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In your screenshot, see those icons in the left hand side with the right pointing arrow pointing AWAY from a piece of paper, and the one below it with the right pointing arrow pointing TO a piece of paper?

Click on the top Right Pointing arrow icon that says "EXPORT THE CURRENT LOAD ORDER" when you mouseover it, save your load order to a text file, then copy and paste that text instead of the screen shot, and put the load order text in SPOILER TAGS


[ spoiler] load order text [ /spoiler]


Remove the space between the [ and spoiler and [ and /spoiler in order for it to work



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Don't people mousover icons out of curiosity any more?

Also, why don't you have Scrap Everything ULTIMATE Edition installed instead of Core, plus each individual DLC plugin?
The ULTIMATE option installs all the DLC in one merged ESP.

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I agree with HadToRegister, scrap everything ultimate is the only one you need from this mod.


Have you sort your load order with LOOT and if you did, have you manually moved some mods after ? If not, run LOOT and trust it and see what happens with your game.


Still in trouble ? Probably you won't like it but I would jump to Vortex. If so, you would have two choices : import from NMM all your load order or …. wipe out your game completely ( delete everything, including NMM ) and start from fresh. If you decide to go with Vortex, enable auto-sort and once your mods are installed, Vortex will sort them out automatically ( do not run LOOT ) and play your game. It is that simple !


Let us know.

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You go into the main page and right click on it, then hit uninstall. But it might have over written the other file when you downloaded it. So the best bet might be to just reinstall it all as the ultimate edition. But give it a try in game first and see.

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