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Fallout 76 forum?


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Haven't been here for a bit- Fallout 76 finally allows free gameplay vids mere weeks from release and I see no current FO76 convo here? Tried searching for a dedicated forum on this site with no success, so excuse me if I'm in the wrong place.


I found old threads on this board so I assume they didn't get moved or Fallout 76 talk banned.


Anyhoo the pro and non-Rust crowd response to the game reveal is sadly hilarious. The 'game' looks awful- but the real point is that it is clearly in an ALPHA or Early Access state.


The netcode is a horrifying joke, and the rendering performance the worst I've every seen. It reminds me of a modded Fallout 4 where the mods broke the 'combined objects' mechanism, making the game an unhappy stuttering mess. Of course Beth chose to go 'console' first (showing where all the naive punters with more money than sense are deemed to exist).


If Beth had been honest and sold the game as 'early access' - perhaps creating a new division for such non-typical AAA publisher projects- I would have had more acceptance. But Beth has said all along that the game is a AAA follow-up to Fallout 4.


This year's COD and Red Redemption 2 show how the real AAA publishers do it. Polished games with many modules- some fully fleshed out single player- and some continuously supported well tested multi-player. All modules for the one purchase price. Meanwhile Beth offers a SINGLE half-baked 'multi-player' module in needs of vast amounts of future work to even reach its own desired standards.


Watching the paid journos try and fail to have any 'fun' in the first public hands-on test will shock many but not those of us who already understood the VERY limited and niche appeal of 'Rust' like games.


Rust-like (emergent disturbing 'gameplay') is not mainstream- but I'm glad it is a part of non-AAA gaming variation. Games should be as many horses for as many courses.


But Skyrim and Fallout 3/4/NV were already a well loved well understood mega-successful genre of gaming. Fans simply wanted NEW episodes in these worlds. And when fans mentioned 'multiplayer'- it was strictly in the hope of playing CO-OP - but otherwise having EXACTLY the same form of experience as single player Fallout 4- with all the story and voiced Human NPCs.


No-one asked for Fallout:Rust. And I'm sick of the number of times Todd's Toxic Army dishonestly conflated a desire to play Skyrim with a co-op friend or two as fan demand for a rust-like experience. This Xmas we could have been playing another traditional entry in the Fallout universe- and was that really too much to ask for from Beth?


Instead we get proof (un-needed) that amateurs with no experience of online games that are not simple deathmatch shooters (Elder Scrolls Online is NOT made by Bethesda) will produce a shocking amateur effort when they move outside their area of expertise. Watching footage from sites like Gamespot showing players vanish and reappear in a new spot as the net code fails (on 'optimised' local servers at Beth HQ) a handful of days before the game goes on sale is simply disgraceful.


Yeah, I know sane peeps here will say "I might buy Fallout 76, but only after 6 months or a year when all the bugs are fixed - and I convince myself the game has some merit". But is this how a AAA publisher with other options should do business with their key money-making IP?


Should Disney start releasing weird low budget 'art house' versions of their Marvel movies to the cinema in place of their current popcorn mega-budget blockbusters? There are certainly weird art-house marvel comics on the fringe and a tiny number of fans who would like this anti-commercial change.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Fallout:76 should have been Rage:Online - an 'experiment' with a pre-existing IP incapable of being harmed. The reskinned Mad Max 2 currently in development at Avalanche as Rage 2 would have been unaffected. Todd should have handed off the Fallout IP, Batman:Origins style, to an external dev house to quickly knock out a Fallout:NV like new single player experience.


My advice and opinions in this forum on this subject have been carefully attacked by people with a vested interest in Fallout:76 - it's just a shame their time wasn't instead dedicated to rational decision making at Bethesda. I just feel sorry for the people conned into spending their hard-earned funds on pre-orders.

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Why in the name of Hades would you want a Fallout76 forum, when all you're going to do is moan, complain & attempt to propagate your obvious anti-Bethesda agenda/conspiracy theories?*


My advice and opinions in this forum on this subject have been carefully attacked by people with a vested interest in Fallout:76


The reason why your opinions are regularly lambasted by many is because they're sick of hearing your constant s**t.

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thanks for the 'op-ed' in Post#1.




I don't perceive prior discussions to be 'carefully attacked' -

I perceive those as a series of fan lore chats and nuances of opinion

of course folks are going to have different subjective continuities;

for example, some folks don't consider FO:Equestria or FO:Shelter to be 'canonical',

though others consider Tactics 2 and Van Buren to be canonical etc.


It remains to be seen how folks will interact with FO76 in terms of continuity.


It's still a little premature ostensibly for a FO76 forum, yet.

I am positive there'll be one form eventually,

and if the FO3, FONV and FO4 forums are anything to go by,

I very much look forward to seeing how modders awesome-ify FO76.



Edited by montky
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Why in the name of Hades would you want a Fallout76 forum, when all you're going to do is moan, complain & attempt to propagate your obvious anti-Bethesda agenda/conspiracy theories?*


My advice and opinions in this forum on this subject have been carefully attacked by people with a vested interest in Fallout:76


The reason why your opinions are regularly lambasted by many is because they're sick of hearing your constant s**t.


As if people are obligated to read his (or someone else's) posts.

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FO76 looks like a real sheet show... I predict it will be a dead game this time next year. It looks boring and from what I see the FPS aspect is completely gimped by the VATS system. Complete and utter garbage.


Not to mention they are charging premium price for a title that is using 99% of the same assets in FO4.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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I do not know if I am mistaken but so far, there is not a single online game that is being played by as many players as Beth Single player games like Skyrim, Fallout series, The Witcher, etc, etc. .... so I do not think this game will be the exception.


My concern is more with the intention that exist with game companies to jump to online games instead developing more single player games and within that concern, there is another that assuming Beth come up with another single player game in the future, would they allow full free modding or not ?


Their Creation Club is not a good sign though so future is obscure and we can only hope that a single player game allowed to be full free modded is not dead.

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