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What is with all the sex mods?


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My blocking-button has been very active recently. It really solves the problem for me having to look at those ridiculous unrealistic boobs and skimpy outfits, at least in the hot-files :cool: So this is no big issue for me.


Seriously, every time I see a boob mod I think for myself; "Have you male teens even a clue as to how heavy and uncomfortable such huge "atomic" breasts are, and how quickly they would lead to spine problems and as consequence of it a hunchback within only a couple of years? - Think a hunchback is sexy?" .


Or for the skimpy stuff - thinking it in a sarcastic voice; "Yea right. If I as a real life woman would live in a time where murdering and raping raider- and gunner-gangs are going rampart, radiations is around every corner, and the few roads are all broken; I would definitely run around with a pair of hot-pants, stilettos and some band aids over my nipples" - sigh :pinch: :laugh:

I'm willing to respond. It's not about realism. It's about emphasising bodily features. The same happens with men. Overly muscular or overly armored in such a way that you wouldn't be able to move at all. For men and women this is slightly different. Emphasis for women is on curves, breasts and butt. Emphasis for men is on muscular tone, chest size and arms. Of course, different people, different tastes.


It kind of feels like you're offended by it. You shouldn't be. There are women with small, normal and huge breasts in real life. Huge breasts can insue back problems, especially if you're into sports. I have three women in my family who did breast reduction to increase their quality of life both physically and mentally. Other women do enjoy big breasts. I've met them and they manage just fine. And they are very offended by men and women attacking those body types. Blindly assaulting these mods is also kind of assaulting the women with these body types (not talking about the extreme ones). So be mindful. It's not just about you.

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So there's overly sexualized male mods? Where, alls I see are chicks in thongs and/or with moon-sized boobs. CBBE is the most popular mod in all of beth-modding, yet it only applies for females there are no male-bodyslide mods that work. It also doesn't help that the majority of mod-tubers have overly sexualized female characters running around the commonwealth in nothing by some torn jeans and a bikini top.

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A bikini top is imo nothing special (they looking just nice, that is all, nothing more). As long, as we talk about normal bikinis and not 1 pixel things.


There are many skimpy-male clothing armors/clothes out there and also many "stereotype" male mods. Honestly, if you really search them, I don't think you need to search them for long. In skyrim you see very often mods like that popping up (not as much the females ones, but still...) and also Fallout 4 has already a big number of those mods.

Edited by taryl80
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So there's overly sexualized male mods? Where, alls I see are chicks in thongs and/or with moon-sized boobs. CBBE is the most popular mod in all of beth-modding, yet it only applies for females there are no male-bodyslide mods that work. It also doesn't help that the majority of mod-tubers have overly sexualized female characters running around the commonwealth in nothing by some torn jeans and a bikini top.

I'm not saying specifically for Fallout. I'm saying games in general. If there's men, they are huge. If they wear armor, it's always cumbersome, illogical and unpractical. There's people complaining about the flimsy armor a "female elf ranger" is wearing, but they don't comment on the armor the big barbarian dude is wearing that will kill him if he takes one step in it. Men and women are sexualized in different ways. Tha's just how it is. And then you also have the sexualization of men to be more feminine and gay. The pretty boys that are also strong, reliable, charismatic, sweet, intelligent and can do anything. Plus it may be very interesting if they're also into other men at the same time. That's what a lot of women envision. Is that reality?


And there are male mods in the Fallout nexus. I do not use them, but I've seen them. Don't know if there's a body replacer for men.


CBBE was created by a woman by the way. Yes you can make a rediculous body with it. Your choice.

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I'm willing to respond. It's not about realism. It's about emphasising bodily features. The same happens with men. Overly muscular or overly armored in such a way that you wouldn't be able to move at all. For men and women this is slightly different. Emphasis for women is on curves, breasts and butt. Emphasis for men is on muscular tone, chest size and arms. Of course, different people, different tastes.


