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I Hate This Experience


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If it was easy everyone would do it! You need to be willing to forgo pain modding, especially when you are faced with installing a product that is Alpha, like Vortex. Stick with it... be patient.


See my other post on Getting Vortex and FO4 to work. Once I knew Vortex had hung i.e stuck progress bar, killing all the vortex.exe's in task manager, I could go back into Vortex, install a few mods until it hung again the go back and install a few more. Rinse and repeat. I just installed Vortex 1.6. The change log mentions fixing hung plugin progress.


Just Upgraded to 1.6, installed Better Settlers and 2 others, started the game up like and voila I'm in game with 31 mods installed. Upgrading to 1.6 and installing 3 new mods only took a 30 minutes. Yes it took me 3 days as well to get to this point, but I got it working and better than NMM or MO could do. Again it's Alpha, buyer remorse doesn't exist. "Another beautiful day in the core, soldier". Even when it hit's the shelf in a few weeks it will have bugs. Welcome to the world of software and modding.


Good luck and try harder.

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I want to work with it and understand it, I'm just having trouble.

That's a great place to start! We can help.


It sounds like you're not understanding how Vortex works with the files from the download process to actually getting the game to "see" the mod. I'll go through the basics of getting a mod and making it so it works in-game.


Vortex Setup (this is only in terms of downloading and deploying a mod):

This is all in the tabs you see when you click the Settings tab on the left side bar

  1. On the Interface tab find "Deploy mods immediately when they get enabled"
    1. First, mouse over the "i" information icon and make sure you understand what that says. It explains why that option is there and how installing and deploying are different in Vortex.
    2. That "separate directory" will be explained in the next step
    3. This comes down to personal preference, but I've found I prefer it off, as I have mods installed that I'm not ready to use yet (i.e. deploy). I started out with it enabled, so you may want to as well, as right now it's one less thing to think about until you need to or are ready to take more control over mod installation and deployment
  2. On the Mods tab, the Install Path MUST be on the same drive that the game you intend to mod is installed on. This is only for Gamebryo/Bethesda games, but you said you want to mod FO4, so make sure you understand that.
  3. On the Download tab make sure you have "Handle" set to on (green) next to "Download with Manager".
    1. The Download Path can be anywhere on your computer or a network-connected drive. Just make sure that Vortex can read it when the program is running.


That's the basics of setting up Vortex to retrieve, install, and deploy a mod. (Never forget, those are three separate steps and it isn't until you deploy/enable a mod that it will actually be used by the game)


Now we'll get the mod set up to work in the game.

  1. So in the Mods tab on the left side bar find the mod you want to deploy and it will say in a blue box/button "Never Installed" (assuming you have, in fact, never installed it - otherwise it'll be gray and say "Disabled")
  2. Click on the Never Installed button and you'll see a blue box in the upper right saying it's installing the mod and will stay there for a time, depending on the size of the mod archive
  3. If there's a FOMOD installation, that will pop up and you'll go through any available options
  4. The blue Installing message will go away and a green message box will saying the mod is installed, with an Enable and Dismiss button
  5. Assuming you set Vortex to deploy mods when they get enabled (In step 1 above in Vortex Setup), when you click the Enable button, the mod's status indicator will turn green and say Enabled
    1. If you chose not to deploy when mods get enabled, the mod's status will be gray and say "Disabled"
    2. You must then click that button to enable it (obviously)
  6. The mod is now active and its effects should be seen in the game (depending on whatever the mod does)

If you get a message that there is a conflict. I'd recommend posting for help in a new thread.


I hope this helps!

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Thank you capella for the very detailed instructions! I have moved everything onto the same drive and that has solved the deployment issue, however I'm still encountering one major issue that is new since updating to the latest version of Vortex. It keeps telling me "Failed to set game mode". It can't find the old location of FO4, only I have updated Vortex's location and everything besides that points to the correct file path. So why is it still searching for the old location?

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Well this is awesome. I let Vortex sort all my mods out like it wanted, let it do its thing. It's put all my mods into one confused mess cross game. So now my Skyrim mods can intermingle with my Fallout mods. I'm so .... happy...


From the sounds of it, it sounds like you had every folder path for every game you had installed pointing at the SAME folder.

What is the path to your Fallout 4, and Skyrim installation that Vortex is having such a hard time with?

Let's see what your Fallout 4 and Skyrim directory paths looks like

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Well this is awesome. I let Vortex sort all my mods out like it wanted, let it do its thing. It's put all my mods into one confused mess cross game. So now my Skyrim mods can intermingle with my Fallout mods. I'm so .... happy...


From the sounds of it, it sounds like you had every folder path for every game you had installed pointing at the SAME folder.

What is the path to your Fallout 4, and Skyrim installation that Vortex is having such a hard time with?

Let's see what your Fallout 4 and Skyrim directory paths looks like


Agreed, HadToRegister.


Kifyi, it sounds like there's a path setting that needs to be fixed for one or both of your games.

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  • 3 months later...

Yes, its so bad in every way you mention that after an all day struggle with it I found it necessary to delete Skyrim and all mods. I may chooose to reinstall it and forego any mods to save my sanity!


I play games to relax, not be frustrated to the point of becoming literally Iâll. It is said this vortex was meant to be so easy for newbies? You created a monster!


You should test your thing on actual newbies, not people that designed the thing. Such a sad death you've crreated.

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  • 4 months later...


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