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[LE] Rochebere- A brand new city- Coming Soon

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i miss you Sam D:


So do I... :ninja:


Just kidding, as you may remember, I'm away right now, but I made the decision to loan a decent laptop before I went, so I've still got access to a PC, but most of the spare time I chose to use for modding has been helping out on a different project. For obvious reasons I can't be modding all the time, so I haven't done much on Rochebere (Most of what I've done on it has been adding VA lines in and polishing up bits I've done previously). But still, I come back in a couple of weeks and then I'll try and get it done before the year's out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just read all the comment, watch all the videos and pics, i can't believe what i was looking at, awsome, incredible mod we gonna have to check out :)

the city looks gorgeous, my futur home sweet home ;)



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Hello again everyone! I'm going to try and keep this thread updated more regularly now since I have a bit extra spare time now.


Now, because I'm a perfectionist and I never quite achieved that Medieval-Tudor-Renaissance look in the original Rochebere, I (you have permission to call me insane :P) decided to rebuild the exterior of Rochebere mainstreet and Rochebere residential.


I've completely changed the house meshes to look something like this, which I am much more happy with:




The layout has also changed, although the basic concept of the districts interiors remain pretty much the same- Mainstreet, Residential and Countryside, along with a new small district, the outskirts. I may also consider adding the port into a completely separate district to separate it from main Rochebere. Despite all this change, the interiors remain almost exactly the same, except different windows and walls.


Now, the moment you've all been waiting for... here is new Rochebere! It still need A LOT of polishing and cluttering, but this is the general theme.



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Wow, that looks fantastic! What a breath of fresh air after all the boring stone houses in Skyrim.


Your talk of the various district makes Rochebere sound huge (which is great, I really miss Vivec/Mournhold sized cities). Just how large is the city? Either in terms of cell count, or in relation to some of the other cities we may be familiar with as TES users?

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Wow, that looks fantastic! What a breath of fresh air after all the boring stone houses in Skyrim.


Your talk of the various district makes Rochebere sound huge (which is great, I really miss Vivec/Mournhold sized cities). Just how large is the city? Either in terms of cell count, or in relation to some of the other cities we may be familiar with as TES users?


Glad you like the changes! I too was tired of how similar the houses I originally made and designed were too much like Skyrim's other styles. As for the districts, It depends which you count as part of the city. The countryside is by far the largest of the districts, but in terms of life it is mainly rustic houses and, you guessed it, countryside. There's an inn there too.


In original Rochebere the port and mainstreet were in one region that was about the size of Whiterun city, and the residential district was in another region that was slightly smaller. The outskirts are pretty small, it mainly serves as an aesthetic zone, with a couple of houses, a bunkhouse and the customs office.


There are also a couple of smaller areas such as the graveyard, the palace gardens and the market hall exterior.


So all in all, if you added all of these areas together, and in terms of a lore-point-of-view, it is MUCH larger than any of the vanilla cities. If you have any other questions, or want to see something specific in-game, just give me a shout and I'll see what I can do for you!

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