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Site and NMM updates, social networking features incoming


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I just wanted to add a suggestion for a future feature/modification - I like the new layout personally (from a mod author perspective), no complaints - but I would like to eventually be able to prioritize mod news based on the mod author - so I can see what is important to me right at the top of my feed. :)


Anyway thanks for making it easier to keep track of mod comments! I like that they are on the front page and organized in the way that they are.

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Well, this whole layout affair is bit similar to a huge mod overhaul. And mod overhauls almost always lack the options. There might be a super awesome overhaul out there which however got some things that ruins it for you completely and you just don't have an option to disable it in the overhaul. So what this layout lacks, is in particular one certain option. The option to switch back to the old layout we had before. I'm not interested in feeds and such stuff, i'm with Dante on that point. What literally annoys me though is the positioning of the hot files / latest files / images section. We are all used for years now to have the mods nicely lined up horizontally on the main page and when i saw the new layout today that was like a punch in the face for me :ohdear: .
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I am not into social networking sites, believe me it's not just your friends that follow you, or even the trolls if you are unfortunate (which is why I don't do Facebook), but your employer or prospective employer can do their sneaky it is, yess preciousss, snooping thing on you. Don't let's get them joining Nexus as well because they think it's a social networking site! Let them continue to see it as a modding site and they'll stay away.


Ok, but how would your employer link your real life name to your account on the Nexus without you telling them or without you being daft enough to give your real name, among other personally identifiable information, with your account? If you've done that, then this feeds feature isn't the first feature on the site that lets you see what sort of stuff you're in to. All they'd have to do is go to your profile, see what mods and images you've uploaded and check your posting history...


I understand your fear, but I think it's misplaced in this specific feature, unless you're airing an area you'd rather we didn't delve in to but haven't seen yet, in which case, I can say I think it's very unlikely we will.


We're still working on some improvements, especially to the latest files and latest images tabs, and making the preferences more obvious, so once we've rolled them out I'll do another news post for people to get hysterical over. Until then, keep up the constructive criticism and we'll work on trying to swing you around to our thinking.

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Oops I meant to quote selectvely from Dark0ne's post but my smartphone is being...not very smart.


No Robin, I don't put anything incriminating on here or use my real name,etc,etc. But whether it's snoopers or trolls, it does occur to me that going for the social network feel makes the site more susceptible to that.

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No Robin, I don't put anything incriminating on here or use my real name,etc,etc. But whether it's snoopers or trolls, it does occur to me that going for the social network feel makes the site more susceptible to that.


I can understand that and we'll try to avoid going over-the-top. The way I see it, the current feeds merely amalgamate in to one place multiple different and current features that already allow you to see what other people are up to here; some of the feeds just make that easier. We know we're not Facebook, but we also know that some people have made good friends here and like to network with their friends. I'm also aware some people don't give a rats-arse about that sort of stuff and are just here for the mods, so it's about finding the right balance.


As it is it's been less than 24 hours since we released this on Skyrim Nexus, and there's lots of work to do still.

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There is a major issue with the File News feature. Currently, the amount of text that is displayed in the article preview is very short; probably 150 characters or less. However, it would seem that the section will render extremely large vertical images. Right now there are two very tall, duplicate images posted by the same author. This is unfair to any mod authors that have something to actually discuss (an actual article) than post large images. Either there needs to be a cap placed on the maximum vertical resolution (preferable), or I should be able to display more than 3 lines of text in this section.


If this doesn't get resolved, you're going to see this section of the page spammed with basically nothing but images that consume huge swaths of vertical image space. I could even post my article text as an image, to get around the text length limit of these posts. The abuse potential is high.


I also see no mechanism to "report" an article to bring it to the attention of a moderator.


Please address this as soon as you can. Thank you, and thanks for bringing these new features to the site.

Edited by Chesko
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Any chance we'll get an option to switch back to the old frontpage layout? It might just be me, but I actually liked the old one a lot more than the new one...
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I think one of the problems at the moment is the feed layout look very untidy, probably off putting to first time users who do judge a site by its cover. On the latest mod fees, the image does not seem to even have any float css styling applied to it, and the text looks ugly as it just starts at the bottom of the image. All very 90s. Could it not look something a little akin to this please in the future.



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Im sad to say that i think my use of the nexus is starting to diminish because of these changes, and its not because of the introduction of social network features which is an argument all on it own, but the way they were introduced, dump on us and thrown into the spotlight without any consultation into the effect that it could have. I feel like Dark0ne is saying, This is the way things are, your opinion dosent matter
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