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Respect censorship or to not respect censorship?


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As a human being that cares about humanity, I find that the Left and Right are both extremist organizations. Both Left and Right have reached the point where they are more concerned about disparaging, denigrating, shouting down, silencing and marginalizing their opposite than any thing else. Both the Left and Right have completely forgotten about the concerns of the overwhelming mass of humanity which exists between their extremes.

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As a human being that cares about humanity, I find that the Left and Right are both extremist organizations. Both Left and Right have reached the point where they are more concerned about disparaging, denigrating, shouting down, silencing and marginalizing their opposite than any thing else. Both the Left and Right have completely forgotten about the concerns of the overwhelming mass of humanity which exists between their extremes.

And don't forget the obstructionist aspect. Neither side wants the other side to do anything that actually is GOOD for people. They don't want to allow them to have those 'bragging rights'. I think that really got into full swing with the Obama presidency. The repubbies REALLY didn't want him to do well. At anything. And they did their level best to make sure he couldn't.


Yeah. Politics in America are broken. I don't see any real way to alter course either, short of a revolution, kicking them ALL out, and replacing them with a fresh crop, along with some additional checks and balances on them. Term limits, banning paid lobbyists, etc.

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The key is in labeling people ... haha as harsh as that sounds.


First most people think the other side has mutual understanding , but we just disagree. A lie .

Which the reality is that the other side has 3 different states of existence.


1 - Ignorance , which can be fixed by education.


2 - Wilful ignorance , possibly change some minds


3 - Deviousness , the direct problem of taking advantage of ignorance.


so as a lefty ... the only righty you can talk to ... is the ignorant.

But if you talk to them with ignorant leftyism ... they will turn into wilful ignorance , maybe even deviousness.

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The key is in labeling people ... haha as harsh as that sounds.


First most people think the other side has mutual understanding , but we just disagree. A lie .

Which the reality is that the other side has 3 different states of existence.


1 - Ignorance , which can be fixed by education.


2 - Wilful ignorance , possibly change some minds


3 - Deviousness , the direct problem of taking advantage of ignorance.


so as a lefty ... the only righty you can talk to ... is the ignorant.

But if you talk to them with ignorant leftyism ... they will turn into wilful ignorance , maybe even deviousness.

How politically INcorrect of you. :)


Unfortunately, that scenario applies both ways. It seems that folks decide which side they want to be on, and from there on out, the 'other' side is automatically wrong. Regardless of the issue, or their position on it. But, not everyone is like that, just the folks that are most likely to vote....... And voter turnout has been rather volatile for the last several decades.... but, rarely gets over 60% since the 60's........ I suspect that there are a fair few folks out there that are just disgusted with the entire process, and how meaningless it has become, so, simply choose not to participate at all. I don't blame them.

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The key is in labeling people ... haha as harsh as that sounds.


First most people think the other side has mutual understanding , but we just disagree. A lie .

Which the reality is that the other side has 3 different states of existence.


1 - Ignorance , which can be fixed by education.


2 - Wilful ignorance , possibly change some minds


3 - Deviousness , the direct problem of taking advantage of ignorance.


so as a lefty ... the only righty you can talk to ... is the ignorant.

But if you talk to them with ignorant leftyism ... they will turn into wilful ignorance , maybe even deviousness.

How politically INcorrect of you. :smile:


Unfortunately, that scenario applies both ways. It seems that folks decide which side they want to be on, and from there on out, the 'other' side is automatically wrong.



Well sorry I implied it is a one way street ... which I did not intend ... but I did gloss over it , only speaking from where I stand since it is what I have experience with.


But this brings up what I think is a pertinent question to ask ourselves.


What are the present reactions and hyperbole being fueled by ?


Is it just the right reacting to the left , which is reacting to the previous right , which reacted to the previous left , that reacted to the right in the first place ? ( add in another 10 reactions back and forth maybe )


In which it seems people are just holding on to history without learning from it.

Therefore it seems we might be better off to just forget about history if that is all we are going to use it for ?

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The key is in labeling people ... haha as harsh as that sounds.


First most people think the other side has mutual understanding , but we just disagree. A lie .

Which the reality is that the other side has 3 different states of existence.


1 - Ignorance , which can be fixed by education.


2 - Wilful ignorance , possibly change some minds


3 - Deviousness , the direct problem of taking advantage of ignorance.


so as a lefty ... the only righty you can talk to ... is the ignorant.

