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Vortex Plugin sorting won't stop running for an Oblivion mod


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When I enabled/deployed the Oblivion Unofficial DLC patches Vortex keeps enabling/disabling the plugins non-stop and the spinning working indicator next to the Plugins name just keeps spinning.


Do I not need that mod? What do I do?

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I ran into this once. I just reenabled the plugins I needed and that was it. As it may be a bug, you might want to use the Feedback function inside Vortex.


UrizenDe, did that happen to you for Oblivion specifically? Every time I enable the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch all of the plugins that I've added are just constantly being enabled and disabled non-stop - it's doing it now, as I type this.


I have a bug report typed up, but I wanted to make sure maybe I'm not doing something wrong before I submit it. Maybe I'm installing patches that don't need to be? I don't know. Here's what I have:


Oblivion GotY Deluxe via Steam

Installed Mods:

  • Kurt's Cleanup 0p56
  • Engine Bug Fixes 2
  • Unofficial Oblivion Patch
  • Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches

Those appear to be stable. I've also cleaned all of the plugins that Vortex says need to be cleaned.

With Auto Sort enabled, when I enable the mod Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch, a persistent cyclic process starts in which, on the Plugins page, all of the plugins from the mods that I've added keep getting enabled and disabled. I've let it run for as much as 15 minutes and the process of enabling/disabling the mods doesn't stop.



I did some playing around and finally got the persistent enabling/disabling to stop when Auto Sort is on.

  • With all non-official plugins disabled, I disabled Auto Sort
  • I then enabled the Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch mod
  • I then made sure all plugins were enabled
  • I clicked Sort Now (Auto Sort still disabled)
  • I created a bashed patch which included just the plugin for DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch (not sure if that had anything to do with the issue, but just including everything that I did)
  • I then manually sorted again
  • I enabled Auto Sort and the plugins stayed where they were (the enabling/disabling didn't happen)

Just - weird...

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Even if you've potentially done something wrong, we'd want Vortex to catch this sort of stuff and report an error, rather than display confusing responses. So please report it regardless.


Done, including my update explaining how I got it to stop.

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