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Just wondering, after the second battle of hoover dam will we see the ending "cutscene" or will this just carry on as if the battle is simply the middle point in the game?

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Just wondering, after the second battle of hoover dam will we see the ending "cutscene" or will this just carry on as if the battle is simply the middle point in the game?

Well it was intended to be used only for players that were already playing beyond the end of the game. But I'll probably revamp it and add the result script to the slideshow script so it will go all the way up to the credits (which won't play) and then drop you somewhere.

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No-bark doesn't benefit the town, honestly I don't know how he survives. He was somewhat helpful in the quests around the town but other than that he's useless. When the Legion attacked Novac people died.

I don't think anyone would argue that No-bark is a benefit per se, the guy is batsh*t crazy, but he has character :smile:


I could see the doctors bodyguards dying

Can't see any point in killing Jenny or the body guards


I think the Bright Brotherhood should be more benevolent, so there wouldn't be a need for a champion.

A champion doesn't imply malevolence, in fact as a verb it's definition is "Support the cause of; defend.", just like the champions of hte church of the atom. They were there to defend & protect the church because the worshipers were *not* fighters.




1) Yes he has character, and I believe a lot of people like him, personally I don't care for him but that's not why I believe he should be killed. I believe because people died in the attack, and too add a few crosses and some graves wouldn't be enough. You have to have some people other than generic, unnamed NPCs die as well other wise it will seem like the attack wasn't that brutal.


2) I'm not saying kill the doctor, just one of her bodyguards. In this case you have plenty of characters, you can afford to kill a few off.


3) I understand the need for guards in a post apocalyptic world, but they would be in a town with plenty of people and plenty of town guards around, it would seem redundant to have even more guards protecting a peaceful church. Maybe instead have a few worshipers as town guards, that way there would be a few guards in the church once in a while.

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Just wondering, after the second battle of hoover dam will we see the ending "cutscene" or will this just carry on as if the battle is simply the middle point in the game?

Well it was intended to be used only for players that were already playing beyond the end of the game. But I'll probably revamp it and add the result script to the slideshow script so it will go all the way up to the credits (which won't play) and then drop you somewhere.



I think it would be best if you didn't show the slideshow, that way it doesn't seem like the game is over and that there are still stuff to do. If you show the slideshow the player might feel it's just side quests that left and that it's not an extended story going on, get rid of the slideshow all together if its possible.

Edited by sgtKraigO
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1) Yes he has character, and I believe a lot of people like him, personally I don't care for him but that's not why I believe he should be killed.

I think we're better off keeping him, due preceisely to his character, but we can get opinions on how people feel about him.


2) I'm not saying kill the doctor, just one of her bodyguards. In this case you have plenty of characters, you can afford to kill a few off.


No mention of the doc, just mistyped Jeannie.


3) I understand the need for guards in a post apocalyptic world, but they would be in a town with plenty of people and plenty of town guards around, it would seem redundant to have even more guards protecting a peaceful church. Maybe instead have a few worshipers as town guards, that way there would be a few guards in the church once in a while.


Because they can apparently control ferals, a peaceful church needs protection the most in a place like fallout, and they (the champions) are far cooler than some guys from novac. But we can also include some worshipers as guards as well.


In any case I'll jot your ideas down.

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I think it would be best if you didn't show the slideshow, that way it doesn't seem like the game is over and that there are still stuff to do. If you show the slideshow the player might feel it's just side quests that left and that it's not an extended story going on, get rid of the slideshow all together if its possible.

Oh it's definitely possible, even easy, but I don't want to cheat a player out of any media. The slideshows are interesting. My intention with this mod is only to add, not subrtract anything from the experience unless I have to.

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Liberty Prime was actually a RobCo invention, however.

Yep, sure was, that's why I mentioned he worked on him, as a matter of fact there is a pic of him with liberty prime in OWB.


For a first modeling project how do you feel about a rangers overhaul. Check this page out, at the bottom for concept art. We may not even need many original models, perhaps just a different helmet, and/or a different gas mask, as you see in the pics. Most of it I can do via some simple mesh edits, but I rarely ever do completely original models. With teh pic of the upper half of the four rangers labeled a, b, c & d you can see the new helmets and gas masks I'd like you to put together if you think that's do-able.


Thanks brother.

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While you are working on Come Fly With Me, Jason Bright specifically mentions they intend to take the Feral Ghouls away with them to wherever it is that they're going.

Interesting, yeah we can do that. I wonder what he had in mind. I mean doesn't make a lot of sense to take a near mindless creature with you into space, but there you go.....


Jason Bright does clarify that statement. He tells you that "the Healing Glow of the Great Beyond will restore our Feral Brothers". I think he's assuming they'll return to sane Ghouls wherever it is they are going.


EDIT: yeah as far as the boston terrier thing, I have no clue what is up with the genetic drift.


I assume that the boston terriers are not actual offspring, that Rex and Roxie found a genetic sample somewhere in the research lab, cloned it to produce real Boston Terriers and upgraded them with cyberdog components.

That of course is conjecture, all the ending really says is that Rex and Roxie created an army of Boston Terrier cyberdogs.

It doesn't go into details of how they did it.

Edited by XTgrndr
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Jason Bright does clarify that statement. He tells you that "the Healing Glow of the Great Beyond will restore our Feral Brothers". I think he's assuming they'll return to sane Ghouls wherever it is they are going.

Interesting, I wonder if it worked. There are some unique forms of inonizing radiation that are filtered out by our atmosphere.


I assume that the boston terriers are not actual offspring, that Rex and Roxie found a genetic sample somewhere in the research lab, cloned it to produce real Boston Terriers and upgraded them with cyberdog components.

That of course is conjecture, all the ending really says is that Rex and Roxie created an army of Boston Terrier cyberdogs.

It doesn't go into details of how they did it.

they do have the splicing center, so if they had the tape they could do it, I'v just never considered Rex intelligent enough to pull off something like that. Most likely it's a throwaway line in typical OWB craziness. I'd like to implement it, but I doubt I could make a decent boston terrier.

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