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Any reason modders can't control the comments section?


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I guess some people would not like negative comments, however, a lot of trolling of mods goes on in comments - for instance people going on and on with feedback modders have expressly said they aren't interested in - WIS got lost because of trolling, and I see other mods where modders are getting annoyed at constant unrelated questions about specific things they have answered time and again or just cannot control.


Can modders get control of this and just start deleting comments?


I'm considering shutting my comments section down altogether, but then people cannot submit bugs.

Edited by thefinn
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We do not allow mod authors to control their own threads because it may produce undesirable consequences. Some authors may decide to suppress valid criticism too, and not just obnoxious trolls. Premium members, however, are able to 'hide' unsavory comments in their own file upload comment topics because when a mod author, who is also a premium member, uses the down-rep arrow, it will give the offending post -99 repu immediately.
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We do not allow mod authors to control their own threads because it may produce undesirable consequences. Some authors may decide to suppress valid criticism too, and not just obnoxious trolls. Premium members, however, are able to 'hide' unsavory comments in their own file upload comment topics because when a mod author, who is also a premium member, uses the down-rep arrow, it will give the offending post -99 repu immediately.


Thing is, if I turn off the comment section altogether, it also suppresses valid criticism.


The premium member thing is good though, I'll probably go that route.

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We had a thread on this subject (authors being able to delete comments on their own mods) in the mod author forums around 9 - 12 months ago and there was a very clear majority within the mod author group who did not want to see this functionality implemented. I listened to the majority.


If that were to change I would happily re-evaluate things.

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Yeah, I think it's a pretty bad idea because some mod authors will delete any criticism, even if it's constructive, valid and well presented. The premium member "sea of red thumbs" route is good enough, imo.
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We had a thread on this subject (authors being able to delete comments on their own mods) in the mod author forums around 9 - 12 months ago and there was a very clear majority within the mod author group who did not want to see this functionality implemented. I listened to the majority.


If that were to change I would happily re-evaluate things.


Yeah that was the first sentence of my OP, I guess it would be an issue where some people would just delete any comment that wasn't a glowing report.


If you take a look at my mod, it's just people who cannot find the "readme" button - which you guys very nicely provided us modders with.

I think there's 1 comment that's not about the readme and another which has some reasonable criticism who then goes on to rant about the readme related stuff and my more and more aggitated responses to it - out of 13 posts. As you can see by my replies, getting pissed at the whole deal.


It would be nice to just put something up about the readme, and delete idiots who have more time to make stupid comments.


If you take a look at the mod overall, I've spent some time on the page and filled out everything from proper version numbers, videos and changelogs as well as NMM friendly - all of which many modders do not.

It is annoying to get replies telling me I haven't given enough information.

Edited by thefinn
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I'm inclined to say that's more a problem with the layout than the users - the existence of the readme is not all that obvious and a lot of modders just include their instructions on the frontpage (though I tried, but couldn't find, your mod so maybe you tell them where it is on the frontpage.) I wasn't aware of the existence of the readme until I uploaded my first mod last month. Edited by AstralFire
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I'm inclined to say that's more a problem with the layout than the users - the existence of the readme is not all that obvious and a lot of modders just include their instructions on the frontpage (though I tried, but couldn't find, your mod so maybe you tell them where it is on the frontpage.) I wasn't aware of the existence of the readme until I uploaded my first mod last month.


Then perhaps that's a complaint for the website, not the modder.


In any case, I'm going to be deleteing the file I think.

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