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What was your last good laugh in skyrim?


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I like doing things like waking up the centurion in the Nchardak workshop and then stand back & watch Neloth do battle, hollering the whole time, but eventually winning. That's funny.


My last good laugh was from Dragonmonse's Lakeview manor mod. The basement has 2 way portals to various places in skyrim and also has skeleton guards in said basement. An Argonian maid ( not sure who) ported to basement, was attacked by the basement guards and eventually fled through The Frozen Hearth portal with my basement guards in hot pursuit. Bedlam broke out as they chased her around Frozen Hearth and Nelacar joined the fray throwing fireballs at my guards. The Argonian eventually fled back into the basement through the portal, followed by the guards and Nelacar on the heels of the guards. I got the feeling I was watching an old Marx Bro's. movie. Funny stuff!

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I've had many recent chuckles from the dialogue combinations of my various traveling companions. Some were just part of the inter-mod planned dialogue and some were a coincidence. Between Inigo, Auri, Lucien, Recorder, M'rissi, and several of the Interesting NPCs there is a probability this will continue throughout my playthrough.

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I have some immersive mods. One being private needs. Can be a pain when heading into a fight with a dragon and then you need to make your character comfortable again. Any way one time my character was quietly doing the necessary and then the poop sound. At this moment Esbern turned and said yes Dragon born how can I help or word to that effect. So I guess my character does talk a load of s#*! after all. As posted some of the banter between followers etc is amazing at times.

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Was doing the usual stuck-in-the-stone tactic when hunting on several Whiterun giant camps.


All is well and fun, until this one giant suddenly teleported into my position in the stones. The battle took a sudden turn from arrows and chill into whack n panick. Then my character died and I burst into laughter, thought that I was outsmarted the game. But the game outplayed me in return.


When I thought about it, the giant goes like https://www.myinstants.com/instant/omae-wa-mou-shindeiru-nani-494/ when he jumped on me, catching me off guard with its mighty club.

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I was using Elianora's Beginner's Shack home (the one on the path South and above Riverwood) on a new game when I stepped out to begin a day's adventuring. Right into a clutch of bandits who'd been apparently traveling the road and had probably stopped because the "sandboxing" opportunities on the front porch attracted their attention. Well, my horse was right there, but hadn't gone hostile to the bandits until I stepped out the door. My dog had followed me of course. Then the fecal matter hit the rotary cooling device as everyone started fighting. Naturally, instead of drawing my sword, I accidentally hit the use key and stepped back into the house. Since my horse, dog and all the bandits were in combat together, they ALL teleported into the tiny little main room of my house along with me. What ensued was a classic Benny Hill moment with flailing horse hooves, snarling dog snaps and bandits screaming in pain and uttering curses as the fight erupted all around me confined into a tiny little area. I couldn't even swing my sword because I couldn't see anything through the mass of struggling bodies. I finally gave up, retreated up the ladder to the loft, and let my dog and horse sort them out.


On the bright side, I had fun later posing the bandit's bodies on the chairs and then using them for target practice.

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