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How to move workshop category (perhaps to SKE)


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I have a mod conflict that removes the "Decorations > Vault" category added by the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC. I've tried numerous things to fix it, all without success. It happens despite wiping my mods and re-uploading before each play-through, so I imagine it's one of my favorite mods causing it.


I know my way around the Construction Kit somewhat, so I'd like to make my own mod that does a single thing:

  • Move the "Decorations > Vault" submenu to "SKE > Decorations > Vault"

If this isn't possible, then I'd like to move it to the root as a "Vault" category. Obviously I don't want to break any other mods or menus, so I'm looking for a non-intrusive way to do this. Script injection? I dunno.

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Settlement Menu Manager


Give that a try


Thanks for the link - I read through the description on that and it seems more like a framework for adding new menus (I could be wrong). I'm looking for a tutorial or process that shows how to move an existing menu (sub-menu, actually) to a different parent/location.

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you will need to find the COBJ of all files you wish to move, then for each COBJ change the WorkshopWorkBenchType (this is the Main Workshop Menu for each vanilla Menu, for sub-menus they are done via form lists and keywords.)


Note: COBJ = Constructible Object


Example: say you wanted to move the Lightbulb from Power (Main Menu) to Furniture (Main Menu)


You would do this, in Creation Kit, go to Constructible Objects - *Copy and Paste* this into the Filter Box workshop_co_Lightbulb - double click on it, click on the Workbench Keyword *Drop Down Box* - Change


*WorkshopWorkbenchTypePower* to *WorkshopWorkbenchTypeFurniture*



For Sub-Menus, you will need to change the Keyword inside the *Lightbulb* Constructible Object


Example to put the Lightbulb into Furniture - Decorations, Delete this keyword *WorkshopRecipeFilterResource02Power03Lights* and add this Keyword: WorkshopRecipeFilterDecor02WallDecorations


To create your own Custom Menus, you will need to create the Keyword for Each Item, and a Formlist for the items, you would then place the new *Keyword* into the *Formlist*, and then add the *Keyword* to each *Constructible Object* for each item



For SKE. you will need to read the main description page, as their is a tutorial found at the bottom of that page.

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you will need to find the COBJ of all files you wish to move, then for each COBJ change the WorkshopWorkBenchType (this is the Main Workshop Menu for each vanilla Menu, for sub-menus they are done via form lists and keywords.)



Wow, that's pretty involved. While trying to fix my issue, I found the mod causing it and was able to get an update that's SKE-compatible. I definitely appreciate these instructions, though, because I'd still like to shuffle a couple menus around. Thank you very much for the reply!

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you're Welcome :smile:


also to continue on from my reply, once you have created your custom keywords and formlists, they will then need to be placed in the master vanilla formlist which is this is the creation kit: WorkshopMenuMain


simply drag your formlists into that formlist to make it appear in game ;)

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