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Oh, but maybe before the ncr plant problem (if we implement it), there could be a setup mission. You have to accompany a small group of scientists (very small like 2 or 3 so they are manageable, and easier to script) to vault 22. I'll re-stock it, just assuming it has foliage that has grown back. The trick will be going to certain areas in teh vault for additional data & samples while keeping everyone alive and well.

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Hey I have kept an eye of this thread/ idéa. and it seems awesome. Could anyone upload a file that summarize what you guys have manage to develop 'so-far'. Maybe on dropbox or such. where people like me could access it and read it.
save me the trubble of swaping between "pages" here.

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Hey I have kept an eye of this thread/ idéa. and it seems awesome. Could anyone upload a file that summarize what you guys have manage to develop 'so-far'. Maybe on dropbox or such. where people like me could access it and read it.

save me the trubble of swaping between "pages" here.


Hmmm well I could co-opt the 1st post and put a update log (with spoiler tags so it's not ridiculously long) along with DL links. Although if I get the whole weekend off I may be able to put 3 or 4 hours in and have the first beta go up on nexus proper.

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Wow, this thread has gotten a LOT bigger since I last posted... Anyway, I'll jump to the point as a re-read has shown that my 'idea' hasn't come up yet. It's in regards to the whole "House's Revenge" portion of the mod:


What if there was an ACTUAL reason he wanted to get you to collect all those snow-globes? The fact that he never 'announced' his interest directly makes it even more interesting, as it makes it seem more like a "Plan B" type idea. Maybe there is something in/on the (vanilla only) snow-globes that provides a clue as where to meet him for the last time? We already have his ghoulified brother 'involved', maybe the 'secret of the snow-globes' (quest-name?) IS the information he gives you. At which point, you need to find any you haven't already, and then, having gathered them at the penthouse, you find a small plaque mounted on the display case. This plaque is actually an 'activator', and activating it with all snow-globes in place (A script would 'place' any still in your inventory at the same time - using the 'activator' plaque has the bonus benefit of preventing the need to modify the snow-globes themselves, editing of Vanilla content being something undesirable) would give a pop-up message about the plaque 'hinting' at the order in which to 'read' the snow-globes (Solving the puzzle could be a simple as passing a stat-check or something), which in turn gives you the location of Houses hidden hide-out (Maybe between all the snow-globes you get compass co-ordinates/measurements that you can plug into your pip-boy?).



Okay, thats that covered... I wish I could contribute more directly, but I've been having a LOT of problems with NV (I think its an overload of mod-added textures or something, but I have a tech-support thread for that). Hopefully it'll get fixed in good time and I'll be able to make good on the 'direct assistance' offer, but if not, I happy to hang out here a bit, bounce around ideas and the like.



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snow-globes that provides a clue as where to meet him for the last time?......'hinting' at the order in which to 'read' the snow-globes (Solving the puzzle could be a simple as passing a stat-check or something), which in turn gives you the location of Houses hidden hide-out (Maybe between all the snow-globes you get compass co-ordinates/measurements that you can plug into your pip-boy?).


Sounds like a great idea to me :thumbsup:


Although I'm not sure it should be the *only* way to find him. In this case I'm thinking of the players that didn't collect snow globes and the frustration of finding them all before they can continue on teh quest. I think it should definitely be one of teh ways to locate him.


Possibly a slightly different spin could be locating a new custom snow globe of a vacation villa, or ski resort etc and that being the clue to his location. It might fit slightly better since it's only one globe to locate and it follows House's motivations better. I don't think he want's to be found, rather his location is a defensive sanctuary in which secrecy is the key, and he can strike with impunity at the courier.



Hopefully it'll get fixed in good time and I'll be able to make good on the 'direct assistance' offer, but if not, I happy to hang out here a bit, bounce around ideas and the like.

No problem, I really appreciate the contribution.

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I always figured the snowglobes were a "Citizen Kane" reference, with the last thing Kane held before he died being a snowglobe with a miniature sled inside. I suppose you can combine them with a Harry Potter reference (the horcruxes) to make up some sort of key. If you really want to go with the literary references, combine it with Edgar Allan Poe's "The Cask of Amontillado", where Robert sealed Anthony in some sort of vault and the snow globes combined act like a key to open it. There would still be the question as to why Mr. House would want to open it in the first place, but I'm sure someone can come up with a reason.

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