideas could be argumental. In fact, I was thinking about a quest to make Joshua Graham the new Caesar (maybe during or after "deposing" the actual Caesar, and later, after the vainilla ending, a quest to form an alliance between NV, the NCR and a reformed Caesar legion

Well I think we want to be true to honest hearts story and a big part of that is Joshua's personal tale (of redemption?). He's "evolved" and is radically different from his former life of Malpais Legate. A quote from the wiki "Abandoned by Caesar and his people, the fallen Legate was forced to reflect on his life and face the monster that he became." At one time his brutality was legendary, but in honest hearts we see him transformed, striving to protect the innocents of Zion. I don't think Joshua will ever return to the legion as Caesar, or in any other capacity.....I think he would die first.


In addition there is generations of bad blood between the NCR and Legion, fathers and sons that spilt blood and lost loved ones in a conflict that has lasted 20 or 30 years. And this isn't a war of honor, the legion has used the most grievous or horrendous tactics to break the NCR's spirit, so I don't think many NCR citizens are willing to let bygones be bygones. I suspect the only way the NCR and the Legion would ever ally is if there was a threat so great that the human race hung in the balance.....and then only for the duration of the threat. If you have them alley you loose a big part of what makes the Mojave's game lore, and thus the richness of the fallout world, IMHO.


And considering the fanatical devotion of the legion to it's ideals, I think a reformed legion would be a very difficult sell....especially to have it evolve and still resemble something similar to what it is currently.



yep, that's understandable, thwn I wanna tell it in other way:


A quest to aid Joshua Graham in a "barbaric invasion", formed by former slaves of the legion and its victims in order to overtrow the legion once for all, and maybe this new faction could be called something related to Constantinopla

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yep, that's understandable, thwn I wanna tell it in other way:


A quest to aid Joshua Graham in a "barbaric invasion", formed by former slaves of the legion and its victims in order to overtrow the legion once for all, and maybe this new faction could be called something related to Constantinopla

Akin to a NV version of the goth/visgoth overthrow/sacking of Rome?


I think that was something Daniel feared;

"His thirst for vengeance and extermination puts him at odds with Daniel, who fears what the long term consequences of stoking this kind of flame could be: Graham unwittingly creating a war cult not too dissimilar from the Legion, clothed in the guise of Christian faith, but entirely devoid of its principles."

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I think that was something Daniel feared;

"His thirst for vengeance and extermination puts him at odds with Daniel, who fears what the long term consequences of stoking this kind of flame could be: Graham unwittingly creating a war cult not too dissimilar from the Legion, clothed in the guise of Christian faith, but entirely devoid of its principles."



Hmmm that sounds like the historical mormon army known as the Danites. Who were responsible for the Mormon meadow massacre. Funny they have a character named Daniel at odds with it. But kuddos to the writers for those plot details ... if you are describing that based on what is in the vanilla ?


I guess obviously if I am to give any writer input here ... I will need to go play that DLC at the very least. But no , not talking about changing anything within the vanilla story frame.

I think you are correct in trying to just continue past where the possibilities of what/where the story could have been left off. And for my story content input ... would just be interested in moving the mormonism subject closer to how their evolution happened between 1830 and 1980's. Which for your story , might just come across as a glaring anti mormon perspective ...

Hence not needed/wanted ?

But still no sense me discussing untill I see how they were portrayed in the game.

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But a quick question first ... in order to play this mod , the player would have had to of played the vanilla to the end ?

Yeah, you really do, because it hinges on a change in the power dynamics in new vegas and the wider mojave, and that doesn't happen until the player can acquire the securitron army.


But what would you say about having option to set a new char up at the start of your mod ... that then you pick choices setting variables as if the game had been played ? Because the reality is most people would have played it. And may wish a quick change in the variables to then affect your continuation ?

Which then opens the door for people like me to just jump in and start playing.



The present one I am working on utilizes umatts drivable creature cars , to drive around in convoys and set up market place structures , but he also has military vehicles in it , which could then set up military bases with the same concept.

I do like that idea, although I don't know the specifics of umatts drivable creature cars. Is this primarily for the player to drive about to point a to point b, or is this for the player to stumble across a caravan or encampment?


umatts mod is car statics turned into creatures (with all their properties) that the player can get in and control it's movement driving anywhere. Which the player can own an unlimited amount , but can only have up to 3 driving at one time via followers ... which the 2 behind are just on a follow package. My mod idea for the market place is an addon of functionality with each car once they have parked.