But if you talk to them with ignorant leftyism ... they will turn into wilful ignorance , maybe even deviousness.

How politically INcorrect of you. :smile:


Unfortunately, that scenario applies both ways. It seems that folks decide which side they want to be on, and from there on out, the 'other' side is automatically wrong.



Well sorry I implied it is a one way street ... which I did not intend ... but I did gloss over it , only speaking from where I stand since it is what I have experience with.


But this brings up what I think is a pertinent question to ask ourselves.


What are the present reactions and hyperbole being fueled by ?


Is it just the right reacting to the left , which is reacting to the previous right , which reacted to the previous left , that reacted to the right in the first place ? ( add in another 10 reactions back and forth maybe )


In which it seems people are just holding on to history without learning from it.

Therefore it seems we might be better off to just forget about history if that is all we are going to use it for ?


The US has already demonstrated that we can't learn from history. At least, our government can't. They seem to keep making the same mistakes over and over again.


As for the problem itself, I think it's a feedback loop, one side does it, so the other side follows suit, and so on and so forth. Only way to break the loop, is for one side or the other to STOP DOING IT. Trouble is, there are too many folks involved, and convincing enough of them that what they are doing now is a bad idea...... is going to be difficult, at best.


In all reality, at this point, I don't think we CAN fix it..... We simply don't have the ability to boot enough of the 'stuck in a rut' crowd out at any one election. By the time the next election rolls around, the folks that replaced the previous rutters are now rutters themselves. The only real way I see to affect any meaningful change would to replace ALL of them, at once. And, short of a revolution, that's not going to happen. So, what do I expect to see instead? More of the same, more stupidity from our government, until the world realizes that all that US debt they are holding, isn't worth the paper it's printed on. At which point, the US can no longer spend a trillion or more dollars every year, that they don't have..... and our creditors are going to be looking to get paid back. So, our economy instantly tanks, the dollar becomes worthless, the world economy follows very shortly thereafter down the tubes.... and then the only real alternative is war.... WWIII anyone? That should be interesting. I hope I don't live to see it.


Have a look here. Notice that congressional approval rating hasn't topped 30% since about 2009 (and even then, it was only briefly). It hasn't topped 50% since 2003, or so. Yet we still keep putting these same guys back into office???? The press goes nuts when Presidential approval rating dips below 40%, yet we rarely, if ever, hear about congressional (dis)approval.


That just pretty much proves my point. Americans have some intelligent individuals, but, taken collectively, we got nuthin on a box of rocks.

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Well just like you allude to with collectivism devaluing itself.

Of course congress will never enjoy the approval ratings of the presidency.

Since it is fractal in nature. Not only is it divided into 2 entities ( houses ) but then those houses are the epitome of fractal influence.


But there is an injustice people talk about with congress. That being 2 senators per state no matter the population. Which actually would work fine ... if we move more towards a european pact of alliance. Or add in a 3rd choice of tier between state and federal. Which I guess would be regional / political alignment. Some sort of separation so that our federal system isn't so broken from political strife.

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  • 3 months later...

This political divisiveness has always been here. Study the election of the second president of the United States if you have any doubt about this. The difference today is the speed and volume by which political statements can be delivered.


If the rights of ether the left or right are eliminated this country will perish.


Facebook and the other social media sites have made themselves into utilities, the same can be said for sites like Ebay and Amazon. It's time to start treating them as such.

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This political divisiveness has always been here. Study the election of the second president of the United States if you have any doubt about this. The difference today is the speed and volume by which political statements can be delivered.


If the rights of ether the left or right are eliminated this country will perish.


Facebook and the other social media sites have made themselves into utilities, the same can be said for sites like Ebay and Amazon. It's time to start treating them as such.

Political divisiveness has indeed always been around, but not quite on the scale we have today. Not so very long ago, both side could cooperate on various issues. Today? I think they have trouble agreeing what color the sky is..... and if one side says 'blue', the other side will scream "NO!! It ISN'T, it's aquamarine."


Today, it is more important to make sure the other side doesn't do anything that may get them positive attention. Even if both sides agree that some bill or other would benefit everyone, (which they wouldn't admit in public, unless THEIR side brought it up.) if it wasn't proposed by their party, they won't vote for it. Doesn't matter what their constituents want either. It's all about political points. And the country suffers for it.

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