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Should we get a modding room ... so the community doesn't have to listen to us?


I like this part of the mod to be public, because a large portion of the reason I started it was as a bellwether of what players want post game. I want people to be able to contribute what they want to see happen in their personal adventure experiences.


But we don't have to discuss the nuts and bolts in this thread, if you wish to divide the brainstorming from the technical discussion.

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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game


1. Boone's quest for definitive redemption (maybe saving some NCR soldiers)

2. A quest to teach Cass another vision of things (she es a very decent person, but is too pro NCR)

3. Lily's new role in the relationships with Jacobstown

4. Arcade's interaction with the independant NV

5. Raul's new life as a vigilant or as a technician

6. A new path for Veronica (maybe as a formal follower of the apocalypse)

7. More information for ED.E (maybe a new role as a messenger for the securitrons)

8. Rex's new memories could come back for him


Also, I wanna know if there's a chance to implement the Real Time Settler mod in this.

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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game


1. Boone's quest for definitive redemption (maybe saving some NCR soldiers)

2. A quest to teach Cass another vision of things (she es a very decent person, but is too pro NCR)

3. Lily's new role in the relationships with Jacobstown

4. Arcade's interaction with the independant NV

5. Raul's new life as a vigilant or as a technician

6. A new path for Veronica (maybe as a formal follower of the apocalypse)

7. More information for ED.E (maybe a new role as a messenger for the securitrons)

8. Rex's new memories could come back for him


Also, I wanna know if there's a chance to implement the Real Time Settler mod in this.


I can't really comment on the follower integration ... but as for RTS ... I don't think there would be anything to stop using it just as it is for a plugin in your load order with this mod ?

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Should we get a modding room ... so the community doesn't have to listen to us?


I like this part of the mod to be public, because a large portion of the reason I started it was as a bellwether of what players want post game. I want people to be able to contribute what they want to see happen in their personal adventure experiences.


But we don't have to discuss the nuts and bolts in this thread, if you wish to divide the brainstorming from the technical discussion.



I guess this place is fine for now as it is.


But anyways , I have some questions about the legion at end game / post game.

When you say they are removed from the arena .. not sure exactly what your meaning here.


1 - Are any and all legion npc's removed from the game period ?

2 - Or are they now just a minor faction fractured and scattered ?

3 - I see there is something called the arena inside the legate camp, is that what your meaning? And also I guess obviously removed from the Fort ? Which is that the final battle , with all those securitrons placed outside of it ? Or is it pretty much just a take over and surrender at the Fort ?


But anyways ... Ill throw out some spitballing here to lay the ground work for what I'm about to suggest.

For starters , I'm guessing the legion showed up by way of boats on lake mead to explain why they are at that location ? So if they are not all wiped out ... it might be reasonable to assume some of them would then be trying to head back out that way. And might be reasonable to think they could show back up later , or took the water way north and set up a new camp in that area east of I'm guessing is the boomers airport ? But then some of them may just head south by land through that big unused section of the map east of water way below the damn.


So if the legion is not totally out of the picture in your story ... I'm thinking the first battle arena could be set up right there at the east side of the fort , south shore lake mead.

Then possibly 2-3 future skirmishes with them southward. And possibly 1 northward by boat ?

And the ones southward become beastlords , adding some creatures to their ranks.

But then maybe that can play into your idea of vendor beastlords ???

Also I guess the river and lake should become trade routes for the player to set up and control the commerce ?


But I guess obviously I forgot to mention ... It looks like there is plenty of open land in the map around the edges to set up battles in. So no need to create small world spaces for them?

And maybe it was just some glitch with me ... but I never ran into the border region telling me I couldn't go beyond it. Even though in the .ini it says "bBorderRegions = 1 So IDK ^shrug^

But I don't think we would want to do much beyond 32 , maybe push some stuff to 34 if need be for cell coordinate. Typically I would just try and stay at 30 though.

But I will retry to see if I can get the border region to stop me.

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Another question ... When and where after the final battle would the player be making 1 of the 3 choices you are proposing ? If you want to do the first battle arena where I mentioned against the legion ... would that be a good time to do it ?

1 - the player does it alone with the securitron army. (not sure what happens with fort right then)

2-The NCR helps and keeps the Fort.

3- The Bos helps and then there is the business of kicking the NCR out of the Fort for them to occupy it?


But the objective stated to the player for what to do against the legion ... is try to erraticate them before they escape. Which I suggest no matter how its played , it fails. So they can be opponents in a few more battles. The first one there , will pretty much be a tutorial to get the player up to speed on how it will work. And then they will always be thinking about the legion in the back of their head ... for if /when they are going to show back up again ... even if they don't ever attack again. But I could see them turned into pirates attacking trade boats. Hence the player has to go find them.

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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game

Great ideas, but very barebones. How about throwing some more detail behind them, I'd like to hear what you have in mind.


Also, I wanna know if there's a chance to implement the Real Time Settler mod in this.

I will request permission, but it's whole dependent on RTS's mod author.

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but as for RTS ... I don't think there would be anything to stop using it just as it is for a plugin in your load order with this mod ?

I could be wrong about this, but in my experience and from everything I'v seen in the forums, I don't think loading someone else's mod as a plugin in any way alleviates or alter mod author permissions. If it did, there is litterally nothing that I couldn't co-opt into my mods from other authors mods.


I believe your still using another's assets/creations wwhether you extract them from the esp/bsa or leave them intact and use them as a dependency/plugin in your mod.


Maybe a moderator can clarify this for us, but this has been my understanding since I'v started modding.....way back in the days of yore

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1 - Are any and all legion npc's removed from the game period ?

