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Is it possible to move the "downloads" folder?


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Oh, I get that it is my fault entirely!


But I think it is likely due to Vortex storing full path names in its database and/or cache (as opposed to using the config setting folders as prefix variables for the full path). This may have to do with how it uses "hardlinks" to emulate having the physical mod files stored in the game's data folder, rather than physically moving the files.


Regardless, a similar crisis could happen if you attempt to move the library yourself to another HD or folder (as you'd be changing the file path just as you change it by renaming it, as far as the app is concerned). And since Vortex has a mechanic for "moving" the mods (necessary for people who have a HD going bad, for example), it further suggests that it's updating a managed db, as well as whatever Windows service it uses to "listen" for changes to the download and staging folders.


It's not dissimilar from how you can't just manually move a game folder in Steam, because it is also tracking the location of that file in your game database, as opposed to simply needing to know *where* the file is (which COULD be accomplished by just changing a file path string). Never mind the fact that game installations often involve registry settings, which is another example of a data collection that contains links and other information that the app will "lose" if things go missing.


I actually attempted to rename the folder back to its original name, but that also did not work since Vortex seems to have recreated my old folder structure in its confusion with what was going on, and created a weird mirroring or the staging folder contents (I had 2 copies of every mod, one installed and one not installed, in my Mods tab). "Installing" the un-installed mods and clearing out the duplicate folder has partially restored things to normal, but another side effect of the mess was destroying my mod prioritization rules (all the settings that indicate what mods load before/after other mods). And this is certainly not a process I would encourage sane people to do.

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  • 1 year later...

New to Witcher 3 and just watched tutorials on how to install mods:


My game is on a spare drive F

Windows 10 is on C


Witcher is installed in F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3


Witcher mods STAGING FOLDER IS IN: F:\Vortex Mods\witcher3


Game mods folder is installed in: F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\Mods


When I look at the GAMES tab it shows 0 managed games. When i type Witc.... up at the top search bar, Witcher 3 pops up with a note in the thumbnail saying I have 4 mods installed. (Which I do)


My question is: This doesnt seem like a correct setup. :sad: and I dont know how to fix.


This pic below also doesnt look right.

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Well, unfortunately that screenshot, is only the screen that shows the "Search for Games" screen

The actual screens you want (from your screenshot) is the DOWNLOAD tab, and the MODS tab (as shown)

From what I understand, in order for the newer version of Vortex to Work with Witcher 3, the game and the witcher 3 mod staging fodler need to be on the C:\ drive

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