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Another DA:O Question


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As far as I can tell, .override files are compressed files created by DAOMM as a way to manage loose files. The loose files are placed in \Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override, as either loose files or loose in subfolders (a better more organized way). See screenshot.


The .overrride files themselves are stored here by DAOMM: \DAO Modmanager\mods\override


Here is a link to the DAO MM Manual: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmium9nf8cjzx6h/DAO-Modmanager%20Manual-939.zip?dl=0


It may be tough to implement a fully automated solution. It was the wild west in early DAO modding and it was a crap shoot whether or not mod authors would package their mods in any sort of standardized way. Some mod authors did create the .override file (Natural Bodies All in 1, https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/554, it is a good one to look at, becuase it has options like a FOMOD), but most just uploaded the loose files. Best bet would be to handle them the way DAOMM does, drag and drop the loose files and have the app create the .override file and place the loose files in the correct folder.

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