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Respect censorship or to not respect censorship?


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Should censorship be respected or not respected online or in public places? Why do people deny censorship & yet it happens? I got a 30 dang day ban from face-book for talking about air-soft BB pistols. I think that is silly.

I agree, that's stupid. FB has gone WAY too politically correct.


But, it's situational. In your example, that's just idiotic. (on FB's part.)


Yeah. I know what you mean. They're doing this censorship crap on here too. I posted a Skyrim SE meme with my character and a picture of Anita Sarkeesian and not even 10 minutes later, my post gets flagged and removed by two Nexus admins. This censorship crap is bulls***. What happened to free speech you ask? Well good Dark Knight sir, here on this century it doesn't exist anymore.


....Mmmmmhmmmm...... :mad:


Free Speech doesn't apply here though. First, this is a 'private' forum, so, their house, their rules. And Second, Nexus is based in the UK, so, no First Amendment there at all in any event. :D



Considering these Tech companies are essentially a Monopoly created by Government intervention throws your "private forum" argument out the window.

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Censorship has been and is, now again.. a tool to suppress inconvenient truths.. whether it is FB, Twatters, Google or any or all MSM it´s just a way of "controlling" peoples mind-sets..I abhor Censorship in any form.. and i detest the "go-to" argument of the radical left that "it´s a privat company so.." no one, absolutely no one should be above the law, whether politicians, companies or individuals.. and the Law, in most Civilized Nations state that Free Speech is guaranteed.. but Censorship abounds these days because prissy miss dizzy and her co-horts ( of both sexes) believe that, one.. words are violence and , two.. that anyone dis-agreeing with any form of utopian and/or bat-crap crazy theory must be silenced because.. some sort of - ism.. the fact is that, Facts are censored and fantastical theories and calls for violence against the "unbelievers" are not.. the followers of "Woke" will not accept fact or reality and therefore, must censor out any semblance of reason coming from any that might question their ideologies.. from St. Greta to the latest child-abusing "trans" theory it´s just wrong, in the minds of the SoMe, the radicals and msm. so all who think "wrong" and all who oppose.. must be censored, doxed and hounded out of SoMe, jobs, carrees and possibly life...


TL;DR... Censorship is Fascism is Communism is BAD...

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All ideas should be examined. If an idea is bad it should be trivial to compellingly argue it down. If an idea is good it should be examined and considered, irrespective of the moral or political fashions of the time.

Ideally, that would be the case, however, in our current environment, just WHO suggests an idea determines if it gains any traction or not.

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Although I don't normally agree with censorship ... I agree with the sentiment that content that directly incites violence or hard to others, or legitimises violence should be censored.


Case in point is the controversy surrounding this piece of disgusting filth. There is NO justification for it to even exist, and this SHOULD be censored and banned!


Apparently even 4CHAN banned people from posting screenshots or images about, so you KNOW it must be really disgusting. :sick:



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No surprise. Liberals are attempting to make pedophilia a legitimate sexual identity.

I think its more a 'lifestyle' thing, than a sexual identity. Don't think I have seen anyone that identifies as an exploited child......


I don't think its just the liberals either. Fair few right-wingers were hangin' out with Jeffrey Epstein as well. Liberals just seem to be a bit more vocal about it.

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