It kind of feels like you're offended by it. You shouldn't be. There are women with small, normal and huge breasts in real life. Huge breasts can insue back problems, especially if you're into sports. I have three women in my family who did breast reduction to increase their quality of life both physically and mentally. Other women do enjoy big breasts. I've met them and they manage just fine. And they are very offended by men and women attacking those body types. Blindly assaulting these mods is also kind of assaulting the women with these body types (not talking about the extreme ones). So be mindful. It's not just about you.


I am not offended why should I be? It is just my own personal opinion that those mods are absolute immature, ludicrous and cringe-worthy :wink: I can assure you that I am not the only woman, hell not even the only man to think so. I daresay that a majority of women would probably think the same.

It is within our rights to do so as well, but you certainly won't see me leaving nasty comments on any of those mods (and therefore attacking anybody). That's why the good people of nexus gave us the content- and author blocking button.


And I am not talking about "normal" CBBE either (in fact I use that version of it for "Fusion City" as well), but about the absolutely over the top ridiculous breasts combined with a completely unnatural wasp-waistline and small-shouldered body frame (but huge hips of course) as seen in the likes of "Atomic" Bodies. Those are totally out of proportion, would lead to massive back problems before the age of 25 and I can safely say I have never seen a real life woman with such a body form (that didn't have implants, nowadays everything is possible), nor have there been any women here in this thread saying "hey I look exactly like this, and I feel offended by your comment about "atomic"-breasts."


To my knowledge, there are no such over the top body-forms for men available, and judging by the poses shown in the screenshots for skimpy outfits for males in all the Bethesda-Games, they do not exactly seem to be targeted at us women either :wink: But I am also not complaining about those, nor have I called for a ban to sex mods on Nexus. I was just saying that I use my blocking button on sex mods, and I voiced my own personal opinion about them. As there already exists a whole dedicated hosting site just for those I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to do so.


Luckily there is absolutely no obligation for me or anyone else here to like those mods as there is absolutely no obligation for me or anyone here to like all the body forms out there (that even goes for real life you know). Again, you won't see me leaving nasty comments on the mods themselves, but you have to deal with the fact that as many people (both men and women) will roll their eyes whenever they see those mods as as there are people who like them. People are different and have different preferences. That goes both ways.

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I'm willing to respond. It's not about realism. It's about emphasising bodily features. The same happens with men. Overly muscular or overly armored in such a way that you wouldn't be able to move at all. For men and women this is slightly different. Emphasis for women is on curves, breasts and butt. Emphasis for men is on muscular tone, chest size and arms. Of course, different people, different tastes.


It kind of feels like you're offended by it. You shouldn't be. There are women with small, normal and huge breasts in real life. Huge breasts can insue back problems, especially if you're into sports. I have three women in my family who did breast reduction to increase their quality of life both physically and mentally. Other women do enjoy big breasts. I've met them and they manage just fine. And they are very offended by men and women attacking those body types. Blindly assaulting these mods is also kind of assaulting the women with these body types (not talking about the extreme ones). So be mindful. It's not just about you.


I am not offended why should I be? It is just my own personal opinion that those mods are absolute immature, ludicrous and cringe-worthy :wink: I can assure you that I am not the only woman, hell not even the only man to think so. I daresay that a majority of women would probably think the same.

It is within our rights to do so as well, but you certainly won't see me leaving nasty comments on any of those mods (and therefore attacking anybody). That's why the good people of nexus gave us the content- and author blocking button.


And I am not talking about "normal" CBBE either (in fact I use that version of it for "Fusion City" as well), but about the absolutely over the top ridiculous breasts combined with a completely unnatural wasp-waistline and small-shouldered body frame (but huge hips of course) as seen in the likes of "Atomic" Bodies. Those are totally out of proportion, would lead to massive back problems before the age of 25 and I can safely say I have never seen a real life woman with such a body form (that didn't have implants, nowadays everything is possible), nor have there been any women here in this thread saying "hey I look exactly like this, and I feel offended by your comment about "atomic"-breasts."