No. This is paraphrasing house when he issues his "proclamation". I'll try to find the text, but essentially he says something along the lines of "my securitrons are just finishing wiping up the final pockets of resistance of the legion". I take that to mean mostly in just the area of Hoover and the fort.....the area of operations for the final battle, at least initially. Then other locations that are strongly tied to House's domain (and now the players), are addressed afterwards.


2 - Or are they now just a minor faction fractured and scattered ?

Definitely not, although Joshua and Ulysses do not think the legion can not hold without Caeser (and that they will spliter), however that is a longer term process. They may be somewhat scattered in the Mojave temporarily as they pull back remaining forces to regroup.

The legion face the same dificult decision as the NCR, in that they can't afford a long term engagement with the securitron army when the NCR could open an additional front. So although the securitron army isn't as powerful as the major factions of teh NCR or Legion, their position is good strategically speaking.

Some believe that the securitron army is overpowering and the NCR or Legion are no match (you'll see that expressed in the thread), but I disagree. Based on the lore, both the NCR and Legion have *massive* resources and troops. In addition it wouldn't be very interesting to have an overpowering robot army that tramples every obstacle with ease. The game thrives on challenge, and it's important to keep that ethos for Viva NV.



3 - I see there is something called the arena inside the legate camp


No I was just using a shorthand reference to refer to the theater of operations for the second battle of hoover dam. There are other aspects outside of that general area that happen in conjunction (Rioting in freeside, the Fiends attacking McCarran, the legion attacking camp golf, etc).

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but as for RTS ... I don't think there would be anything to stop using it just as it is for a plugin in your load order with this mod ?

I could be wrong about this, but in my experience and from everything I'v seen in the forums, I don't think loading someone else's mod as a plugin in any way alleviates or alter mod author permissions. If it did, there is litterally nothing that I couldn't co-opt into my mods from other authors mods.


I believe your still using another's assets/creations wwhether you extract them from the esp/bsa or leave them intact and use them as a dependency/plugin in your mod.


Maybe a moderator can clarify this for us, but this has been my understanding since I'v started modding.....way back in the days of yore


To clarify my meaning ... I was saying the player/user could just have both that mod and your future mod in their load order. Which I doubt there would be any conflicts at run time.

Thereby having both features in their play through.


But for example my marketplace addon ... that definitely requires umatts mod , since there would be no cars to place the market structures next to without it.

And he has given me permission to do that addon idea of mine. But I have talked to him in the past about using vehicles of his for combat scenario's , thereby extracting pieces of his mod for integration into a file. And he wasn't ok with that.


But the idea of using RTS as a dependency for yours. I guess I'm unclear as to how it could be integrated , beyond just having it run side by side with yours. Except the battle arena scenario's. But imo , I think that would be to much detail of minutia , that doesn't really add to the Real Time Strategy element. Because if the battles are all on pre picked locations ranging from roughly 3x3 to 6x6 cell area's. Then the lay of the land will dictate the best locations for base structures and layout. With the possible arrangements the player might choose , not really mattering in the larger scope. Or might even cause unforseen problems the player could possibly create. But I think dropping defensive position structures where the player chooses , would be a good feature and very doable.


Anyways ... you didn't mention anything about those idea's I had posted previously ...

So wondering your thoughts on it , yea /nay or tweak it like this ...

Or is that possibly something of spoiler value , so we shouldn't discuss it here ???


Hence I mentioned getting a room , so all interested parties could view and be up to speed at the same time. Since PM's can lead to some confusion happening.

But not that I am worried about spoilers ... I leave that up to your call.

What ever you want , cuz ultimately it is going to be your mod.


Also incase you are just to unclear how the battle thing will work.

I can just get it working roughly, as in that spot I mentioned , unless you can think of a better place and who the opposition would be.

To then send you the file so you can see it in action.

I would just prefer it be something that might actually get used , hence create it based on who/where it might fit in.

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I also think that the vainilla followers should take an active role in this post game

Great ideas, but very barebones. How about throwing some more detail behind them, I'd like to hear what you have in mind.



1. Boones's quest could be tied to a treaty with the NCR for starters: He doesn't agree at all with the courier decision to reject an NCR rule. Still he keeps being loyal. Besides, he needs to assist in the reconstruction of Novac. He also could be involved in the Graham's barbaric invasion quest, and could give some radiant quests to kill legion remanents and some NCR missions


2. Cass wants to reform her caravan (or maybe work as a mojave courier) but her main plot is that he may be resented with the courier for rejecting the NCR rule, and is up to the courier if he is able to convince her that they don't need to accept the NCR rule. Her quest could be tied to the main quest of the mod. She could also give radiant quests to keep good relationships between the NV and the NCR


3. Lily's quest could be dependant of she taking her pills. Should she forget about her granchildren, she is looking for a new identity. All could begin with some radiant quests to send some supermutants to Jacobstown, later, there are some humans (possibly from the NCR) threatening the town and Lily must aid the courier in the investigation. And later (maybe) the courier can help Lily regain some of the memories from her grandchildren (maybe investigate what happenes with them)


4. Arcade doesn't know what to do in the independant NV. Things are mor or less easy in Freeside, but in the mojave territory things are very tense and there are too much people in need of aid. (there may be another series of radiant quests to help people in need). There is also the need of an intermediary between the Followers and the Khans (who are still threatened by some corrupt oficials from the NCR)


5. Raul's quest could be more a series of radiant quests, depending of whatever life he chosen. Bountys quests for his gunner life, Thecnology like quests for his technician life, and some in between the two. He may end conflicting with the BoS


6. As Veronica doesn't know what to do with her life, The courier could guide her thourgh a way to join the Followers. She could take part in arcade's radiant quests. But the main thing is that there are still so much resentment between the Followers and the BoS, ant there are still some members of the NCR wanting to wipe out the BoS at all

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