I do have some little brahmin/bighorner wagons setup for local character and flavor...just to spice up NV's market place;


That is a brahmin creature with a travel/patrol package doing the leading , and the golf cart object is moved along by it? Or you mean you have added the golf cart to the brahmin mesh ?


I guess what I'm most curious about, is if your convoy's are encounters the player comes across as s/he/it is traveling or an adventure/quest the player actively controls and participates in directly.....or both?


My addon to umatts is about placing structures next to the cars after parking ... to simulate a retail market place and other things. That the player can control inputs ... which then the AI gives back render based on that. Sort of a Sims thing :geek: which a lot of it's functionality and render is still very much in flux till I get to the testing phase.

But I guess stepping back a bit to view how that works with your premise of where the player would start from (in control of the securitron army) It doesn't make much sense to weave it into your mod as a story point or functionality. Would make more sense the player is making much bigger choices that effect the overall economy from their seat of power. Which would be easily modded from choices in a terminal as a sort of side game ... having it effect changes in the world or not? But could also have it as a side line of dialogue for more immersion ?


An RTS resource gathering ,base building,unit production,arena boundary ... skirmishes that happen here and there along your story line. If that makes any sense hopefully ???


Yes, I could see where RTS and resource management could come in during warfare and there are plenty of opportunities for warfare when you look at the power dynamics of the region (Securitron army, legion, NCR etc).


This is what I am most interested in trying to achieve . Think StarCraft , the single player campaigns.

But wouldn't move along as fast , and the player can interject as a hero type unit on the ground.

Where as commanding/building units is the main functionality. With being able to fly above the battle field to survey things. Albeit that functionality is still just theory ... but there are jetpack mods ... so I know it's possible.

So anyways , my input to your mod would be ... building these rts battle arena's ... according to where they fit into your story line.



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Sorry just have a sec at lunch, but in re: to the wagon. I use both (script and mesh added to nif) for wagons. The script is very cpu intensive, I wouldn't want a bunch of them running in the same scene for most PCs. On the other hand, the addition of the mesh is no more cpu intensive than any other nif, but doesn't have collision on the wagon (haven't found a way, if it's possible to have two different type of col meshes in a single nif). I thought about adding a skeleton capsule to give the wagon solidity, but that would be a whole nother creature category (due to the skeleton change) with duplicate animations etc.


I have some time off tonight to respond to your other points

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I have another idea: what about forming a lreaders council for the independant NV? The leaders could be: The King, Marcus, Julie, Papa Khan and Pearl


Sure. It can also be beneficial as I think it's good to have a wider variety of quest givers. I think it might get old if it was always yesman giving out your quests/options.

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My addon to umatts is about placing structures next to the cars after parking ... to simulate a retail market place and other things. That the player can control inputs ... which then the AI gives back render based on that. Sort of a Sims thing :geek: which a lot of it's functionality and render is still very much in flux till I get to the testing phase.

Can you give/describe a specific example, I think it would help me to envision what your proposing.


Part of the reason I brought up the wagons is partially because of the convoy topic, but also because I'd like to give the option for greater commerce in NV, and varied pack animals, wagaons and vehicles would add some visual spice to new, unique vendors.


My thought is if the player is particularly friendly to merchants and really courts vendors we could have some unique npcs. Say a sort of medicine/witch doctor that has some honest hearts stuff, poultices/herbs/poisions, totems/medicine pouch etc. Well maybe that's not a good example (as a vendor), but graphically it'd be fun to make.

Maybe a beast master that sells pets (aka animal companions). Some bizarre or frivilous vendors like brahimin cheese and ice cream. Just things to really add some interesting npcs to the street. And vendors can be quest givers, even if the quest is just "collect 100 of X".

Tech prospectors selling their wares can be great info for undiscovered pre war caches.


I'd be curious to know what types of vendors or wares peeps might be interested in.



This is what I am most interested in trying to achieve . Think StarCraft , the single player campaigns.

But wouldn't move along as fast , and the player can interject as a hero type unit on the ground.

Where as commanding/building units is the main functionality.

I think a very talented scripter with a lot of time could probably pull something like that off. It would be challenging because what your describing has aspects of FO4's game mechanics of base building, but we don't have the same tools that FO4 has (like I'm pretty sure we don't have anything similar to snap nodes).

I'm not the aforementioned talented scripter, or even a basic level scripter, so my resource management is more along the line of enabling/disabling various assets via dialoge or quest results. I think what your describing is a much, much, grander scale.

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