To my knowledge, there are no such over the top body-forms for men available, and judging by the poses shown in the screenshots for skimpy outfits for males in all the Bethesda-Games, they do not exactly seem to be targeted at us women either :wink: But I am also not complaining about those, nor have I called for a ban to sex mods on Nexus. I was just saying that I use my blocking button on sex mods, and I voiced my own personal opinion about them. As there already exists a whole dedicated hosting site just for those I don't see why I shouldn't be allowed to do so.


Luckily there is absolutely no obligation for me or anyone else here to like those mods as there is absolutely no obligation for me or anyone here to like all the body forms out there (that even goes for real life you know). Again, you won't see me leaving nasty comments on the mods themselves, but you have to deal with the fact that as many people (both men and women) will roll their eyes whenever they see those mods as as there are people who like them. People are different and have different preferences. That goes both ways.


I think we're on the same page. You're just expressing it in a negative way. Your choice in words is also poor. Saying it's immature is attacking the people that choose these body types. But you misunderstand something. It's a game. It's for fun. It's not supposed to be realistic. Is it lore friendly? No, but a lot of the stuff on the nexus isn't, but you're specifically targetting a mod and the people that use it that handles the female body. You say you're not offended, but there is no other reason for you saying what you are saying if you aren't offended. Think hard and deep on this.


Also, check out this picture: https://res.cloudinary.com/jerrick/image/upload/f_auto,fl_progressive,q_auto,c_fit,w_768/tiprwmhcywj03dkbpraf


Is any of that realistic? No of course not. It's fun because it isn't realistic. Men have huge muscles, women have "perfect bodies".


Choosing a bombshell body type is obviously linked to some level of perversion. I don't mean that in a negative way mind you. I think it's healthy to express yourself in video games and art. Remember that video games are a way to step out of the real world. Applying fantasy and imagination is important to people. Also to you. The fact that you choose different fantasies to apply is your right, but don't step on other peoples fantasies. You wouldn't like it if people stepped on yours either.

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You guys like this stuff, the OP and I and many others don't. I am still not offended by it, but me and my partner still laugh out loud whenever we see such a mod (so yeah, that would fit the description of it being ridiculous for us pretty well) and I wouldn't even know how to describe it any other-way (maybe laughable? English is not my first language). I really don't even have to think hard about that one. If you feel attacked, that's your problem not mine.


What about specific my post bothers you so much? There are others in this thread that actually are much more opinionated, direct and aggressive than mine and I didn't attack any specific mod-authors nor do I know what kind of mods you are making (if any). You also don't have to explain yourself to me as to why you like those kind of mods or even make them. On the other hand, I am not going to lie about my opinion or cover it in a huge bag of cotton-candy, as I don't expect such things from others in this thread or the mod authors themselves.


And of course it is not realistic. Hey I play and enjoy Fusion City and OAR even though they are not immersive. As for the Marvel or DC-Comics, I never liked them, nor their body-shapes. I mean they always clearly show mature men and woman around 25 but describe them as being "teens". However, Comics and their over-the-top body shapes are absolutely not the topic here. I mean nobody claims that the body shapes in Asterix are any more "realistic" either.


So you can deal with my opinion and accept it, or you can feel attacked by it. You don't have to like it, I can deal with that. In fact many young men on these forums right now might think of me as a opinionated old bag, and I can deal with that too. In any case I won't change my opinion nor will I stop laughing at or rolling my eyes in the future while hitting that "block"-button. Thank god mind control hasn't been invented yet.

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You're making the assumption that I am defending myself. I am not. I don't use those mods and I don't feel attacked by it either. In your replies you're full of assumptions. all I am doing is making you aware of how you come across, regardless of your intention. Throwing insults around like immature and male teens. You're clearly upset about something.


I'm also not one of the young teens you're describing. I'm willing to bet I'm older than you. You're simply sitting behind your computer screen envisioning an illusion of people you're talking to.

Edited by AeonsLegend
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As a guy who worked closely within the P&P RPG (AND fantasy-novel) industry for over ten years, I have seen this same type of argument used against artists who drew primarily scantily clad females, and the books that had such illustrations.


