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My final words on the subject:


A safe doesn't have to be high tech to do it's job, just seal properly. Just because it's expensive, doesn't make it good. There are such things as false advertising, especially if that's the whole point of the Vault Project.


I realize it takes time away, but I do appreciate you pointing out where I confuse opinion and fact - I'll try to be less annoying in the future.



The Thorn-related idea


Well, I thought that perhaps an explosion during the securitron rampage; or even something more mundane like raiders unknowingly tunneling into the Thorn; would allow some of the more lethal creatures to escape into the sewers and begin hunting the available prey of squatters. This wouldn't be a long quest, just some random creatures and maybe something like a Den area. I very loosely based this off of a quest from Fallout 2. If we go with the raider aspect, it could be part of a longer quest involving a Fiend plan to tunnel into the strip, or alternately, something involving the robbing of a bank or casino.


The Secret Lab


The FEV subjects were just the simplest idea, as no other creatures in-game are available as possible enemies before the Great War - that is, assuming we're going to stick with the default stuff and you're not planning on making some custom models, or using something like this guy from Q's Critters Resource.


Unless the lab has been reopened completely, with a path to the outside that creatures can wander in through - how are creatures like the Deathclaws getting in to be mutated? Is the lab being run by the NCR, or some AI that is continuing research on the New Plague and capturing live specimens?


Floaters are a really good idea - FEV mutated flatworms would definitely be creepy to see.

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I figure that we should use the Failed FEV Subjects as a model - mutated humans with just enough animal cunning to attack those unlucky enough to get in their sights and withdrawing back to the lab to eat - leaving no trace of their existence.


I can think of a few things especially with teh deathclaws, going off of their variant forms from BOS (larger, more muscular, exoskeleton, chameleon abilities regained etc). The idea is that the bioweapons were exposed to additional FEV, radiation etc by vault tec personal, but the same could have happened in the lab we're discussing here, via happenstance.



Speaking of Lab content...





Something like Mr. Chemmie! would be useful to include to manufacture rad-away and rad-x, and unlockable injections that boost skills and stats, that stuff's always a win.


@devinpatterson - not to be needlessly argumentative, but the vaults (at least by Vault-Tec) aren't the pinnacle of construction technology - if anything, they are purposefully the cheapest and most low-tech form. If you're looking for the best example of high-tech construction, then look no further than Raven Rock - most of the Vault-Tec vaults (112 and some others being the exceptions) are faulty by design or circumstance.



I think it's better to say that they were somewhat low budget for their time, which still makes them massively high tech for the Wasteland. There was, in Fallout 1 and 2, Vault 15(?) next to the Shady Sands/NCR town which Tandi wanted access to just to carve it up for useful bits of technology to benefit the town; water purifiers and computer equipment, databases with maps and schematics, that kind of stuff.




NCR isn't capable of creating power armor or pristine plasma cannons like the Enclave were/are, so they're limited to what they can salvage from the high tech facilities in terms of weapons and equipment. It's presumed that NCR has gotten first dibs on a lot of high tech facilities, army bases and Vaults included, but their engineering and construction capabilities would be described as Jury Rigging at best; like the salvaged power armor.


So, if NCR gains access to a Vault or somewhere like The Sink, for example, they'd go in there and strip it and bring back what they can carry. I look at it like Dark Age europe after Rome, the Colosseum was still standing, but it was chipped away at very sloppily for hundreds of years by salvage teams to get the marble to sell it on or build palaces for themselves.

Edited by LuciaofArroyo
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Before I do more work on any other rooms I'd like to bring up something. I can do all the room modifications on a single esp. If however we don't want to change a room and I've already changed it that creates alot of extra work for someone. On the flip side having everything that I'm working on in a single esp may make the conversion process easier. What do you want me to do?

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They're huge, but resize them until they're as small as they need to be lol


These are 80% transparent, so they'll blend in with wherever they're placed. Think of them like grafiti to be thrown up onto a big sheet of scrap metal; that's what I'm going for.


Devin, can you "nif" these into GECK placeables? :D

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Aren't the signs too pro-legion? Shouldn't the pipboy be standing over them with a gun to the head(s) of a crouching legion guy(s)?

you would not believe how many times I saw legionaries cowering

that plus he's called vault boy

Edited by kingwilfre16
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Well I'm making a little bit of progress. One thing I've noticed is that I'm unable to reference the door so I can set a lock on it using a computer. The script I will use works that much I know but I can't get the red crosshairs to turn white when they're over the door. I even tried changing the doors ID to make it unique still no joy.

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My final words on the subject:


A safe doesn't have to be high tech to do it's job, just seal properly.

That's because it is an inaccurate example (ie a category error). A safe does not have the necessary and sufficient functions of a vault, some of which I listed above ("the life support system could work for over 900 years without failure", "General Atomics nuclear power generator, enough to sustain the vault for two hundred years") and really were only a small sample of what you can pull from the wiki. I believe IMHO the developers were shooting for some cutting edge tech and that the wiki supports that.


Just because it's expensive, doesn't make it good. There are such things as false advertising, especially if that's the whole point of the Vault Project.

This is true of any project or technology, it's not specific to the vaults and would probably apply to most Gov. contracts in general. Yet that doesn't in any way prevent military tech from sub contractors being the most advanced technology available in our world and fallout's.


I realize it takes time away, but I do appreciate you pointing out where I confuse opinion and fact - I'll try to be less annoying in the future.

I would never say your annoying, it's simply an issue of time. I wouldn't want to have my ideas dismissed out of hand, so I feel it would be contradictory for me to dismiss or ignore an idea without explaining why. Unfortunately with free time being short lately (and for a while to come), it may not always be something I'm able to do.


I appreciate your input, but probably best to put this on the back-burner since we don't really have any pressing plot points that hing on it, at least at the moment.


OK I'll look through your critter ideas now

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