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Why the Railroad is Evil


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Deacon and Desdamona are like the only redeeming qualities of the Railroad anyway. You got a robot that acts as if it'll short out anyday now, a doctor who comes off as antagonistic, a nerd/tech/ trying too hard to be cool, and then you have the Rambo Synth trying to be a Linda Hamilton/Sarah Connor from T2.

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an interesting vid,

thanks for sharing

though we've a nuance of opinion;

I don't believe the railroad to be 'evil'.




So, eschewing issues of "Institute Command Override"/malignant ASI overriding the AGI,

|The SRB might pre-position Infil-traitors via that pathway, send a code and at an opportune moment, they are under involuntary remote control...|

the railroad are sentient lifeforms which

merely wish to live out their lifespan doing what they'd like to do.


They would be dismantled, or worse, if they remained in the Institute,

so, they leave.

They seem only to counter-attack if folks would discover them

they express remorse over this, and would prefer to wipe folks minds etc.

They could do a lot worse to folks, if they wanted to. They don't.


The Railroad are among some of the few factions capable of discerning Institute Infil-Traitors,


are among the few factions with advanced knowledge to begin trying to undo what happened in 2077 to the biosphere...



They have a shared interest in

preventing ASI's / ZAXes from forming, as those would have the capacity to likewise send override stuff.

They're also one of the few things on par with other AGIs.


honestly, they'd make tremendous assets in the BoS should they wish to serve, and pass the examinations.

the BoS wouldn't view Synthetic Lifeforms as existential issues;

they're only concerned that ASI's and or Stanislaus Braun etc have returned,

not with other sentient lifeforms.



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Railroad personnel R4-04 from the Tales of the Commonwealth is very good, even though she is a "natural born killer" - which is a bit of a conundrum for a synth. Peter, who is Deacon's son, from Fusion City Rising is also good, so add these two to the list of positives for the Railroad.

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The Institute are the only faction who are truly evil since they intend to replace the human race with a race of slaves.

The Railroad and the BoS have good goals but are misguided and over zealous.

The Minutemen are the only good faction since the only faction they wish to destroy are the Institute and even then it is not their primary goal.

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My thoughts on the railroad are pretty similar to what you presented in the video. Being the only faction that has no interest in helping real people combined with the mind wipe/reprogramming that seems pretty counter to "saving synths" makes them the faction I'm least likely to join. If they were more along the lines of Acadia (minus Dima's atrocity) where they retain their identity and show an interest in helping their human neighbors, I'd be more inclined to be on board with their mission.


Thanks for sharing.

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  • 1 year later...

I personally think that they care about freeing synths they care less about humans i always hate slavery but the rail road are bunch of synth freeing rhetorics its a noble cause but using humans to do their work its pretty much like slavery to humans. Desamona is the reason why i hate the railroad her cause makes no sense at all i hope someone makes a mod that put you in charge for the RR deacon is cool and the other synths but not Desamona its sounds like she's like a hitler version of the synths.

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