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Is it such a bad thing to adhere to lore?



32 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it bad to want to adhere to the lore of a given game?

    • Lore is great as long as you're not cramming it down others' throats
    • Yes! It's a sign of a dull mind. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to mod in anime pony girls with machine guns to Skyrim :P
    • I'm happy as neither side crams their ideas down my throat

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I see a lot of people can banned for lore-mongering, which for me is "I adhere to the lore, and you suck and are stupid if you don't!" attitude that some people have. Yet I also have seen the exact opposite on occasion: people being put down because they politely state that they prefer to adhere to the lore. Preferring the lore is not lore-mongering, yet I've had that accusation leveled at me just for saying (elsewhere) that "I prefer things that don't destroy my immersion and strain my suspension of disbelief."


In addition to the question above, in your opinion, where does adhering to the lore turn into lore-mongering?

Edited by nyxalinth
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Lore is great and all, it's one of the reasons people play the games in the first place. But unless the lore specifically state that anime pony girls with machine guns don't exist, adding them in isn't contradicting the lore :)



LOL true! That's why I view it as "If I feel it fits in with my own concept of the lore." APGwMG mods are the sort I download and play with after I've beaten the game several times and am thoroughly bored with it :D

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What we refer to as lore mongers are those who demand that everyone play the game according to their personal concept of what the lore is. These are the people who claim that by making a mod that doesn't fit their personal concept of lore you are ruining the game and your mod should not be allowed. (anime, furry, pony etc) I have yet to figgure out how a mod that you are not going to use is ever going to affect your game. Or why someone would object to someone else playing with a flying pink pony that breathes fire when they are not required to play with that in their game. :rolleyes:


For mods, what you do is up to you. You get to decide what you want in your game. If you want your mod to adhere to some concept of what you think the lore should be that's fine. If you feel that the game needs a candy striped goblin toting a AK47, that's fine too.


Beth changes the 'lore' from game to game. There are no cliff Racers in Oblivion, there are no goblins in Skyrim. Lore mongers tend to pick and choose the lore they want to worship while ignoring a lot of things that did not make the transition from one game to the next. :tongue:

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What we refer to as lore mongers are those who demand that everyone play the game according to their personal concept of what the lore is. These are the people who claim that by making a mod that doesn't fit their personal concept of lore you are ruining the game and your mod should not be allowed. (anime, furry, pony etc) I have yet to figgure out how a mod that you are not going to use is ever going to affect your game. Or why someone would object to someone else playing with a flying pink pony that breathes fire when they are not required to play with that in their game. :rolleyes:


For mods, what you do is up to you. You get to decide what you want in your game. If you want your mod to adhere to some concept of what you think the lore should be that's fine. If you feel that the game needs a candy striped goblin toting a AK47, that's fine too.


Beth changes the 'lore' from game to game. There are no cliff Racers in Oblivion, there are no goblins in Skyrim. Lore mongers tend to pick and choose the lore they want to worship while ignoring a lot of things that did not make the transition from one game to the next. :tongue:


Oh gods, indeed so. Mind, i might look into a candy-striped goblin with an AK47. It appeals to my sense of the bizaare :D


I don't mind the Brony stuff too much, I think it's funny and cute, and the Randy Savage dragon made me laugh my butt off. Sometimes mods veer into the territory where I wonder "Well, if you want to play TERA/Soul Caliber/Final Fantasy, why are you playing a TES game?" but it's nothing beyond I'm curious about how people think.

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I don't mind the Brony stuff too much, I think it's funny and cute, and the Randy Savage dragon made me laugh my butt off. Sometimes mods veer into the territory where I wonder "Well, if you want to play TERA/Soul Caliber/Final Fantasy, why are you playing a TES game?" but it's nothing beyond I'm curious about how people think.


I don't believe it has anything to do with how people think. People do not pick their subjective preferences by thinking hard about it. For example, I love parrots but it has nothing to do with a conscious decision making process. I don't think modding preferences are much different.

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I personally think everyone has their own personal lore to add to the lore of the game their playing. That's why I especially like game universes with flexible lore like the Elder Scrolls Series; people can interpret parts of the official lore their own way and can add their own personal lore. I may not agree with someone else's lore, but I'll respect their right to have that personal lore.
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Sorry if I spelled things wrong, I'm on the phone.


What you just described was vesmitued that some people can't comprihend. For example, some of the mods here destroy what I can comprehend in morrowind or oblivion (they are usually more adult orientated). I think that these people that are usually like this to have control issue, they just can't comprehend someone to control their game and if anyone diverges from their playthroughs. It's a bigger issue that needs to be explored by professionals.

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Lore is all very well, but when you are talking about a fantasy game, people will put their own fantasy into it. What always makes me snort with laughter are the lore fiends who try to tell you that heavy plate tin can armour is any more realistic than the skimpy stuff (historically it just isn't, it was only for the tiltyard). Some of the worst trolling on the file threads has come in the guise of lore adherence (hence the tags thing...).
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Anything not officially sanctioned/ doused with official Bethesda sauce is not Canon nor actual Lore. Yes those are meant to be capitalised.


There is Lore friendly, which is a loose term meaning s*** that doesn't come directly from a specific anime/film/Machoman dragons/lightsabers and uzis in skyrim kinda of place. People may argue LOTR stuff is Lore friendly, my opinion is that actually breaks key Lore tenets therefore it's not, LOTR universe is just too different even if they both have elves and magic.


TES Loremongering is when people complain about stuff other people put into the game or otherwise try to tell people what to do in modding

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