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Plotting a defection and looking for some PS3 gaming advice.


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So, it comes to this. Between years of reliability issues, a slowly dwindling pile of good exclusives, and the fact I'll be going PS4 when the next gen arrives in 2014-15, I'm looking to switch sides and get a PS3. Considering we have some serious PS3 folks around here, I figure this is a could place to ask for a little advice on game selection/what to expect.


First and foremost in my mind is my particular gaming prefference, which is for shooters and racers. I really love driving games, and that's one of the biggest reasons I'm changing sides-the Xbox no longer has any really decent racing sims, wheras the PS3 has Gran Turismo, which I played in a much earlier version in the early 2000s and adored. How are the PS3's racing games? and how does the controller go for driving? I doubt there are many racers on the Nexus, but any opinion makes for more educated decisions.


Secondly, how are the controllers? the one thing the Xbox did really really well were the controllers, which were absolutely ideal for driving games and puzzlers since the pressure-sensitive triggers allowed much finer control, especialy since they could be mapped like pedals. As far as I know, the PS3 has no such feature, so would I need a wheel? And how do they hold up to shooters/RPGs?


Thirdly, how reliable are PS3s? I've gotten a bit sick of buying new Xboxes, it's one of the main reasons I want to swap over.


Fourth, how do the graphics compare, PS3 VS 360? And what sort of Online multiplayer does it have?


Finally, is there any really critical difference I need to be aware of? like does it run on diced lions? or have some other unsual feature like DRM, passwords or needing to install games?

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I had my 60gb ps3 for a good 5 years or so, but bit the dust when i did a 24hour racing endurance in Gran Turismo 5, 4 in a row, Don't do that lol. I had to go out and get another slim, it was just out of abuse that killed my 60 :sad: . Lol anyways its really reliable, much better then a 360 thats for sure.


Get Gran Turismo 5, its the best racing game. 1200 cars and climbing through dlc. The physics are quite good.

if ya do get GT5 give me a call and i would give ya some pointers online. :thumbsup: Currently doing gt academy and apparently theres a new track on the way.



Edited by Thor.
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Thanks Thor. I've been playing sims for years on 360 under Vindekarr, and I briefly held a world time record, aswell as having had, and having a pretty nice set of national records. I'm a plenty good driver, just need a new game to go to, and GT5 looks infinitely bvetter than Forza. 1200 cars is more than triple the catalogue.
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Ace combat assault horizon. It's a combat flight simulator, but it has a lot going for it. You also get to fly a helicopter, AC-130, and bomber on some of the missions. Not to forget that you can give your plains a custom paint job once you finish the game once.


And like Thor said, GT5.


Battlefield, bad company is an interesting first person shooter, so to speak. and inexpensive. Both the original and the sequel cost at or below $20.

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i still have my original 80gb Ps3. think its been almost 5 years now (granted i replaced the HDD with a 300gb one)


as someone whos always had a playstation, i love the controller. never liked the xbox one cause its too big. si i feel the controller is fine when it comes to any game. never felt like i was hindered because of my controller.


and the Ps3 as sooo many more exclusives then the xbox. i really suggest the Resistance series! unfortunately since the games are old now, there really is no multiplayer anymore, and R2 COOP was amazing. R3 might still have some stuff going on, idk, havent played it since like February. but the story and gameplay is phenomenal and worth it just for the campaign and story. though even with R3, the story still has some loose ends, and i do believe Insomniac said they were done with the series which is a bummer. but if you do get R3 lmk. ive wanted to do a COOP Hardcore run through but never found someone to do it with.


as for multiplayer. its the same as xbox. no difference....ive never had any lag. never had any problem finding matches. it doesnt have cross game chat which is kind of a bummer, but oh well. best of all its free. however, i highly recommend getting PS+. it lets you save stuf to the Cloud, so youll never lose info. automatic updating so its done when you go on to your Ps3, and this updates both the system and the games. plus PS+ members get a lot of amazing deals, such as free games, full game trials, reduced prices and more. i think its $50 for a year (however ive had mine for a year and 8 months...got it in last january 2011. bought a year which came with 3 extra months. then got 3 more months because of the PSN fiasco. plus they gave us the month it was down so yea. and im not sure if you buy it now if it comes with 15 months or 12, but either way worth it) as i said i just got like a bunch of free games because of it like Just Cause 2, Saints Row 2, LBP2, and a few more. none games that i would really have ever gotten, but they were free so why not :P


anyways, good choice making the switch. there was a thread on which console you prefer, probably still on the first Page of Other Systems i do believe. you can read my post there for why i like the PS3. maybe youll get some other convincing info there (not that you need convincing it seems) but ya :thumbsup:

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Ratchet and Clank, also the HD remake is coming out in September, with Deadlocked as a downlaodable woot.


Also Suggest the best mmofps for ps3, Dust 514. Its coming out in june 29th, so be prepared.


One thing that the 360 can't do is free to play mmo's, especially linked directly to another game, witch isn't even a ps3 title :teehee:

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DUUUHHH!! i can't believe it he did it :wallbash:




Another reason to get gt5, theres a serious competitiion going on.



Special stage route x, with 15km stretch of track, and 30km in all. Anythings possible :teehee:

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You can get 360 a style controllers for the PS3, I like the PS3 but hate the controllers with a passion, they're not very expensive and a godsend if you can't get on with the official ones.
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You can get 360 a style controllers for the PS3, I like the PS3 but hate the controllers with a passion, they're not very expensive and a godsend if you can't get on with the official ones.


That's great news. I'm... pretty damn tall IRL(my whole family is) and subsequently I've got huge mits. Small controllers like the PS2 had hurt my hands after a while, wheras huge great controllers like the original original Xbox's controller(before they made it smaller) are ideal since they match my hands, rather than making me contort my fingers just to get them out of the way.


PS2 controllers were painfully bad for me-there were only two reasons I didn't buy an PS3 at launch, price and the teeny weeny itsy bitsy horribly nasty aweful agony inducing controllers of pain and torture. The palm of my hand is the size of a slice of bread and I have the added disadvantage of long fingers, so holding a controller designed for midgets results in anguish. Logitech had a much larger controller which I tried, but they were horrifyingly short-lived(my pair both died from internal hardware failures in under a month from purchase, I may be big, but I'm never rough with delicate hardware, so it could only have been a production fault)

Edited by Vindekarr
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