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The Feed System


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During the implementation of the new site design, lots of people became annoyed and disappointed, stating how it would ruin the site and make it look worse and more complicated. Naturally, over time that settled and I for one love the site design as it is, it was just a case of adjusting to it. Today, I noticed that something new has been implemented to add improved features to the sites. This time however, I am not so convinced I will ever like it.


The feed system, I'm sorry to say, looks absolutely horrible, and completely ruins all the work previously done to make the sites look good. If I'm honest, it was so bad that my first assumption when seeing it was that I thought something was wrong with my display settings, or there was a bug with the Nexus. People come to the Nexus to find mods, and as such, that should be treated as the core feature. However, the way the feed system has been implemented makes it look like that's not the case anymore, and that the Nexus is becoming more like a social networking site.




Without the feed system where it is, all the important parts are together, with no pointless scrolling whatsoever. It looks professional, clean and well presented. Most of all, it looks good and functions properly.




With the feed system where it is, all the important parts have been broken up and moved to the side in a small space. A pointless amount of scrolling is required to actually view the Files of the Month box. It looks unprofessional, messed up and not well presented. As I previously said, it looks so bad that when I first saw it, I thought it was a bug.


Now, I don't mind the feed system existing, and I know it will serve a good purpose. However, what I don't like it its current placement. Personally, I think it would look a lot better if the feed system was either under a new tab, or in the existing News section, which is found beneath the Mod and Image boxes...


Like so.




I would rather not have to call this place "Nexbook" :P


Dark0ne, don't get me wrong, this is a brilliant idea and I love it, I just think it should be in a different place.

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Your view of the new system on FO3Nexus is wrong. It seems your CSS hasn't loaded, hence why it's looking rubbish. Try doing a hard refresh using Ctrl+F5.
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Done that, looks better now that a refresh has been done. I still think it would be good if the feed system was in the smaller box on the right, and the files in the bigger box on the left. The feeds would only partially show up, but you could perhaps add a way to hover over them to see the full thing. I'm not sure if this was also the CSS thing, but when I turned all feeds off, the feed box was still there. Is there a way to make it so that those who aren't interested in the feeds can turn them off completely, thus restoring the original design to how it is?
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We won't be maintaining two versions of the front page because it's just not efficient use of time, so I think you're going to have to get used to things the way they are now. We're planning to add the site news as a feed tab as well, so that will likely show as default if you choose to disable all your feeds.
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I think the feed system is too... in the way. Put the mod files stuff back to where it was, and just put the feed system on the side like where the mods stuff is now, and I think it would flow a whole lot better. While it's a nice feature, especially for mod authors as myself, making it the main of the page and just putting mods/images off to the side kind of feels like it defeats the purpose of the website. It should be more like with what we have with the "watched topics" feature on the forum. There for when you need it, but out of the way for when you don't want it. Just my opinion. :)


Edit; Also noticed the "Latest News" section was gone as well. Is it going to stay like that? I personally liked having that down there as I rarely come onto the forums to read news, and it was very useful to have right there.

Edited by jhardingame
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I also thought that the feeds looked too bad to be true (exactly like McclaudEagle's first screenie) so I checked here and found this thread. I am using Chrome and Dark0ne's ctrl-F5 solution didn't work for me, but opening the browsing history and choosing "Clear all browsing data", the restarting the browser fixed it.
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I have to be honest - The feed puts way too much emphasis on what's going on with the users of the site instead of what's going on with current and new mods. If it was out of the way, and the main focus was once again nearly on mods, I wouldn't mind it as much as I do now. Besides, I thought that was the original idea anyways?


Not to suggest anything, but these new "social" features is shifting the intended yet simple focus away from mod hosting and instead towards the social aspect of it, and that's likely to become a very complicated balancing act if you continue. You see, most well-known modders and mod groups open up their own site to make communication easier and more focused between dedicated fans and contributors of certain mods or mod projects - As Nexus is as now, adding social features into a place that feels cramped and claustrophobic tends not to work because despite all the features, you still have the potential of having to answer thousands of other people that have questions, comments, complaints against, or suggestions for your mod while in production, and that would be overwhelming compared to a small forum of a hundred or so that you could respect and listen to as much as they are willing to dedicate their time into improving a mod or encouraging a mod's continuation.


Hmm... Now that I think about it, why not open up subdomain site availability to premium modders who have a mod that has 1000+ endorsements on it? Or make them available for purchase, say something like $80 plus $20 per year?

Edited by ziitch
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Setting preferences to mods actually improves matters, there are more mods on the home page now than than there were on the old ones.



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