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Mods Enabled in Vortex not active in game


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Ok, so I created a new folder D:\ Vortex and pointed the Mod Staging Folder setting here. I disabled and re-enabled the mods and now there are files in that folder corresponding to the mods.


Now the Deployment Method shows Symlink Deployment and I have no other option, Hardlink Deployment is not on the dropdown.


Mods are not working.


What do I do now?

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What do you mean "Mods are not working"? Some more details, please? Are they enabled in the Plugins tab? How do you see that they're not working? Which game are you modding? What are your mods?

My original post has a pic that shows the mods, and that the game is Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I also explained to another poster that the mods are supposed to cause the aiming reticle to remain on screen when using a bow, and to eliminate the hand shaking while using the bow, and neither effect is happening in game after installing and activating the mod. Yes, they were deployed (settings on auto deploy) and all plugins are enabled.

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  • 3 months later...

I have the same problem with Skyrim SE.


Some mods are downloaded, enabled, sucessfully deployed, but arent active in game...


  1. Please don't resurrect threads that have been dead for a while (it's one of the forum etiquettes that most, if not all forums have, but is so common that it becomes an unsaid rule).
  2. Going to need a bit more information then that to help you out. What mods have you deployed but are not active in game? How do you know that they are not active in game? Do you have other mods that are overwriting it?
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  • 8 months later...

"Neither of these effects are happening in game. Also, after starting this thread, I tried to add a different mod to allow saving anytime, and that ALSO does not work. The game still uses a savior schnapps when I save. "


I have all these mods as well. Steam is in C drive, Mods are also in C drive under users, myself, appdata, roaming, vortex, Kingdomcome.


So I have the directory set, they are installed and enabled, they are the latest versions, even tired different mods that did the same thing, none of them are showing up in game

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...


So no one ever figured out how to help these people eh? Same issue. Vortex stinks and doesn't do anything.



How many 1 and 2 year old threads are you going to keep necroing?


All you're doing is complaining and not even stating what your problem is.

How can anybody help you?



Is it so hard to undestand? What do you need more?? The problem was stated: mod was downloaded, installed and deployed but doesn't seem to work. Mod Staging Folder is set on the same harddrive as the game is installed. So the settings should be fine.

Also, I don't see a problem by necromancing dead posts if it's the same problem, instead of create new threads of the same problem over and over. Then when you look for the problem, you get a hundred threads...


And yeah, I also have the same problem as stated.


Here from the kcd.log:

[Mod] Loading mods from mods/mod_order.txt
[Mod] 7 mods loaded from mods/mod_order.txt
->does not work
[Mod] 'UnlimitedWeight12071562151867' has no version restrictions in manifest
[Mod] mods/SectorialLockpickingOccultSymbolsVersion321/mod.manifest not found
->does work
[Mod] 'FirstpersonHerbPicking3661951583164522' has no version restrictions in manifest

UnlimitedWeight does not work, but FirstPersonHerbPicking does work, but both have the same message. Whereas SectorialLockpicking has that mod.manifest error.


But later in the log:

Loading lua init script for mod unlimited_weight ...
Loading lua init script for mod first-person_herb_picking ...
Loading lua init script for mod sectoriallockpickingoccultsymbolsversion321 ...
[Mod] Opening paks in mods/UnlimitedWeight12071562151867/data/levels/rataje/*.pak

Like it was loading it successfully...

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So no one ever figured out how to help these people eh? Same issue. Vortex stinks and doesn't do anything.



How many 1 and 2 year old threads are you going to keep necroing?


All you're doing is complaining and not even stating what your problem is.

How can anybody help you?



Is it so hard to undestand? What do you need more?? The problem was stated: mod was downloaded, installed and deployed but doesn't seem to work. Mod Staging Folder is set on the same harddrive as the game is installed. So the settings should be fine.

Also, I don't see a problem by necromancing dead posts if it's the same problem, instead of create new threads of the same problem over and over. Then when you look for the problem, you get a hundred threads...


And yeah, I also have the same problem as stated.





It's better to start a NEW thread, as the Moderators keep stating, because this thread was started in 2018 on a much older version of Vortex AND KCD.


People keep popping up at the end of old threads and adding "Me Too"

Make a new post with the details you posted here, because many things have changed between KCD and Vortex, you'll get help a LOT quicker if people see the thread is NEW rather than an old thread being Necroed.

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