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Site and NMM updates, social networking features incoming


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  On 7/5/2012 at 9:53 AM, Dark0ne said:

I'm wondering if most of the people complaining have noticed you've got a load of new options in your preferences to manipulate what you see in the feeds. ....


So yeah, it would be good if the people complaining about the social networking features could acknowledge that they're aware they can customise things to have it absolutely ignored.


Were these preference additions announced in a news item somewhere??? Had I not read to the last page of this thread, I'd not have been aware of these options.

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Same thoughts of The Vampire Dante. I dislike the way things have been moved for the feeds section to be the main focus. I only look at the feeds if i see a Gopher video.

All I care about are hot files and latest files...and now I have to scroll to get to them...


The site structure should have been kept the same, and the tabs added to the site news area, not a total mess up...

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@ Dark0ne



I'm wondering if most of the people complaining have noticed you've got a load of new options in your preferences to manipulate what you see in the feeds. Don't like seeing who's commented on what? Turn it off, then the tracked file feed will only show you when an author adds new stuff to one of your tracked files. Don't like the tracked files feed and just want to see what new files have been uploaded, or the site news? Set your default feed to Latest files or Site news and ignore the other feeds.


So yeah, it would be good if the people complaining about the social networking features could acknowledge that they're aware they can customise things to have it absolutely ignored.



It might have been helpful in your description of the changes and new features to have let all of us know that there were now add options to our preferences. In the almost three years I have been a member I have check my preferences four times, when I first joined, when I paid for my life time premium membership, when I had to change my e-mail address and now after reading your comment.


I going to step out on a limb hear and take a guess that most of us don’t check or change our preferences that often. After reading your comment I have checked and changed mine (set it to latest files) and it’s a little better. However the core of the Nexus is its accesses to mods not it’s social features swap the columns give Hot files, Latest Files and Latest Images the space you gave the social features and put the Social features over were you have the mods and images now listed keeping Mods of the Month on top.


It’s your site, you started it, you maintain it, but without the games there would be no us and without us there would be no mods and without mods there would be no Nexus.

The Nexus and now SRE (and it is a link to the Nexus) are the only sites I up load to, allow my assets to be used, and state that in my description. I won’t leave but am a little disappointed in the new home page layout. After nine pages of 95% negative comments on the change you might reconsider the lay out.


@ Athyra

I use the BBC code and there has been no effect on my pages color and screen shots are still there.


@ The Vampire Dante

I think we are in agrement.



You got there before me.


Peace out


Edited by clintster74
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However the core of the Nexus is its accesses to mods not it’s social features swap the columns give Hot files, Latest Files and Latest Images the space you gave the social features and put the Social features over were you have the mods and images now listed keeping Mods of the Month on top.



I agree with clintster74 in this.I already knew that I could change what I see in the feeds.But I still wanted to voice my opinion and be counted as one among the 95% of people who dislike the new layout.It seems to me that the priorities of this site are now different.This site is about mods not social networking.People come here mainly to download mods,make mods,share images and give feedback and not to socialise or spark of revolutions or organise Occupy movements.Leave those things to Facebook and Twitter.


This new layout is clunky, messy and is probably not at all user friendly to new comers.People who join this site now would get the impression that the primary purpose of this site is social networking and the mods are a secondary feature of this site.This is because the mods section on the right is small and clustered while the feeds on the other hand are on the centre of the page and in your face.If you could swap the columns and move the feeds to the right side(which is smaller), and move the Hot files, Latest Files, Latest Images and Site news back to the centre of the page like it was before, it would satisfy a lot of people.


I'm surprised that despite the overwhelming negative response of the new layout you still refuse to make any changes according to the feedback.This is not just a matter of people finding it hard to adjust to change, This really IS a bad design imho and I dont think people are going to get used to the the new messy home page.

Edited by killergrimm
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I'm with Dante, 92DemonKing, clintster74 and killergrimm.


When the Skyrim Nexus front page went, as I thought, loopy on me whilst I was Skypeing with a friend (I have quite a few) (also a member here), at first I put it down to the fact that BT were messing around with the broadband exchange in my area AGAIN and my connection dropping off intermittently. Once internet was restored and it was still the same, the friend and I went through all the business of changing the preferences and such. And as killergrimm puts it, still the feeds are in your face.


I am not into social networking sites, believe me it's not just your friends that follow you, or even the trolls if you are unfortunate (which is why I don't do Facebook), but your employer or prospective employer can do their sneaky it is, yess preciousss, snooping thing on you. Don't let's get them joining Nexus as well because they think it's a social networking site! Let them continue to see it as a modding site and they'll stay away.

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  On 7/5/2012 at 12:25 PM, ginnyfizz said:

I'm with Dante, 92DemonKing, clintster74 and killergrimm.



I also agree with them on some terms ... what i would like to see, are the hot files arranged horizontally and underneath the main huge hot files shifting image, so that we can hover the mouse over the mod that caught our eye and read the description in peace.

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I am not into social networking sites, believe me it's not just your friends that follow you, or even the trolls if you are unfortunate (which is why I don't do Facebook), but your employer or prospective employer can do their sneaky it is, yess preciousss, snooping thing on you. Don't let's get them joining Nexus as well because they think it's a social networking site! Let them continue to see it as a modding site and they'll stay away.


Ok, but how would your employer link your real life name to your account on the Nexus without you telling them or without you being daft enough to give your real name, among other personally identifiable information, with your account? If you've done that, then this feeds feature isn't the first feature on the site that lets you see what sort of stuff you're in to. All they'd have to do is go to your profile, see what mods and images you've uploaded and check your posting history...


I understand your fear, but I think it's misplaced in this specific feature, unless you're airing an area you'd rather we didn't delve in to but haven't seen yet, in which case, I can say I think it's very unlikely we will.


We're still working on some improvements, especially to the latest files and latest images tabs, and making the preferences more obvious, so once we've rolled them out I'll do another news post for people to get hysterical over. Until then, keep up the constructive criticism and we'll work on trying to swing you around to our thinking.

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Can we go back to the old style, please? Feeds, really? I don't need to know what people are talking about. That's what facebook/twitter/other various crappy sites are for. Show me the hot/new mods. If Nexus is going to stay like this, I'll just use LL or the Steam Workshop instead. They still realize that people go to their sites for mods, not social networking.
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  On 7/5/2012 at 1:29 PM, bobbythecamel said:

What i would like to see, are the hot files arranged horizontally and underneath the main huge hot files shifting image, so that we can hover the mouse over the mod that caught our eye and read the description in peace.




I see what the new layout was supposed to achieve, and I think that was a good idea. But have the feeds under the Hot Files section with the big alternating picture. Not having it so kind of defeats the purpose of the picture.

The Hot Files were all I ever looked at, that and the drop-down 'files' menu.



Edited by Lapetus
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