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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Hi guys, I haven't been able to read through all of this thread, so I'm not entirely up to speed with what you are all planning, but...


I was thinking it would be cool, if it were possible, to add in working trains. There are the tracks. There are the train cars. Is it possible?

I'm afraid working trains would (using something like XRE car and Vertibird mods) is a whole other mod in and of itself. Even if I could do that we've got a lot of fish to fry as is.


Now some quests to get the trains and yard functional, via quests is fine. Portraying the trains as working, cleaned up, people busy in the stations etc is all good and well. We can definitely make the appearance of the iron horse returning to the Mojave like days of old. But actual moving trains hasn't been done yet in the game because it's a b*tch.


Some ideas:...Fast Travel via trains - would include a track expansion.

Just food for thought.

Sure, fast travel to any station (that has been fixed up, along with the track leading to it) is definitely do-able.

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I can't see any inconsistencies with having Hoover Dam in both NCR and Independent versions, the only difference in the NCR version would be much less NCR troops around -a more minimal NCR approach;

I would have gone the other way with that. To my mind the NCR mod means much more of a NCR presence at the dam. Where as the Independent mod would be the same or no NCR presence (depending on which the player chose) but a heavy securitron presence regardless of the number of status of NCR troops.

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So as a followup I can see a few different options;


1. we simply include it in both mods and overlook those problems for the sake of having a cool environment/area, that I know is going to turn out awesome. Essentially we gloss over the inconsistencies for the sake of the content.


2. we make hoover town in the independent mod up top or near by Hoover. It won't be as the same type of environment as the cells down below but it could have most of the content (like all of the NPC's).


3. We add the content to NV in the independent version.

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So as a followup I can see a few different options;


1. we simply include it in both mods and overlook those problems for the sake of having a cool environment/area, that I know is going to turn out awesome. Essentially we gloss over the inconsistencies for the sake of the content.


2. we make hoover town in the independent mod up top or near by Hoover. It won't be as the same type of environment as the cells down below but it could have most of the content (like all of the NPC's).


3. We add the content to NV in the independent version.

if you tell the ncr to get the f*** out you can reduce the securitrons prescence by increasing your militia power and prescence at hoover, bringing the city into your fold of the world

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if you tell the ncr to get the f*** out you can reduce the securitrons prescence by increasing your militia power and prescence at hoover, bringing the city into your fold of the world

The independent mod already has the option to have the NCR vacate Hoover, McCaran etc by issuing an order of withdrawal. What we're discussing is hte independent ending with a continuation of the New Vegas Treaty terms and whether the NCR essentially setting up a settlement makes sense. I don't think many players would be happy without a choice, and I suspect your saying you don't like the idea either?

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But from the independents point of view your reducing security adn that's something a player should have a say regarding. Some Couriers may be A-OK with it, thinking well I'v got extra bots there, there's more troopers and heck maybe I can get a share of the taxes since it's my damn dam.


But other players are going to say that is a really bad idea, you might as well just open up some tours for legion spies and stock up on body bags.


So it's essentially taking a very important choice of of the Courier's hands and as 1. the owner of the dam and 2. re: security of the dam s/he should have a choice in the matter.


So that's why I'm asking for input.


Regarding the settlement at Hoover Dam, at first I was a bit skeptical about the idea considering that the Legion is still on the other side of the dam (even if the player kills Lanius and takes his camp) but it seems to have gathered some momentum, a lot of good ideas and now I'm warming up to the idea of seeing it in the NCR version or an NCR friendly independent version.


I would like to see the Hoover Dam settlement in the Independent version where the player tells the NCR to gtfo from the Mojave. However without having the NCR around it might make sense to leave it until the player has found a way to manufacture securitrons and raised his/her Mojave army.


However in the House version I have the feeling that Mr House wouldn't be too keen on the idea of building a settlement on Hoover Dam and prefer to keep an automated workforce there.


Changing the subject I am curious if there are any plans made to do something with Red Rock Canyon after the Great Khans evacuate. Even though the Khans considered it a harsh environment I see it and it's surrounding area to be a good piece of real estate. It's in good distance to a food source (bighorners) and the Viper camp (now cazador breeding ground) south from it could be turned into a small merchant hub. A bit of pest control would be one of the first things to do. Setting up a water source would be important too unless the player can set up a water delivery. Any new settlers in the area can be either or a mixture of refugees who fled from Legion territory and wasteland survivalists.

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Regarding the settlement at Hoover Dam, at first I was a bit skeptical about the idea considering that the Legion is still on the other side of the dam (even if the player kills Lanius and takes his camp) but it seems to have gathered some momentum, a lot of good ideas and now I'm warming up to the idea of seeing it in the NCR version or an NCR friendly independent version.

Yeah it is, some fun stuff for sure. It's why I'm pondering whether to just gloss over the how and why for the sake of the expanded content that it offers. But I'm leaning towards the following; make it a given in the NCR mod. Make it an option in the NCR friendly independent. Recycle the NPC's for all other versions of the mod (House, independent NCR unfriendly, independent NCR friendly but a negatory on the dam) in NV (since it's the likeliest area for them to show up in sans hoover town). The content that Lucia is putting together should never go to waste, it's just a question of how best to get it in to each mod.


