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Understanding how Vortex handles game files...


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I've been using Vortex to try to assemble an ideal mod list for Skyrim Special Edition. When the Racemenu character creator became available, I tried to switch from ECE to Racemenu. Unfortunately, Racemenu didn't work properly, so I switched back to ECE. I assumed this would put me back to where I was before. Instead, I find that many foods and ingredients are now purple. Could switching between character creators have caused this problem? When you muddle between using and not using a certain mod, does the experimentation alter the game files so that you can't go back to exactly what you had before?


What should I do? Clean re-install SSE? (I hope my descriptions are reasonably clear.)

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You don't actually mention your saves. You have to roll back to a save from before you made the change.

Once you remove a mod using Vortex, there should be no traces of it left in your game directory.

Not true of your saves starting with when you installed the mod.


I thought of that, so I went back to Alternate Start to start another PT -- this time as a patron at a pub -- and found the same purple food problem. So I'm still confused as to what caused the problem.

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Unfortunately, Racemenu didn't work properly, so I switched back to ECE.


I was using ECE while waiting for RaceMenu to be done for SE. I'm sure you know, there are some hoops you have to go through to get ECE running, but once it does, it works nicely.


When RaceMenu finally came out for SE I was at a point where I was reinstalling everything for SE, so I made the switch then. It's easier to install (no nioverride, no skee, just SKSE - period) and works nicely, the presets are especially nice (not sure if you could do that in ECE). I do miss the vertices editor, but I'm fine without it, for an easy-to-install, easy to use tool, I'm good to go.


I'd recommend making the switch.

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