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[PROJECT] Wars in Skyrim V


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Yes, the project is still developing. It's just a huge work to develop it, plus Bethesda isn't helping us at all with all the updates.


WiS Story had to be rewritten from scratch


The realease of the awesome ASIS from Pluto made us completely change our plans.


There's a lot of work to do, and we want to release a perfect mod. With perfect i don't mean "a total overhaul wich will throw away any other mod", but instead something that will work flawlessly with the best mods here. And since "new best mods" come out very fast, there are lot of things that we costantly re-think, change, improve, delete.


Anyway, we're working, don't worry ;)

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I know this is about the resurrection of Wars in Skyrim which I can't wait for but my question is will the last released version of IV 1.51 (at least that is the one I have) have any issues with Skyrim 1.6?


Been afraid to try since I found it on my hard drive but would be nice as a filler till this one comes out.

Edited by rgdelta
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Not sure if it was noticed, but the spawn randomizer was released to the public a little while back. I have a few kinks to work out in the code, but none so far relating to that (some GMST's don't export and the global exclusions, + perk/spell inclusions, aren't working fully). Besides 'possibly' making some quest/etc checks, as once in a while a spawn pops up on a new game. o.O


So feel free to experiment and ask any questions necessary. I'm now getting into full scale development on SkyBash, or Bethsoft link, so I won't be implementing much more into ASIS quite yet. The good news is that SkyBash can fully merge NPC's to the subrecord level (so no conflicts with a mod editing a face, or adding a script, etc), and I've managed to rework some algorithms so it's pretty snippy, too. Tests with 3 large ASIS plugins (2.2mb, 2.9mb, and 5.7mb, merging a few thousand NPC's from each) took only about 6 seconds, of which 4-5 was importing the initial mods. Now that the internal framework is getting set up, a rapid expansion will be possible. Races are mergeable, even, though they haven't been reworked to new algorithms ('tis tomorrow's task).


Feel free to check it out, there's download links. .15 is the first with new algorithms but it's entirely untested. It'll get more work in tomorrow.


So... now that I've been all technical, tl;dr, mod merging should be possible fairly soon for everything but cells, worldspaces, navmeshes, and a few other oddities.

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Could anyone send me the latest version of WiS? I found a copy of it a while ago but I stopped playing skyrim between then and now and it got deleted. Plus to hold me over till this comes out :thumbsup:

u'll have to wait for WiS 5 to come out, but u can use ASIS for now,it's a really good mod

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