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Why The Elder Scrolls: Online Is Going to Suck



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  1. 1. Is TES: Online going to suck?

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Having watched the first gameplay video of The Elder Scrolls: Online, here are the reasons why it is going to suck, terribly:


1. There are three factions, but they are all trying to do the same thing.

2. The fact that your character is confined to a faction means that quests will rarely have any element of choice or freedom to them.

3. You cannot explore territory outside of your faction.


4. There are classes (such as mage, warrior, etc.).

5. There are abilities on an action bar, which means it will feel like a WoW-esque button masher.

6. The fact that there are class specific abilities means it will not be viable to play as a mixed-class (mage with a bow, etc.).


7. Perhaps most important of all, it is not actually being made by Bethesda.


Overall, what this means is that the company making the game (ZeniMax Online Studios) is making it just like every other MMO: by taking a fun concept then restricting the s*** out of it until there is no freedom or choice and it is boring as hell.

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I you believe it will suck... then it will suck.


Once you have it, you could either rage about all the things you don't like it and turn playing it into a frustrating experience. Or you could try to find ways to get enjoyment out of regardless of how good or bad it is.


Whether you focus your time and energy on the negative or the positive is up to you.

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Guys, expect see at least 50 more of these threads on this forum before the game actually releases.


Regarding videogames, I'm pretty cynical, but at least I wait until a game is out and I've played it myself before I start going on about how much it sucks.

Edited by Halororor
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you know Bethesda is a part of ZeniMax right? its not like some random company is working on this. its still the same company.


Not true. Bethesda is part of "ZeniMax Media" but TES: Online is being created by "ZeniMax Online Studios", which has none of the people from Bethesda in it.


And as for the rest of you, complaining about my negativity, I have valid reasons for thinking it's gonna suck. If I saw an asteroid heading straight at me you can bet I'd say "this is gonna suck" and I'd be right.

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I can't really share your point, it seems like you're complaining it's an MMO and that it's not made by bgs. It's quite clear it is as...it is, so what? It's not an official title by bethesda game studio but by zenimax online. It's going to more lore friendly than a spin off and no it's not skyrim/oblivion/morrowind online. Duh :rolleyes:, it is impossible anyway in terms of having both a good single as mmo experience.


It's better of them to move more towards an MMO and separating themselves from the traditional tes-gameplay genre than to stick copy pasting and reaching a limited audience and with those people complaining it's not a Skyrim online game. A MMO audience is totally different from one that plays single player games, the ES MMO tries a shot at combining it a bit... but it stays a MMO and not a traditional tes game.


I wouldn't even try TESO if that was the case, I'd just play the single player game instead. If you're disappointed it's not a skyrim/oblivion/morrowind online, it's probably time to step out of that dream. They aren't going to make that, probably never. The community tries it with each TES game, but so far they've never truly succeeded either and even if... they always have the chance of being closed down by bethesda.


Call me bold, but it is just the way it goes :wink:.

Edited by Pronam
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I can't really share your point, it seems like you're complaining it's an MMO and that it's not made by bgs. It's quite clear it is as...it is, so what? It's not an official title by bethesda game studio but by zenimax online. It's going to more lore friendly than a spin off and no it's not skyrim/oblivion/morrowind online. Duh :rolleyes:, it is impossible anyway in terms of having both a good single as mmo experience.


It's better of them to move more towards an MMO and separating themselves from the traditional tes-gameplay genre than to stick copy pasting and reaching a limited audience and with those people complaining it's not a Skyrim online game. A MMO audience is totally different from one that plays single player games, the ES MMO tries a shot at combining it a bit... but it stays a MMO and not a traditional tes game.


I wouldn't even try TESO if that was the case, I'd just play the single player game instead. If you're disappointed it's not a skyrim/oblivion/morrowind online, it's probably time to step out of that dream. They aren't going to make that, probably never. The community tries it with each TES game, but so far they've never truly succeeded either and even if... they always have the chance of being closed down by bethesda.


Call me bold, but it is just the way it goes :wink:.


There's a helluva lot of difference between making "Skyim Online" and "World of Elder Scrolls". Judging by their first gameplay video, it reeks of WoW clone. What's that MMO design method? Ah, right -- take an interesting game idea and then restrict the crap out of it and convert normal gameplay into a button-mashing action bar.


They're sure taking a bold step into the MMO world! Really breaking the mold.

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Here's a thing... I don't really care. There are plenty of people who are going to going to buy this (not me) and all the reasons that you have listed are subjective and have no bearing on the final product. I could go on about how Skyrim is overated without going into subjective matters such as "I don't like X". Please give me better reasons why I should care about your post
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