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Elder Scrolls 6 wishlist


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It doesn't appear that there's a pinned thread for Elder Scrolls 6 speculation and discussion. I at the very least haven't found one yet. If there is one, feel free to merge this topic with that one.


Anyway, I have started a video series on my youtube channel where I discuss what I would like in Elder Scrolls 6. Part 1 of that series can be found here, if you're interested:


Part 1:

Part 2:

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Well, I'd love to see Elsweyr or Black Marsh :smile: I'm probably going to cry if they'll give us Vallenwood, though. I'm not sure why, but Bosmer people never got my heart (they're even more annoying than Thalmor for me, which is kinda terrifying).


Frankly, though, I'm less worried for a setting than for a plotline and mechanics. We already saw in Skyrim how much Bethesda can cut out for a "new content". I swear, for each little pixel on their textures they take away something good from the previous game. Darts, spell creating, telekinesis and skills themselves have been changed for a better graphics and annoying bugs.


This is just my little dream, but I'd hug Bethesda if they will make a game with mechanics taken almost entirely from Morrowind - I'd love to see dialogue text box :tongue:


No, but seriously. I really hope they will stop taking things away and start giving. And that their guilds will be more than a single, 5-hour plotline...

Edited by nayakri
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If they destroy any towns have them slowly over time go back to normal. All it would take is using a dozen xmarkers to enable/disable stuff instead of just one so the town is either untouched or a total wreck. That's just lazy.


Killed named merchants replaced by generic ones like the guards. And more generic, respawned wanderers in and out of towns for more life.


Clutter that when you pick it up doesn't turn upside down so you could decorate your place more easily. and doesn't fly all over for no cause. Pay attention to center of gravity when making your meshes people.


Would it be possible to make windows in an interior cell that could show what would be visible in the exterior or some other cell?


Spell creation. Enchanting.I liked making fun spells like a dagger that healed on hit.


Spells that tame creatures making them into followers.


Much more random conversations between NPC's and spoken to the player.


Instead of a list (usually a short list) of conversational topics being able with a keyboard or mike go up to a NPC and say things that you type or speak like "Ask where someone is", "Where's the Inn?", "Tell me about Whoever", and things like that and get a response to what you say. I like text parsers in games and trying to find the right question to ask the right NPC..

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Taming animals? I'm in! :tongue:


I think windows like this would be mostly possible only with an open world otherwise those would be just pictures of the exterior, I think.


When it comes to placing clutter around - I don't even bother in Skyrim because the game will throw them back to their first drop-place whenever I leave home. I think Morrowind (yes, again) was better in this with its system of placing items around.


When it comes to generic people, I'd like them to replace all dead people, so if you like murdering annoying people from time to time, you won't end up with a ghost town.


I don't know what Bethesda had against spell creation, really. It was my main source of spells in Morrowind and a way to avoid boring and sometimes useless vanilla spells. So yes, I'm for to bringing it back to the game but with some tweaks (for example, you can choose an animation or a colour of a spell for variety).


After my first post here I was thinking for some time and I realized that I'd like Bethesda to change one things: more Daedric quests. I mean, Daedric artefacts are nice and all, but it's sad you barely can do anything related to Daedra before you get "Quest ended" in your face. The only Daedra Prince they ever elaborated was Sheogorath, really. That's not enough.

Edited by nayakri
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More options for unique rewards. The daedric quests want you to betray/murder someone. When you do you get a nice unique reward. Refuse, quest failed and nothing. I want a different reward for thwarting the daedra so good characters get something too.


Unique items scattered in random locations. Say 20 unique items randomly placed in 100 possible locations at game start. A treasure hunt to find them all and each playthrough different.

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Since I usually always, ok ALWAYS play a Breton, I'd like to see Highrock.

I honestly couldn't care less what the setting of TES 6 is ... as long as it's big, expansive, and has plenty of quest content.




EDIT. Whoops sorry. Wrong guy quoted.

Edited by chanchan05
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Well, I'd love to see Elsweyr or Black Marsh :smile: I'm probably going to cry if they'll give us Vallenwood, though. I'm not sure why, but Bosmer people never got my heart (they're even more annoying than Thalmor for me, which is kinda terrifying).


Frankly, though, I'm less worried for a setting than for a plotline and mechanics. We already saw in Skyrim how much Bethesda can cut out for a "new content". I swear, for each little pixel on their textures they take away something good from the previous game. Darts, spell creating, telekinesis and skills themselves have been changed for a better graphics and annoying bugs.


This is just my little dream, but I'd hug Bethesda if they will make a game with mechanics taken almost entirely from Morrowind - I'd love to see dialogue text box :tongue:


No, but seriously. I really hope they will stop taking things away and start giving. And that their guilds will be more than a single, 5-hour plotline...

I think your complaints are more because of limitations of console playing. I mean if just compare Oblivion and Skyrim controls. IIRC Oblivion uses more buttons than what's present on an XBox controller.

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Well, I'd love to see Elsweyr or Black Marsh :smile: I'm probably going to cry if they'll give us Vallenwood, though. I'm not sure why, but Bosmer people never got my heart (they're even more annoying than Thalmor for me, which is kinda terrifying).


Frankly, though, I'm less worried for a setting than for a plotline and mechanics. We already saw in Skyrim how much Bethesda can cut out for a "new content". I swear, for each little pixel on their textures they take away something good from the previous game. Darts, spell creating, telekinesis and skills themselves have been changed for a better graphics and annoying bugs.


This is just my little dream, but I'd hug Bethesda if they will make a game with mechanics taken almost entirely from Morrowind - I'd love to see dialogue text box :tongue:


No, but seriously. I really hope they will stop taking things away and start giving. And that their guilds will be more than a single, 5-hour plotline...

I think your complaints are more because of limitations of console playing. I mean if just compare Oblivion and Skyrim controls. IIRC Oblivion uses more buttons than what's present on an XBox controller.



Excuse me? Sorry, I don't understand what are you talking about - I'm playing on PC and using keyboard, so there are hardly any limits here.


I don't want to be a... well, I don't know even what to call it, but I never played any of TES games on a console and never going to, so I hardly follow what happens outside of PC world.

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