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An independent New Vegas mod.


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I'd love to do in-engine mapping/modelling/storytelling, I like creating a model, knowing where it should fit in the world, and the purpose of it, and what it's going to do.


Plus, who doesn't want a huge Liberty Prime/Mr House Hybrid boss battle?


Also, I still heavily suggest a steam group, who is actually in the development team?

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Plus, who doesn't want a huge Liberty Prime/Mr House Hybrid boss battle?

Yeah I just don't think it really fits him. I mean he's the dapper brains behind the brawn, not the guy swinging a gigantic liberty prime fist. I mean it's cool he worked on it and all, but realistically if he had a liberty prime, he probably wouldn't be in the situation he is now (ie with prime he wouldn't have even needed to allow the NCR in).


What do you guys think?


who is actually in the development team?

Lucia has been pumping out great content. Gunslinger is working on player homes for us. ASTR0J3W has offered to help with scripting. Fujikid was very excited to join the project, but I havn't had contact with him in a while (I imagine both of us have been too busy). And we have several voice actors. But off the top of my head that's all I can think off.

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Not a good idea since it is not exactly lore friendly.


Plus, who doesn't want a huge Liberty Prime/Mr House Hybrid boss battle?

Yeah I just don't think it really fits him. I mean he's the dapper brains behind the brawn, not the guy swinging a gigantic liberty prime fist. I mean it's cool he worked on it and all, but realistically if he had a liberty prime, he probably wouldn't be in the situation he is now (ie with prime he wouldn't have even needed to allow the NCR in).

What do you guys think?


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I wouldn't mind seeing a giant securitron called Mongo wheeling around, like Liberty Prime on a wheel - maybe as an end-boss or patrolling around.


Sounds like that might be better as a WW or a OWB critter. You can't really combine two skeletons, so to keep teh wheel it would mean rigging a Liberty Prime torso/top half to the securitron skeleton and I sincerely doubt that is likely that blender would even export the model. What about a giant(ish) two or three times size securitron at OWB? To be honest I don't know the pop culture reference definition of mongo, other than as I'v used and heard it used.....big.

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Just a totally random thought about the Legion and Securitrons.


What if you said to the Legion, you're working with them and you are going to like it!


One day later the Courier will be in a queue with some unfortunate prisoners waiting to crucified. I can imagine the following scene.


Polite Legionnaire: Crucifixion?

Courier: Yes.

Polite Legionnaire: Good. Out of the door. Line on the left. One cross each. Next.



Actually, I think it'd play out more like this:


Polite Legionnaire: Crucificixion?

Courier points at army of Securitrons surrounding the camp and the Securitron bodyguard behind them, then watches as Polite Legionnaire turns whiter then Ghost.

Polite Legionnaire: Do you need someone to polish your Securitrons' armor?


Yes-Man makes the point with the Securitron army behind you, nobody's opinion matters but your own.

The Legion can pretend to be in charge if you're allied with them, but in truth, you're the one with all the power, so they have to answer to you, even if they don't like it.



As regards the DLCs, I didn't think much about them, other then to use mods to make 2 specific changes.

The first was to add a mod that could allow me to travel freely back and forth between the abandoned BOS bunker and Sierra Madre.


The second allows me to take Roxie out of the research center and all the way back to the Mojave as a fully featured companion.

She will even wait at the Lucky38 if you dismiss her.

Edited by XTgrndr
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Mongo is from a comedy movie called Blazing Saddles and was played by Alex Karras - he was basically this unstoppable force of nature who could knock out a horse in one punch and survive being blown up. Seems like a monster, but actually turned out to be a good guy. Great movie btw.

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Yes-Man makes the point with the Securitron army behind you, nobody's opinion matters but your own.

If the enemy will fight to teh death (remember they practice decimation, for just failing a military objective) it matters. If hte enemby is more powerful, it matters. If hte enemy won't surrender or ally with you, it matters. Ie. it matters.


The securitron army ensures NV's safety, it doesn't make you more powerful than either of the super powers of the Region (NCR/Legion). That's not just lore, but is supported by game mechanics. Look up the stats for vetern legionaries and MK II's, and you don't have 10's of thousands of securitrons.


The lore doesn't support an ending with a Legion + Ind alliance, and we definitely don't have any intention of makind one. We're just going to make a simple base mod for the legion ending. So how about we put this one to bed.


The second allows me to take Roxie out of the research center and all the way back to the Mojave as a fully featured companion.

yeah, Roxie is cool. We previously floated the idea of her having a pup with Rex. If you think of other ideas re: the DLC's feel free to contribute.

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