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Georgia and Russia


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Have you been to Ukraine? I have. Personally. Just a week ago, so I was there when the attack started. I heard What they think of THEIR government. Most do not trust their president at all, less to say their prime minister. And those who directly state that Ukraine do not like Russia and that Ukraine doesn't want to pay for gas she receives is their GOVERNMENT. The prime minister, in particular.


For all those soviet years every soviet republic including Georgia and Ukraine received resourses for free. Does anyone receive anything for free in modern world, except the humanitary aid or whatever it is called?

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I'm willing to bet that the Ukrainians who have a successful business or good jobs like their form of government.


Sarya, in the U.S., we know who to listen to for news. We have proven which TV news stations tell the truth and which ones lie and hide the truth. There are news stories almost every day about a newspaper or magazine printing lies or half-truths, so we are well-aware of who we can trust and distrust.

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I don't doubt that. We have a similar practice. And I don't trust Putin, though I still believe he is our best choice - others... well... hard to explain. Let's say... incompetent. Or unwilling.


But I can imagine such a situation when the event happening is so important that no press in country will be able to give information different from official for that country. I believe we had such situations ourselves.

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Timi. Really. Having a go at a Goddess? Come on. I really must make room for you in my private quarters, and where the sun dont shine. Ever. So... back off, if you two haven't already. There's the good boys.

I couldn't care less if she's a girl, a guy, or a hermaphrodite. She made an ignorant sexist comment, and I addressed it.


'Nob0dy'. Now...why does that name carry about it the scent of 1984? And, why, before this little conversation about the rights and wrongs of Russian involvement in Whereeverthefekitis, have we never seen you on any of our forums, before. Why am I so tempted to ask which branch of the Russian Diplomatic Service, and one of the blacker branches i would think, it is that you are employed by? There just seems to be , with reference to your extremely well machine translated utterances, something so in lock-step with every briefing I have heard the Russian Foreign Service spokespersons give. Funny thing that.

Yeah, because I'm sure Russia would spend their time and money convincing a video game message board full of people that have no say in this matter of their innocence.


And how does the name "Nobody" relate to 1984 at all?


You can call me a smartarse all you like, but when I see people make comments such as that, I'm not going to say that they are anything but preposterous.

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I'm willing to bet that the Ukrainians who have a successful business or good jobs like their form of government.


Sarya, in the U.S., we know who to listen to for news. We have proven which TV news stations tell the truth and which ones lie and hide the truth. There are news stories almost every day about a newspaper or magazine printing lies or half-truths, so we are well-aware of who we can trust and distrust.


If you honestly believe that the majority of the American people have any clue who is telling the truth in their news (assume they pay any attention, which I have my doubts) I would seriously like to know what you are smoking--and can I please have some. The fact that "Fox News" and "THe O'Reiley Factor" are still on the air proves that.

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Liberalism. So refreshing. Not.

Ahh, you right wingers. You always take your eye off the ball to have a go at the liberals, when it's the 'spooks' that are trying to bend your brain that you should be concerned about.

'spooks': UK term for 'agents', usually of a foreign power.

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