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To much empty space


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Vortex could be cool but.....


I first tried to change my categories around. Its a pain. Everything scroll scroll and more scrolling because each category is in its own little box, with lots of pretty space around it. It looks great but its a pain to move it around. MO is much better. You go into a separate dialog, click right click select and action, no dragging around little boxes.


You need a compressed version of the interface, where it looks more like a file system (in MO I switch to the compressed download so that I can see more of them at once and love it). It may be that there is all ready and I just have not seen it. Right now I find it so irritating to scroll through a bunch of downloaded mods and find the one you want when you cant think of the name of it that I am just using MO for a while longer till I have more time to play with this.


I like detail view in Windows explore because its tight, and I can get more on the screen. A template for the interface that would make everything tight, textual and less graphical would be great as it would allow a person to more easily edit/move stuff.


It does look really good, but its less usable with all that empty space everywhere.


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Admittedly though, he's right. I would prefer a much more condensed and cleaner theme as well. The Compact theme is a good start however, it's just not quite there yet.

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