And I find it disgusting. Not the work itself, mind you - I am also an artist (a fantasy cartographer... you can google my name). I find it disgusting that people would want any type of art (and there s quite a bit I, myself, don't enjoy and find questionable) to be censored. There was a pope who was so offended by all the penises (offended? Or turned on?) on statues that he went around the Vatican and hacked them all off. destroyed millions of dollars worth of irreplaceable art BECAUSE OF HIS PERSONAL OPINION. That's where censorship leads - a stifling of personal freedoms.


And that's why we have 'decision by consensus' - because not every one person's opinion is the correct one. That's why they are called 'opinions', not 'facts'. The problem in this country (and across a lot of the world) today, as I see it, is that a LOT of people think their OPINIONS need to be made law.


So while I do not belittle you for your lack of enjoyment of the human body - which in itself is a work of art (in all its myriad shapes and forms) - please DO NOT belittle others who do not share your opinion. I am 55 years old, and I wouldn't enjoy the game as much without CBBE - its pretty much 'the standard' for this game now. I also use Classy Chassis; I used to just use the stand-alone, but now I've tried the replacer and think I'll switch back for my next play-through. I love the mod - its done with class - but I don't think everyone in the Commonwealth needs to be dressed like that. I am more about immersion. There is another mod that is even more revealing (way more, IMO) that does the same thing, and I won't use that. I can appreciate it for what it is, but at some point 'practicality' outweighs 'comfort'... also, IN MY OPINION. Which means, none of that should have any bearing on anyone else's level of enjoyment of the medium. Even I don't have enough hubris to universally declare other people's opinions 'wrongful'. Because that is what YOU are doing when you start name-calling. Its a childish way of trying to lessen other people's opinions of the person you consider your 'opposition'. Its basically an immature strawman argument. There is a certain demographic in this country who excel at it (a demographic, I might add, that I was once considered part of, being an artist).


But I am certainly NOT an adolescent teenager. I wish I were. If I knew back then what I know now I'd be dangerous. ;)

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Guys, I really do not need an explanation as to why you either do or do not use these mods. I don't care how old you are, and I never called any of you a teen male or immature either (and since when is "male teen" considered to be an insult anyway??).


I am however making assumptions about the mod authors when I see those kind of mods, who doesn't?? We see a building mod we assume the mod author likes building. We see the 10th follower mod by the same author and we might assume the author is a tad bit lonely. We see a technical mod and we automatically assume the guy who made it is into technical stuff and coding. We see a mod of a follower with totally unrealistic over-sexual body features and we assume the person who made is has currently raging hormones (which is by nature most prevalent in teens and yes, most teens are immature that's why they are still teens). Where exactly is the problem here, and who gives you the right to put yourself onto the moral high-ground here?

And why do you keep projecting your own problems on me. I haven't made a single assumption about you (in fact I have made it clear it didn't matter to me and that I wasn't interested in who you were and what mods you used) yet you claimed from the beginning that I must feel somehow attacked or upset and that I would assume you all to be teens. Really? Please show me.



The only reason for me to get upset is if people try to impose their own view on other people by telling them what to think and which words to use to describe their opinion. And yes, up and until now I didn't have a single reason to get upset or angry, but now I guess you have reached your goal.


@MarkusTay: I definitely never ever, not even for a second, asked for those mods to be removed or censored. If you read that then I kindly ask you to re-read my posts. And I am by no means against aesthetic bodies either.

And yes I know which demographic you mean and I am definitively not part of it, even though scientists (I am one) normally tend towards that demographic as well. Actually, the reason I defend my own personal opinion here is just that; I have never called anyone any names (I have however clearly stated my personal opinion of certain types of mods) but I am being chastised for using the "wrong wording" because I call mods (not people) that TO ME personally are immature and ludicrous just that. How's that for thought control and censorship?


I stated it clearly; people can have their fantasies as much as they want, but don't expect everyone to like them.This is the Nexus Fallout 4 General Discussion Forum, and I have to assume that different opinions are acceptable here. Would I go over to Lovers-Lab and voice my opinion about those mods there? Sure not, because A) I have absolutely no reason to and B) because that then would really be "stepping on someones fantasies".

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