The downside to my approach is a lot of extra work for me plugging everything in with at least two locations as options. And the fact taht some players will never see the unique fusion of hoover town that she's working on.


I would like to see the Hoover Dam settlement in the Independent version where the player tells the NCR to gtfo from the Mojave. However without having the NCR around it might make sense to leave it until the player has found a way to manufacture securitrons and raised his/her Mojave army.

Yeah I think that one is a hard one to swing, but we'll put hte option in. The independent mod is all about choice, after all. So what's the best way to do that?


Your approached by a enterprising entrepreneur, who see's the dam's potential going to waste?


Or maybe a large influx of refugees right at the dam, fleeing/escaping the legin withdrawal has to be put up somewhere. Hoover has the space and a kind-hearted courier lets them stay there. It could quickly grow into a makeshift town.....


Maybe a caravan house would like to use it as a resupply/rest area. If they do a ton of trade to the west, a makeshift town could spring up to take advantage of the caps flowing in.


Those aren't great ideas, but something like that could, with the couriers blessing, be the same as Lucia's vision sans NCR. And if the player chooses otherwise, then NPC's get moved to NV.




However in the House version I have the feeling that Mr House wouldn't be too keen on the idea of building a settlement on Hoover Dam and prefer to keep an automated workforce there.

Yeah I don't see any way to make it happen in the House mod, that would be consistent with House's character. But that means that the NPC's at least can be dropped in NV.


Changing the subject I am curious if there are any plans made to do something with Red Rock Canyon after the Great Khans evacuate......Any new settlers in the area can be either or a mixture of refugees who fled from Legion territory and wasteland survivalists.

No I hand't given it any thought, but it's a good idea. And lets face it, without settlers something is going to occupy that space, and more likely than not it won't be a friendly something. Also I can put together a quest for a "Queen" (even though they'r not a hive species) cazador taht will stop the respawning permanently if she is killed along with the remaining egg clutches.

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I would have gone the other way with that. To my mind the NCR mod means much more of a NCR presence at the dam. Where as the Independent mod would be the same or no NCR presence (depending on which the player chose) but a heavy securitron presence regardless of the number of status of NCR troops.



That's what I was saying; the NCR version has more troops and key quest-related NCR NPCs, and the Independent version doesn't- it has a few NCR troops as part of a trade treaty, but none of the same key NPCs, a whole different batch of key quest related NPCs.


eg. remember that drug dealing trooper with a minor role in the NCR version who becomes one of Olivers trusted men in the Independent/House version? That kinda thing ;)


Since Hoover Dam was an NCR town in Van Buren, and since it makes sense that the Dam will become a landmark for trade routes and will need civilian workers for the machines, then there's going to be a bustling settlement going there in any scenario- except Legion who I understand don't even want the Dam as a power source. I was saying that if we're going to have this settlement at Hoover Dam, and put the effort into it, then we should get as much use out of it as possible.


1. we simply include it in both mods and overlook those problems for the sake of having a cool environment/area, that I know is going to turn out awesome. Essentially we gloss over the inconsistencies for the sake of the content.


I'd go with this option. But I do agree, on second thoughts, that the lower power plant areas shouldn't be "teeming with civilians" (not that i really intended that), and that they should be limited to the immediate office section inside the Dam. Armed NCR Troops at the entrances become securitrons in the House/Independent, you know, it'd be easier to implement i guess.


Regarding the settlement at Hoover Dam, at first I was a bit skeptical about the idea considering that the Legion is still on the other side of the dam (even if the player kills Lanius and takes his camp)



Legion? What Legion? When they're defeated at Hoover Dam, and the best of the men are dead, what more can they do? There's some bugged dialogue from Cassandra where *after the battle* she explains that the Legion have totally scattered.




However in the House version I have the feeling that Mr House wouldn't be too keen on the idea of building a settlement on Hoover Dam and prefer to keep an automated workforce there.


Those were my thoughts exactly. We've agreed that Mr House wouldn't want a community at Hoover Dam at all, since it takes away a lot of the tourists and trade from New Vegas itself. Gosh, Mr House was my Ending Of Choice, I feel like I shouldn't be a part of this anymore lol


Ok so, "Hoover Dam + the town" only appears in the Independent and NCR versions, i think that's what we're all agreement on, right? It's no big deal if people do want to include it in the House version because, as far as the work I've done with NPCs goes, the House version hasn't even been started yet, and obviously I'd been in favor of including it, to some extent.


Now some quests to get the trains and yard functional, via quests is fine. Portraying the trains as working, cleaned up, people busy in the stations etc is all good and well. We can definitely make the appearance of the iron horse returning to the Mojave like days of old. But actual moving trains hasn't been done yet in the game because it's a b*tch.


We can have "fade to black" sequences to give the impression that the player has taken a train ride, if that's something necessary for quests. Actually it crossed my mind that there could be a little harbor at the bottom of Hoover Dam to fast travel the player, and a boat, to the abandoned Cottonwood Cove or new cell areas like -forgot the name of it- the nuked Legion camp. Maybe NCR is exploring the lake and finds new areas, and send the player to investigate them..?

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