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Mongo is from a comedy movie called Blazing Saddles and was played by Alex Karras - he was basically this unstoppable force of nature who could knock out a horse in one punch and survive being blown up. Seems like a monster, but actually turned out to be a good guy. Great movie btw.

OK so want to make a giant(ish) securitron with a heart of gold for OWB & WW then?

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Another point to consider.


While you are working on Come Fly With Me, Jason Bright specifically mentions they intend to take the Feral Ghouls away with them to wherever it is that they're going.

Yet, most of the time, when I go back, there is always a significant Feral Ghoul presence.

Which doesn't exactly fit, consdering Jason Bright says they are being removed.


If you can do it, you should set it up so that when that Quest is finished, they stop spawning around the Repconn Launch site.


The second allows me to take Roxie out of the research center and all the way back to the Mojave as a fully featured companion.

yeah, Roxie is cool. We previously floated the idea of her having a pup with Rex. If you think of other ideas re: the DLC's feel free to contribute.


Well, one of the endings of Old World Blues mentions Rex and Roxie created an army of cyberdogs.

I think they were Boston Terriers, not German Shepherds though.


Is anyone crazy enough to make an army of Boston Terrier Cyberdogs?

Edited by XTgrndr
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While you are working on Come Fly With Me, Jason Bright specifically mentions they intend to take the Feral Ghouls away with them to wherever it is that they're going.

Interesting, yeah we can do that. I wonder what he had in mind. I mean doesn't make a lot of sense to take a near mindless creature with you into space, but there you go.....


EDIT: yeah as far as the boston terrier thing, I have no clue what is up with the genetic drift.

Edited by devinpatterson
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One idea Dangman4ever and I had in re: to honest hearts involves following the progress/evolution of the vault 22 (the plant vault) survivors. They fled to zion, and Randall Clark waged a one man war on them. He chronicals how they turned to cannibalism of tribals. Our idea was to have them develop into a tribal group from their vault roots, Dangman4ever described them somewhat as Arroyo and the descendants of the Vault Dweller. I'd also like to expand on their connection with their botanical technology. A couple of ideas I floated;


A important child (chiefs daughter) of the 22 tribe is infected and will die without the couriers help.

They'v degenerated into worshiping the infection as a sort of blessed touch of the twisted earth goddess religion they now serve.

Perhaps outsiders are infected as a sacrifice to their twisted earth goddess.

They'v trained or use the spore carriers as sort of a zombie defense

They tend to have developed a resistance, but older tribal members get infected to various stages as their immune system gets weaker, so you have a nursing home of horrors

They are infected and the player can save them (while also achieving concessions from them, maybe more positive behavior etc).


I'm sure there are many more.


More info starting at this post.

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While you are working on Come Fly With Me, Jason Bright specifically mentions they intend to take the Feral Ghouls away with them to wherever it is that they're going.

Interesting, yeah we can do that. I wonder what he had in mind. I mean doesn't make a lot of sense to take a near mindless creature with you into space, but there you go.....




I completely forgot about the Bright Brotherhood. Jason and some of the followers should have a church and a house or two in Novac since they return and help rebuild the town after the Legions failed attack on the town. You could also remove a few "useless" NPCs like one of the doctors body guards, no-bark, and Jeannie May Crawford (if the player hasn't done Boones quest).


For the Ind and NCR endings you could open up a few churches to towns close to Novac as well, like Nipton and Nelson. The churches would be open for humans and ghouls alike but would mostly be populated by ghouls. I can't see Mr. House being a big fan of ghouls and would probably make it harder for them to start up a church.

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I completely forgot about the Bright Brotherhood. Jason and some of the followers should have a church and a house or two in Novac since they return and help rebuild the town after the Legions failed attack on the town. You could also remove a few "useless" NPCs like one of the doctors body guards, no-bark, and Jeannie May Crawford (if the player hasn't done Boones quest).

Remove No-bark? That sir is madness.


For the Ind and NCR endings you could open up a few churches to towns close to Novac as well, like Nipton and Nelson. The churches would be open for humans and ghouls alike but would mostly be populated by ghouls. I can't see Mr. House being a big fan of ghouls and would probably make it harder for them to start up a church.

Sounds good. I wonder if they might have a champion, a reaver, glowing one or somesuch. Somewhat in the same way as broken steel (I think that was the dlc) introduced a glowing one & feral champion for the cildren of the atom church. They didn't attack, but we're there to protect. I never fought them, but if I remember right they were pretty tough.


OK I think I'm going to take a butcher knife to the strip and start working on teh legion base mod. Knock it out and get it out of the way.

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Oh, almost forgot. For the NCR ending I want to make a parallel military path for the courier. If s/he doesn't want to go into the normal rank (Colonel in chief), but would rather join the special forces, we should make a quest line to become a full ranger and progress through their military rank. It makes a nice alternative to the normal NCR brass, I think it would be appealing to many players and through the missions you'd have a chance to bond with some ranger personalities. Not to mention some good covert/black ops adventures.
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No-bark doesn't benefit the town, honestly I don't know how he survives. He was somewhat helpful in the quests around the town but other than that he's useless. When the Legion attacked Novac people died.


I could see the doctors bodyguards dying since they aren't very well armed and they don't look like they could really handle themselves in a fight. Jeannie May Crawford would probably try to convince the Legion to not kill her since she has traded with them in the past. No-bark being, well no-bark would probably run around shouting "The end is nigh!" while the fighting's going on.


I think the Bright Brotherhood should be more benevolent, so there wouldn't be a need for a champion.

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One last thing. Have you guys seen info on Sawyers mod (developer). There was some interesting info in it;


Colonel Moore Alignment changed from Neutral to Evil

Colonel Hsu Alignment changed from Neutral to Good

Dam Centurion Alignments changed from Evil to Neutral

Doctor Usanagi Alignment changed to Very Good

Dixon Alignment changed from Neutral to Very Evil

Jean-Baptiste Cutting Alignment changed from Neutral to Very Evil

Gloria Van Graff Alignment changed from Neutral to Very Evil

Alice McLafferty Alignment changed from Neutral to Evil

Alice McBride Alignment changed from Neutral to Good

Squatter Alignments changed from Neutral to Good

The King's Alignment changed from Neutral to Good

Contreras' Alignment changed from Neutral to Evil


It may not be official lore, but he's pivotal/instrumental in NV. It puts a new spin on the NCR brass, particularly Moore.

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No-bark doesn't benefit the town, honestly I don't know how he survives. He was somewhat helpful in the quests around the town but other than that he's useless. When the Legion attacked Novac people died.

I don't think anyone would argue that No-bark is a benefit per se, the guy is batsh*t crazy, but he has character :smile:


I could see the doctors bodyguards dying

Can't see any point in killing Jenny or the body guards


I think the Bright Brotherhood should be more benevolent, so there wouldn't be a need for a champion.

A champion doesn't imply malevolence, in fact as a verb it's definition is "Support the cause of; defend.", just like the champions of hte church of the atom. They were there to defend & protect the church because the worshipers were *not* fighters.

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